Sims 2 Female Amaz0ns

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  • #11475

    Well I have owned the sims 2 for a while now and I used to play it all the time but as of late I have found it to be a little repedative so I was looking for some game mods and I found an interesting one on where u can have female muscle on your adult girls! just take a look!

    # = a number from 0.01 to 10.00 and it will make the character taller or shorter. The only side effect of this is that it sometimes messes up some of the actions and if u make them too tall they get skinnier then twigs but hey play around with it!

    ALSO u may notice the female musle patch is still being experamented with so u can ONLY put that outfit on her!


    Good work.  Didn’t know it was possible to do fem muscle in a Sim game.



    cool now i finally have a reason to buy sims 2….

    i can make 2 muscular women kiss each other  :mrgreen:

    yah lol…i did that with the original sims….


    I made to muscle girls have sex in a hot tub 🙄

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