Too Specific Topics?

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  • #8977

    Two people posted this, and I agreed whole-heartedly: the choices are too specific for the forums.

    From Archangel: "My problem with this is all the forums that are here, too many and too specific.  Plus, in the old one, the Art section was second to the "Site issues" section, but, now its the last thing on here.  That is one of the things that I am sure is the main reason (second being the storys, but, thats a guess) that people come here."

    From Gracilis: "Second that comment about too many forums.  Why we have both a story archive and seven Stories forums here is … I mean, don't the stories go in the story archive?  So why seven forums?"

    I totally agree. I don't know where to post sometimes because I don't know if my topic will fit in with the specific board. Anyone else feel this way?

    Oh, and dudes, if you don't want me quoting you, say so and I'll edit this.


    I'm open to merging boards, but I created the new boards because I believe there's a need for them in the wider-interest environment of Amaz0ns. 

    So if anyone wants to suggest an actual board structure instead of just saying "too many", I'm open to it.  I've already gotten pm's from people who are glad to see the new structure, DCM among them.

    Matthew Lim

    I'm really happy to see the broadening of the forums. I honestly don't think that the boards need to be merged, IMHO I'd rather do more scrolling that clicking.  🙂


    My inclination is to leave it like it is for a month or so and see which ones take off and which don't.  I can pare and add as necessary.


    I'm really happy to see the broadening of the forums. I honestly don't think that the boards need to be merged, IMHO I'd rather do more scrolling that clicking.  🙂

    That's the thing, we think they're too specific, which makes them the opposite of broad. Broad I can handle. 3 boards with saying "Muscle Chat, Muscle Art, and Muscle Stories" would be just fine by me.


    He means a broad array of topic areas.  For conversations to remain on-topic, the topics have to fill a demand and be stated clearly.  I spent a fair amount of time figuring out what people at She Grew! liked to talk about, and what people at Transvigor responded most to.  The new boards are the product of that.

    It's certainly within the ballpark for people to disagree with my choice of board topics and to suggest new ones, but what is not open to negotiation is whether or not there will be topics.  I have to maintain some semblance of order or this won't remain a pleasant place for people to discuss their interests.


    He means a broad array of topic areas.  For conversations to remain on-topic, the topics have to fill a demand and be stated clearly.  I spent a fair amount of time figuring out what people at She Grew! liked to talk about, and what people at Transvigor responded most to.  The new boards are the product of that.

    It's certainly within the ballpark for people to disagree with my choice of board topics and to suggest new ones, but what is not open to negotiation is whether or not there will be topics.  I have to maintain some semblance of order or this won't remain a pleasant place for people to discuss their interests.

    Two things can happen here:

    1. The arrangement makes more sense to you and a select few than to the majority, and since you think it's okay and can find people to back you up, you won't change it.
    2. We have to get used to it.

    So…whatever. You know how some of us feel, it's up to you. It's not my site. This is the feedback forum, just giving you some feedback. Take it or leave it.

    Although, if it does end up bugging you, you don't have to sacrifice order just because you broaden a few topics. After reading your post, I think it might just be how the topics are arranged, not the number of them.


    I guess you should take my complaints with a grain of salt, because I'm biased to start with: I really dislike web forums.  Every web forum interface I've ever dealt with feels much more cumbersome to me than any fidonet/usenet/email reader I use.  So my real objective is to get people to post to the story archive where I can actually find stuff when I want to.

    While I don't mind the finer-grained division in forum topics in theory (easier to find stuff I want, right?), in practice it bothers me because unless there's no more than one I want to read, it means looking through more forums.  But, like I said, I'm never going to be really happy with the forums (unless you gateway them to NNTP or something), so, go for it.  Just as long as people remember to use the story archive.  😉

    (and I will follow links to discussion threads from the story archive; I do think that's a good idea.)


    1. The arrangement makes more sense to you and a select few than to the majority, and since you think it's okay and can find people to back you up, you won't change it.

    I hadn't realized you spoke for the majority.

    I speak for one person.  The advertising is here for good, the forum is inside the Amaz0ns framework for good, and there are a broader range of topics represented on the board.  Everything else is open to discussion.

    I'm beginning to understand why Diana the Valkyrie never changes anything.

    Gracilis – would you find a RSS feed for each board to be useful?  I can set that up without too much difficulty.


    Now that I was thinking about it for a few days, I realised that its not the number of forums, but, how they are arranged.

    Here's a suggestion on how to re-arrange them, its only a suggestion.

    Notices and Site related Discussion
    Updates  (Site Updates?)
    TV Alerts (DVD/TV Alerts?)
    Feed Back  (Site Issues?)
    Growth Discussion
    FMG Discussion
    GTS Discussion
    Other Growth
    Real-life Muscle Women
    Training and Lifting
    Bodybuilding (Hardcore weight training?)
    Fitness & Figure
    Women's Athletics
    Female Mucsularity
    Art Work
    General Art
    Muscular Women Art
    Female Muscle Growth
    Giantess & Shrinking (Man?) Art
    Other Female Power Art
    Super Hero Centeral
    Comics Discussion
    Super Hero Fanfics
    Superheroine Art
    Muscular Domination Fiction
    Super Strength Fiction
    Muscular Women Fiction
    FMG Fiction
    Tall & Giantess Fiction
    Other Growth Fiction
    General Discussion
    Video Games
    Interesting Links

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