- This topic has 5 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 9 months ago by
January 13, 2005 at 12:03 am #2444
M Lee
ParticipantI totally forgot that I hadn’t posted this story on here.
The site is growing well, and I hope this story has a place here and is well received.
January 13, 2005 at 12:23 am #2445M Lee
ParticipantThe Amazonian Corset
By Apollo (aka Leondus)"Once upon a time, before the age and civilization that we know today, the
world was a sinister and savage place. The law was obeyed only by those who were to weak to oppose those who upheld it. In the wiley jungles of South America, it was upheld by women. But, not by any run-of-the-mill
women…Amazon Women. Women who posessed the speed of cheetahs, the agility of an insect, the strength of ten elephants, and the cunning of a jackal. A warrior class, seemed blessed by God, to rule and protect all. With any ruling class, there was a royal family. The matriarch of this family was Queen Noir-et-al. A goddess among the amazon race. Her height towered above all other amazons, with the strength to match. All other amazons loved, nurtured, and respected Noir in all her glory. She wore a corset, made of rawhide and lace, matching her skin tone in color. When the light of the full moon shone on it, it shone like the sun. Noir-et-al never removed the corset. Not to bathe, not to sleep. Rumor has it that she even wore it while engaging in sexual acts with her suitors–which never lasted long, due to her overpowering strength and amazonian sexual intensity. No other amazon–or human being for
that matter–ever challenged her. That is, until the white man came from the East. Man brought their destruction, and greed. Viscious battles ensued. Time and time again, the foreign threat was squelshed by Noir and her unbeatable army. Until one day. The foreigners devised a special plot. A symbolic plot that would hopefully bring the amazons to their knees. Very carefully they executed their plan. It seemed like an ambush, not much unlike dozens of others that failed miserably. They’d captured two amazon women in a 20 foot deep pit which they’d dug, and waited for Noir to come to the rescue. They weren’t disappointed as Noir came, as expeted. When she arrived, she was greeted with the usual hand to hand combatics. Suddenly, as soon as she’d disposed of the fourth attacker, lassos were seen coming from everywhere. They found their marks, around her neck, torso, and arms. Unknown to her, these
ropes were all tied to huge boulders, yards away, and simultaneously pushed off embankments. Each boulder had to weigh close to a ton, and Noir wasn’t ready to take that weight on her body. She was forced to the ground. Quickly, a man pounced onto her with a knife. Straddling her, her cut away her corset and flailed it in the air. This whole operation appartently was meant to embarass Noir and the amazons into submission. A violent scream emitted from Noir, in apparent outrage. She tore through her bindings and threw the man off of her. What came next was an outcome too impossible to predict. Noir seemed weakened. She shuddered as an awesome change overtook her. She was actually shrinking, losing muscle, losing strength, losing power. The men were shocked by what was transpiring, and smirked evily. They quickly beheaded Noir, throwing her headless remains off the nearby embankment. What made them even more happy what what occured next. They walked to the pit which still held the amazons they used for bait, they were pleased to find that they too had undergone the same transformation of losing their power and strength. Word spread amongst the men, and they quickly stormed and conquered what once was the amazon people. Noir and her people were wiped from existence. Noir’s corset was apparently the key. Like a crown to a king, literally gave her people power, and without that power, they were lost.This corset right here.", Dr. Tate pointed to a case with a tattered corset in it. "Of course, over the years time has worn on the corset. But, in it’s age, it shows the true beauty of the past. Legend has it that one day a noble descendant of Noir-et-al will return to claim this corset, and begin the charge to lead a new race of Amazon people. It will go on exhibit in a few days here at the museum, as soon as the South American Mythology exhibit is ready.". Ebony Wilcox, an uninterested onlooker popped
her gum in boredom. She only took this Ancient Mythology course to fulfill one of her college requirements. And, being of partial Spanish heritage, the thought that this class might interest her a little bit. But, she couldn’t
have been more bored. "Little Miss Know It All", didn’t feel she had time to
think of the past, let alone lend creedence to some "mythic mumbo-jumbo" as she liked to call it. Her life was modern science and technology–studying supercomputers, and planning to be the next Bill Gates–not being some new age Indiana Jones. Still, the corset seemed interesting, even to her. She rolled her eyes, trying not to show her interest, and moved on with the rest of her class. Through the remainder of her three hour long tour of "the inner workings of the museum of Archaelogy and Natural History", her mind continuously drifted off to the corset. "I wonder how heavy it is.", "Did that thing itch when that Noir-et-al chick wore it?", "Did she take it off to shower, or go to the bathroom? And what about when she had her period?". All of the questions needled Ebony, but she was "too cool" to waste her time asking Dr. Tate them. Periodically, Ebony would stop her train of thought and wonder why was she so interested in that corset. And, everytime, she could never come up with an answer. That night, Ebony couldn’t get any sleep. She just kept on having the weirdest dreams. She dreamt she was alone in the jungle, bathed in the light of the full moon. Suddenly, from all around her, the rustling of leaves could be heard. It seemed to come from everywhere at
once. Ebony tried to run, but each step only made the rusling louder, and seem closer than the step she took before. It seemed to run alongside her in the brush. The sounds seemed to swing from the overhead vines, and jump from treetop to tree top. The dream would end with her being overtaken by an unknown shadow without form. The shadow consumed her each and every time at the end of her dream, and each time she awoke, with an urge to be closer to that corset. Finally, after the 6th or 7th dream, she sprung out of bed, and to her trustly PC. She quickly hacked into ther security mainframe or the Natrual History Museum. "Such a simple system, for such a major place", she thought to herself. Within thirty minutes, she’d bypassed the entire security system, and gave herself free reign to get in and out of the museum, doing whatever she liked. But her sole purpose was to get what seemed to posess her dreams…the corset.The next morning, Ebony woke upfeeling refreshed and renewed. She bounced to the bathroom, to begin her day. She gasped as she saw her new accessory, the corset, fitting her like a glove. Dr. Tate had mentioned that the Amazons were all at least 7 feet in height. How in the world did the corest fit Ebony’s 5’3" frame? But, a more important question was, what in the world posessed her to steal this thing??? She knew that she couldn’t take it back, with some lame excuse about how she "found" the corset, and she couldn’t just throw it away, fearing that someone would see her, or just trace it back to her. It certainly looked like Ebony was going to be forced to sleep in the bed that she had made. Ebony removed the corset, and begun her morning routine to get ready for class. She brushed her teeth, and glared at the corset lying on the toilet seat, she showered and thought even more about the corset. After getting out of the shower, and drying off she looked at the corset again. Fearing someone finding the corset while she was gone, she slipped the corset back on, and made sure to wear baggy clothes over it, to keep anyone from noticing the corset. Noticing the wall clock in her peripheral vision, she saw that she was definitely running late for her first class. She bolted out of the door, on her way to the campus. She wasted no time, to make it to her class. She hurdled tipped over garbage cans, swerved passing cars, and made it to class in record time. She’d never made it to the campus this quickly. And, what made it even more bizarre is that she wasn’t the least winded or out of breath. None of this dawned on Ebony, she was just glad to have made it to class on time. For some reason though, Ebony seemed distracted in her classes. Most of her classes fit her major and kept her attention, but her thoughts kept wandering away. Wandering to the strangest things. She could smell the cheap deodorant of her professors, as she sat in class. She could hear the jocks in the back of class talking about their big game on Saturday. She could even
smell the sex on women, as they walked by. How bizarre. Ebony defintiely took notice of these things. She feared that the stress, and guilt she felt from her recent larceny was causing her to hallucinate. But, when was the last time you heard of a nasal hallucination? And, she was so hungry! She spent at least an hour at the college cafeteria, eating. She’d never eaten so much in all of her life. Thank goodness for the corset, or her gut would have her looking like she was six months pregnant. All these things continued for her for the next few days. And, the strangest of all, she wore the corset everywhere. She wore it to all of her classes, she slept in it, she even showered with it on. Wearing it became so natural for her, she just forgot that she had it on.The fourth day, Ebony awoke feeling ill. She felt dehydrated, and panted as she awoke. Thinking she was coming down with the flu, she quickly downed some ibuprofen, and a glass of orange juice, and motored off to campus. She must have stopped at every water fountain she could find on campus on her way to class. She was so thirsty. In class, her attention was all over the place. She fidgeted in her chair, and couldn’t concentrate on class in the least. She seemed to eat twice as much as she’d been eating lately, and she only felt worse as the day progressed. By late afternoon, she was sweating profusely, and looking rather flushed. "Only one class left. That dumb Mythology class", the thought to herself. As she made her way to the night class, she began to feel only worse than she’d felt before. She stumbled up the stairs to the second floor, and dropped all of her books. She scrambled to pick them up, and make it to her class on time. She leaned against the walls for support, as she made her way to the classroom. Every step she took seemed to only sicken her more. Sweat streamed down her face as she looked more and more ill with every step she took. Fearing making a scene in class, she finally let go of her pride and stumbled into the restroom, to try to collect herself for class.
Luckily for her no one else was in the restroom, as she made her way to the nearest stall. She crouched over the toilet, presumably to vomit, but was calmed by a gentle breeze from a nearby open window. She sauntered unsteadily over to the window to presumably get some fresh air. But when she made it to the window, the calming sensation was interrupted by a strange fire. A fire from within.Ebony regained her composure and walked backwards, away from the window, feeling almost a tug of war from within her. As if something was growing from within, and taking away all that she knew, all that she was. Suddenly, her fever returned. Sweat bathed Ebony, staining her shirt. Then, she felt a tighness. Her hands began to tremble, as veins protruded from the back of her hands, pumping, pulsating. Out of sheer fear, she covered her eyes with her hands, and ran her hands through her hair. Her body began an ordeal that no one had seen in centuries. Ebony dropped to her knees, as physical pain seemed to be only outdone by a seemingly mental pain. And with that, Ebony began to grow. Slowly you could see her ankles peeping out from the cuff of her denim jeans. Her wrists and forearms began to slide out from under the cover of her jean jacket. Her once baggy clothes seems to quickly become just the right side for her. Soon they’d become obselete. First, the buttons of the jacket’s cuffs popped off and slid across the restroom floor. Slowly, the sleeves of her jacket crept up her forearms, revealing the same pulsating that started on the back of her hands. With each pump, Ebony’s forearms surged in size, in thickness, in muscle and in definition. Her sleeves suddenly tore away at her shoulders, as her girth outgrew her clothing. Trembling, Ebony forced herself to her feet, as her shoe laces snapped on top of her sneakers, and her toes ripped through the leather. She glanced in the mirror, as sweat dripped from her brow and saliva dripped from her mouth. She was shocked to see the dramatic changes that were overtaking her, startling even herself. Hearing voices seeming to come towards the restroom, Ebony decided to jump out of the window. Landing three stories down in the the tall bushes surrounding the building in the moonlight, Ebony’s changes began anew. All she could do was stand there, with wide eyes, as her body, her essence, and her very soul became somthing new, yet something very familiar. Her sneakers split open, revealing her bare feet like newly picked corn. Her calves beefed up, and tore away what little demin were left concealing them. Her thighs became massive as muscle surged out, defining her lower body like a world class power lifter. They made short work of her jeans, as they made their presence known. Her waistline seemed to decline, as fat melted away. But, her waistline regained size as muscle filled in, tearing away her belt. Above her waistline, each of her abs pulsated as they grew on top of each other, seeming to fight for their place on this now new rugged chisled physique. There seemed to be small holes growing in the corset itself, allowing her abs to grow, and experience their new world that was in front of them. Each hole was perfectly torn, as if it was meant to be. Between the echoes of ripping cloth, Ebony did have to presence of mind to wonder, "Why hasn’t the corset torn away? It seems to be GROWING with me??". But those concerns were quickly subdued as the pain of her change kicked into high gear. Ebony leaned against the wall of the buildling for support. Her hips flared as they became pack to the hilt with musclular intensity. Her ass sculpted itself, as two mounds exposed themselves from her backside. Still leaning forward, Ebony began to hunch over as her back was next to undergo remodelling. Her new biceps and triceps surged, trashing what was left of the sleeves to her top and jacket, as her back split her top down the middle. Her lats spread and defined themselves like the wings of an eagle. The throbing of her body seemed then to lead to one place on her body. She started from her toes, and her hands, and walked their way to the center of her body. Ebony turned and leaned her back onto the wall, as her torso made its grand entrance, as she went in and out of consciousness. Each breath she took pumped her chest. First, her nipples grew hard, and swelled. With lack of
space for her shirt to accomodate, they were easily visible. She looked down to the the "DKNY" letters printed on her shirt stretch to their limits. Within a matter of seconds, her shirt was stretched by her newly bountiful bustline to look like a blimp. She also felt a crawling on her body. Through the skin tight shirt, she could see the corset stretching even further, it came up just far enough to cover her nipples, and she saw two strings climb her body and wrap around her neck. Finally, her shirt could not take it anymore, as a small hole, that quickly became a large hole, opened in the middle of her shirt. Soon, muscle grew to back up her new mammaries, and her shirt shredded away. Her chest defied gravity, and only her nipples were concealed by the corset, which by this time had also stretched down and covered her lower region as well, since her underwear was looking more like dental floss by this point. Then, things became cloudly for Ebony, as she saw her body’s radiance. It seemed to move totally by itself. She was losing control, as if there was another consciousness coming to the surface, and there was nothing she could do about it. Ebony tried to scream, but her body wouldn’t respond. She watched her body remove what was left of her now way to small clothing, things became more cloudy, and Ebony lost consciouness, and her body now belonged to someone, or something else..January 15, 2005 at 12:28 am #2446Anonymous
GuestVery nice! Muscle growth and sexy corsets! Thanks!
February 22, 2005 at 6:38 am #2447Axel3.14
ParticipantA felicitous beginning. Would you like to continue 🙂
May 11, 2005 at 3:27 am #2448strange_unusual
Participantthe thing that would be really neat for this story would be pictures showing before & after pictures
May 11, 2005 at 11:26 am #2449Vic
ParticipantYes please, continue!
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