The Touch: part 9! Sorry for the massive delay. really.

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  • #14898

    I really like it. Let's see some sibling rivalry!

    drumsstick master

    Ok, part 5. el roy, i have a feeling you're going to like this.
    The two muscular genies walked out of the room, stealing one last glimpse of their sleeping master. they sat down on the sofa in the lounge, and looked at each other.
    "So," setyla started, "How have you been?"
    "Fine." stated fertale. "Stuck in a ring for a couple of thousand years. you?"
    "Ditto for a lamp." fertale nodded
    "Tell me" she said, finally "What's he like? as a master?" Setyla smiled
    "He's kind, and loving, and he isn't comfortable with it." fertale blinked
    "Isn't comfortable with it? he has the touch, its what he was born to do."
    "It's not that he isn't comfortable with me." setyla protested "He isn't comfortable with the whole master-slave thing."
    "But, most men would want two compliant slaves."
    "Well, he doesn't. times have changed, have they not?" fertale's head flopped down.
    "Well, yes. i didn't realise how much they changed though. i mean, these?" she pointed to her abs "Why does he like these? it's hardly a very manly thing to like, strong women. is it?" setyla shrugged her massive shoulders.
    "I'm not complaining. I like being this big." to emphasize her point, setyla flexed her biceps, making them swell and grow hard. "Try it." Fertale simulated setylas pose, and smiled
    "Wow, this does feel good." her smile fell slightly "I just don't see why he should like this. He is the master, he should feel in control." setyla patted fertale's shoulder.
    "Don't fret about it. he's not like the men we used to grant wishes to. He's different."
    "How so?" fertale inquired. setyla blushed and stuttered
    "Well… um…" fertales eyes widened.
    "You're falling for him, arent you?" setylas blush deepened "You are! well, thats… something new." setyla started to wring her hands nervously.
    "Ummm, Im sorry. it's just, well, i don't know. he's…" fertale began to chuckle
    "Why are you so nervous? Granted this has never happened before, but its hardly something you're going to get into trouble for. quite the opposite, probably."
    "It's just… I'm… I'm… I'm not sure he can love me."
    "Whyever not? You're a fine figure of a genie." She took in her muscles "A very fine figure of a genie. you're powerful and obedient. whyever should he not like you?"
    "You heard him, didn't you? he doesn't want slaves, he wants companions." she bit her lip "He wants us to be something we can't" Fertale cupped setylas chin in her hand, and pulled it up to her face.
    "We may not be able to be what he wants, but that doesn't mean he won't like us. Humans are funny creatures. you're young, so you won't understand, but humans don't always enjoy stuff that they want, and can love things they didn't expect to find." setyla's face lost it's defeated expression. "Come on, lets go into bed." they rejoined their master, who was sleeping away peacefully. "I see what you mean about this body." fertale said once they were under the covers "he's so cute!" setyla put a protective arm around stan "Hey, he's my master too." fertale said. she shifted closer to her masters prone form, and wrapped her arms around his waist. setyla put her other arm around him, and pressed him closer to her. Fertale grinned "You never could take a joke." her arms stayed firmly around his waist.
    "Well, then why don't you let go of him."
    "Because he IS my master as well. You may be loving him, your magic is more in tune with his, and it's going to get even more in tune than mine, but we both belong to him. we have as much right to him as each other."
    "Don't go pulling rank on me" setyla looked down, at her master. fertale released one arm and rubbed setylas hair
    "I wouldn't pull rank over you, not over something this important to you. or this trivial to me. I always had a soft spot for you, kid, and i'm not going to deny you master." her arm returned to stans waist "Just don't think you're the only genie in his life."

    Ok, comments, questions, criticisms, leave 'em all.


    Nice genie talk. So now Setlya is a younger genie. I wonder how old is Fertale 😉

    It was great that Fertale understands Setlya feelings. I will be looking forward to see what will happen once Stan awakes.


    drumsstick master

    setyla is 3000 years old, and fertale is 6000 years old. just so you know. also, [plug]check out super squad in the super strength section.[/plug]

    drumsstick master

    Ok, part six. at last i add a plot to this thing!
    Stans eyes slid open. He felt fertale's arms around his waist, and setylas around his shoulders. So he had two genies now. Two omnipotent submissive slaves. and he didn't want them. Just setyla he could handle. But finding fertale as well, he was troubled. he had been to many countries, and had seen what men could do to wives in different societies. Bruises, cuts, broken bones. and worse. he didn't want to turn out like that. but he had two slaves. they would do anything for him, they could do anything for him, apart from be what he wanted. setyla and fertale held him closer, their muscles deliciously warm. He could try and work around it, he thought, as he sunk into their beautiful strong embrace.

    Eyes, watching. waiting

    When stan next woke up, the smell of bacon and eggs was wafting in through the door. breakfast in be every morning. and such breakfasts. he was definitely living the high life.
    "Master?" two massive, sexy, graceful, powerful visions of female loveliness sauntered in through the door, each one bearing a covered tray. they strode up to him, and simultaniously whipped off their covers from the trays. setylas held bacon, eggs, sausage, black pudding, hash brown, fried bread and a vase with a flower in it. Fertale's was covered in bottles. bottled water, beer, champagne and may others. setyla put her tray on his lap.
    "What to drink, master?" fertale asked.
    "Umm… Champagne, please." fertale placed a champagne flute onto the tray in stans lap, and reached for the magnum. the cork flew off, and suddenly, setyla was drenched in sparkling wine.
    "I am so sorry master." fertale apologised. "Shall we go and clean up?" stan took in setylas wet, dripping form, her body glistening, her breast strap soaked in…
    "P-please do." he rushed out. "I-I'll get myself some water later." both genies bowed, and left the room.

    A shadow, concealed. unmoving

    "Fertale!" setyla protested. "What were you doing?" fertale gave a mischevious smirk.
    "Simple: i'm trying to get him to come on to you. You love him, i'm just trying to bring you closer together. i think he wants it too, so i'm just… helping things along. as it were."
    "And how does drenching me in very expensive drinks accomplish that?"
    "Well, you're wet, smooth, shiny and you taste good. easy really. and since when do we have to worry about money?"
    "Its the principle of the thing." setyla protested "1952 dom perignon is not something to be accidentally spilled. and the next time you try one of these schemes, tell me first."
    "Oh, dont worry." fertale announce dissmissively "this next 'scheme' i was going to tell you all about. I would need your consent to do it."
    "I dont like the sound of this." seyla said as she waved a hand. the liquid on her evaporated.
    "Dont worry, its not going to hurt you."

    A beast, ready, poised to strike

    Stan wandered from his room, bleary eyed and mussy haired. he wandered into the kitchen and got a bottle of evian from the fridge. the cold, clear water rinsed the fuzzy taste from his mouth he still had from his sleep. a small giggle came from behind the door to the lounge. curious, he opened the portal.
    "Oh fertlale, this does feels good."
    "Yeah? well it's about to get even better." stan blew out a burst of water. in the centre of the lounge, setyla was standing in a flexing position, wearing absolutely nothing but a pair of hot pants. fertale was standing by her side, a bottle of baby oil in her hand, squirting it into her palm.
    "Oh, hello master." setyla said. stan goggled at the spectacle. "We heard that exerting muscles is stimulating, so we're just trying it out. want to watch?" she flexed her pecs, causing a sensuous surge in her breasts.
    "No! You two… just carry on." he rushed through the door, slamming it behind him. he rushed down the corridor, his water forgotten.
    "I'm not sure this is going to work."
    "Well, why didn't you say?" said fertale, the bottle vanishing from her hands in a burst of light.
    "I did, you just didn't pay attention." Setyla replied, her clothing returning to her regular baggy trousers and cloth breast strap, the oil vaporising from her body. "I'm going to talk to him."
    "Are you sure? we could try mud wrestling to garner his attention?"
    "No. I'll go talk to him." she opened the door and walked through. fertale let out a snort of breath
    "Took you long enough."

    "Master?" setyla opened a door "Master?" another opened "M…Master?" she said weakly. she closed her eyes and focused, the jewel on her forehead glittering. "MASTER!!"

    Setyla burst into the lounge "Fertale!"
    "Setyla, what…?" setyla collapsed onto fertales shoulder, her massive frame wracked with sobs. Fertale, unsure what to do, wrapped her arms around her sister. "Master. He's… gone."
    Please comment: i need all your opinions.


    more please!
    I just love the whole situation.


    I am soooo hooked… I love the suspense that's added in with the interludes, it mixes the playful with the serious.

    Silent One

    I'm really liking the characters you're developing and the addition of plot is never bad  😉

    Keep up the excellent work.


    This is definetly becoming a very good story. I love the teasing nature the genies developed in this chapter. I just hope that their master only when outside to throw a buckle of cold water over his head. I will do it  😆

    Great story and nice plot development. I will be looking foward for the next part.



    Awsome story, can't wait for the rest..!!

    i am having difficulty identifying to the male character tough.. walking away from a muscle oiling cession? 😮
      guess we'll see what his problem is soon huh?


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