What inspires you to do what creative things you do?

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    As a colorist (well most of the time I'm coloring other people¡'s stuff) I don't need much inspiration, but I can't work without music. The music I'm listening in the moment of coloring, inspires the backgrounds mostly.
    Truth is, the music generates a lot of differentr fellings, so if I'm listening to Cradle of Filth is ono background, and a complrtly different one if I'm listening to Dream Theater.


    Oh what a question you do ask . . .  😎

    Don't know about inspires, but certainly the positive feedback loop of enjoyment that I derive from creating a new collage or working on a transformation story (usually of novella length) of mutual growth is probably my greatest incentive.  I'd also have to say I get a great deal of pleasure out of the intellectual challenges that they provide, too.

    As for background sound – it's either talk radio or more often canned music, depending upon my mood and/or the material I'm working on, of course.   😉

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    For me it is drawings that inspire me too write, I just want to put a little action or story into it or just do more with a certain character since I can not draw.


    What gets me going is strong, intense rythmic music. It can be Funk, Metal, or something from my collection of movie/tv soundtracks. It also helps to be in a state of general horniness (You'd be surprised at the ideas you can get early in the morning! :evil:)


    Silent One

    Inspiration for me comes from my strangely wired brain and an almost infinite source of outside stimuli.  (I once was inspired to write a FMG short story by a glass of Coke and a floral arrangement.)  Music helps me write.  Almost any type, my tastes are pretty broad though they tend to favor heavy distorted guitars.  If I'm writing a long story (more than a handful of chapters) I will keep the same three CD's in play on my changer until the story is finished.  I find that helps me reach a consistent mindset or mood when writing.  (The three CD's may be different for each story, it's just once they mesh with the story they stay in play.)  The music at that point is really just background noise and not really inspirational though.  If I'm morphing it's the picture itself that inspires me.  Something about the pose, or the facial expression or even the clothes being worn.


    Oddly enough, most of my inspiration comes from symphonic works. I've chreographed entire sequences of PCC strips around individual tracks of music; right now I'm addicted to the Kameo: Elements of Power soundtrack (samples of which can be found http://www.kameosoundtrack.com ), and I'm already coming up with sequences based around the majority of tracks on the disc. It really is about the best soundtrack to anything that I've ever heard.


    Personally, i like ambient or meditative music when i work, but i've been listening to more Rammstein and other metal lately.


    Well, you see, my inspiriation comes from remembering the demented passages of thought that come to me when I'm somewhere between asleep and awake. This is generally aided by Moutain Dew and tea of some kind, and I try to make a story out of a half grbled passage that I can't even remember halfway through the story. That's when I break out the four volume set of Three Kingdoms I have… And then ask someone to toss it at my head. I can usually carry on after that.


    I do whatever the voices in my head tell me to do. When I write, they narrate for me, and I copy it down.  😉

    To be honest, that is almost completely true. I will see something on TV, in another story, or from some other media and it will be stored within the confines of my skull. I have a lot of empty space to fill, so headaches aren't an issue. Then, at some random moment in time, they will merge together, along with some other stray thoughts, and form something new. As someone else said, they get ideas in that torturous transition between sleeping and waking up. I do something similar. Usually, I get my ideas just as I'm about to fall asleep. That idea usually gets transferred into a dream, which is one of the reasons why my stories have a lot of imagery involved. Upon waking up, I then write that down and build a story from or around it.


    Awesome topic….

    Kulli said Industrial music…

    I love that kinda music, and I really dig Electronica in general,
    I usually listen to epic trance anthems, and chill out on the vibe.

    Another bit of inspiration is seeing all the wonderful artists on this forum,
    and knowing I am not the only one that likes muscular women and the art and sotires that go with it.

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