The Touch: part 9! Sorry for the massive delay. really.

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    drumsstick master

    Ok, part seven

    Fertale was unsure what to do. Master, gone? The clear diamond on her forehead flickered, and her face shifted. He was gone. Gone… She held tighter onto setyla with her massive arms, for her comfort or her own, she didn't know. "Come on." she whispered into setyla's ear. "We've got to find him."

    Stans eyes slowly opened, as though their lids were made of lead. He was suspended by bound wrists, and his feet were tied as well. looking down, what seemed to be a living shadow coiled around his feet.
    "So" came a harsh voice "Awake, are we?" a tall, well proportioned young woman strode into the harsh stone chamber he had been trussed up in. she was dressed in tight fitting black leather with silvery accents. her skin was so pale as to be almost white, and her long black hair reached down to her butt. her lips were like rubies, every step she made was painfully precise. "No doubt you're wondering why i've captured you." he nodded mutely. he couldn't really do anything else. "Simple." she grabbed his chin between her fingers, and thrust his gaze into her own. "Your power, and your slaves." he gulped
    "No" he said, his voice dry with terror. she grinned
    "Such spirit. I am Tildber, and i rule much of this world from the shadows. all the big companies, all the major governments, their strings are ultimately pulled by my hand." she raised a hand. in it was a silvery knife. "But it's not enough. i want this world to bow down and kiss my feet, and with the help of your slaves, I can do that. And to get them on my side." she pressed the naked blade to his neck. "I need your power, and to get that" a ruby flow started down the edge of the knife. "I need your blood." her grin widened, revealing canines longer that the normal humans.
    "Clever boy." she ran a long, black painted nail along his cheek. "I realise the clothing is a bit stereotypical, but people do have expectations. Now, little boy, how shall i enjoy your blood?" she removed her knife from his neck, and licked the edge. her eyes rolled back and she moaned. "Mmm, so filled with life." she twined her fingers around his chin "But where is your magic?"
    "It doesn't matter, you're not getting it." stan pulled up his head. standing in the doorway were the massive forms of setyla and fertale. his face relaxed slightly. Tildber turned around.
    "Ah, the faithful servants. here to rescue their master. Even with all that muscle, you aren't going to best me in a contest of strength." her hand shot up like a bullet, and plunged the knife into stans chest. he screamed. "When i've beat you two into submission, i'll drink his blood. i'll have to get his power then, and then you two will have to obey my orders." she surged forward, crashing into fertale's chest. genie and vampire fell to the floor, each trying to land blows on the other. Tilldbers nails grew even longer, curved into wicked claws. they slid and skidded helplessly against fertales steely flesh. after a couple of minutes of struggling, tildber was trapped in a choking headlock. setyla came up from the sidelines, and delivered a crushing blow to tildbers abdomen. another landed on the vampires skull. setyla rained a series of devastating, bone cracking punches, her muscles rippling with each hit, while fertale squeezed on the black clad immortals neck, forcing her massive bicep into her throat. both of the genies faces were masks of pure rage. when the vampire slumped over unconcious, seyla turned and ran up to her master. she could tell he was barely alive. she gently grasped his shoulders.
    "Master?". he mumbled a response, barely audible. "Master, please."
    "save… me."
    "How?" even with her nearly godlike magic, he was on the brink of death. she could only just keep him breathing.
    "Any…. way………you…. can." he slumped into her body. setyla closed her eyes and held him close
    *Dont die on me* she thought *You cant die. please don't die. I cant let you die.* tears started flowing from the corners of her eyes. *Please. What can i do?* her master had issued a command, she had to obey. She sobbed.
    and then her tears turned to smoke. a stream of vapour issued from her mouth and wrapped around his face, caressing his cheeks. the smoke from her tears seeped into his eyes. clouds, a pale blue in colour, came from her entire body. it surrounded both of them, grew thicker and deeper blue. fertale had tied up the vampire with her own cape, and looked over to her master. she saw the cloud. it started to boil and churn.
    "What is that kid doing?" she attempted to get close, but ten feet away she was forced to the ground by the sheer power. the cloud dissapated. setyla was hugging stan feircely. the shadows binding him vanished, and they fell to the ground. fertale walked up to the collapsed couple. when she saw stans face, she recoiled. "She… she couldn't have. She just couldn't." she bit her lip, and then all three of them vanished in a burst of light.
    Ok, please leave comments and questions. and FFF, he was just a bit flustered.

    Silent One

    You speak my language, action, danger, and cliffhanger ending.  Great work.


    I concurr. Interesting ending. Again, the genies forgot to use their magic. (Aren't they a bit silly  😛 )

    I must say that you have caught me with this ending Drumsstick Master. What Setyla had done? I guess that I will have to wait until the next chapter to find it out.

    The story is going very well. Amazing work Drumsstick. Good luck with the next chapter.



    Aaaah, the thrills! The thrills!!!


    Curiouser and curiouser, better and better!  🙂


    I must concur on the amnesia fault.  Only I blame Stan for not wishing himself out of that jam.  Or a Monty Python-sized foot on said vampiress' head.

    Still, it's good writin'.  You're keeping this turkey in suspense.

    drumsstick master

    on the whole "amnesia" thing: without a direct order from their master, genies can use comparatively little magic. and in case you forgot, stan had a knife through his chest. (Whew, covered my ass on that count). thanks for all your comments, they're really great to get.


    So if Stan gave a blood transfusion, would the recipient have his ability too?


    That seems possible. What about if his cousin Jennifer needs a tranfussion and she becomes the She-Touch  😆

    Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Reading too much She-Hulk comics lately.

    About the amnesia thing, well, it's true that genies can't use great amount of magic, but I think that with the little magic they can access by their own will, they can materialized garlic or something like that  😉


    drumsstick master

    Right, part 8. hot muscular action in here!
    Fetale glanced nervously over at them. Master and slave were holding each other, setyla clamped stan to her impressive bust. She bit her lip. When they awoke… It would sort itself out. Yes, it would sort itself out. they would find out what setyla had done and they would carry on. Everything would be OK. She absently massaged her bicep in worry. It would all be OK.

    Setyla awoke, and grinned. she had saved stan, she knew that. she could feel his body against her, too warm to be dead. She smiled and looked down at stan. just stan. he wasn't her master anymore. Curious, she reached under his chin and tilted up his head. her eyes widened. Set into his forehead was a lare blue gem. shaking, she gently touched her forehead. it was smooth and warm. she had… given him her power. she had no idea how, but she did. His eyes opened.
    "Umm," she was nervous. How would he react?
    "Lady? Lady, whats wrong?" His eyes were filled with concern "Lady?" she hugged him even tighter.
    "Nothings wrong." She bent her neck and planted a kiss on his hair. "Absolutely nothing." He seemed so small and vulnerable in her arms, in a way he hadn't when she had her magic. Now she had his magic, otherwise he wouldn't have responded the way he did. And he seemed different. He was the slave, she the master. She could live her own life, do what she wanted. She started to stroke his head. She was independant, cut off from her power, given free will. And she had no idea what to do.

    Fertale walked into their room. Setyla cradled stan against her, stroking his hair with an absent look of concentration on her face. stan himself was apparently sleeping against her, using a breast as a pillow.
    "Lady? You must eat."
    "Yeah, i suppose i must." Fertale approached, and whipped off the cover from the tray she was carrying. setyla took a slice of toast from the plate, and bit into it. she chewed and swallowed the bread. "Why did i do it, fertale? why?"
    "Why did i exchange our magic? I know I was commanded to save him, but…" She turned to her former friend, now her slave, expectantly.
    "I couldn't answer, lady." seylas massive shoulders slumped
    "Stan, wake up." he opened his eyes "Stan, i want you to talk with fertale, ok? ask her any questions you have about your magic." he nodded, and left the bed. the two genies walked out of the room. setyla took another slice of toast, and bit down with a crunch.

    Fertale and stan sat down on the large sofa in the main room of the apartment. he slumped down, and buried his face in his hands.
    "How did it happen? How could she do this?"
    "Aren't you grateful?"
    "Of course. its just… everythings different. When i'm with her its like i'm on auto pilot. and how do you cope with all these senses?" he said. fertale smirked, and put a reassuring arm around his shoulders.
    "Don't worry. if youre feeling like this, i'm sure setyla is too. she's going to want to get back to the way it was."
    "You sure?"
    "Positve." he smiled, and then looked at her face.
    "Tell me, do you really like being muscular? I know setyla said she did, but i'm a bit sceptical on that."
    "Still worried about that, even when you're not the master?"
    "I know it seems silly, but it preys on my mind."
    "As it happens, yes. yes we do." she flexed a bicep "It's kind of like our bodies match our power, unlike before." stan recalled the state in which they had left their homes. short, lithe, curvy and small. ideal bodies for slaves. "And feeling strong is really cool. and being bigger than you was, well, kind of hot." his eyebrows lifted "Yeah, you're just so cute." she put her other arm around him. "So cute and tiny. and so sweet. You bother about us, care about us. Not like all the others we've served. You're just perfect." she hoisted him up onto her lap.
    "And the breasts?" she smiled
    "Well, you are only human. You were only human" she corrected. "They keep us looking womanly And they're so sensitive, and big. and lots of fun for you to play with." she took one of his hands, and slipped it down her top.
    "What are you doing?! I'm not the master any more!" he half shouted.
    "You may not be my master, but i still respect you. besides." she flexed her pecs, making the mammary tissue pulse sensuously under his hand "You're the only male genie who i've ever got this intimate with. someone i can really cut loose with."
    "But, setyla"
    "Dont worry about her." she bore him down to the sofa, and started to stroke his crotch. "Its just you and me now." he took his hand out of her top and tried to push her away. "Nuh-uh. you're not strong enough to do that. Now." she ran a finger along his cheek "Make love to me."
    "I won't."
    "Oh, still fussing over setyla? Well, then it's not going to be any fun." she released him "Go to her, before i change my mind." he scampered away to his mistress. when the door shut, she smiled. "Still so virtuous after having me come on to him. Setyla's a lucky girl. I wonder if she'll save some for me?"
    Ok, hit me with your comments.

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