What is it about this "fantasy" stuff that drives

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    Personally, I have never really known about this fetish fantasy of mine until recently. I can’t quite put my finger on what it is that I find so exhilarating about "girl/woman growth". All I know is I was reading a story about a chick who was abused by her boyfriend/husband almost dailey until she was presented with or found a "gift" that gave her special powers and she used them to make her boyfriend/husband small ‘like a Ken sized Barbie doll" and then she now dominated over him and used him as a human dildo for her pleasures.

    Now, I have heard lots of chicks talk about a feeling of being degraded when men grab hold of the back sides of their heads as men thrust their Jimmys in and out of their mouths, making them feel like sexual "tools" for mens’ pleasures and then ultimately a feeling like they’re human urnials as the love juice spurts them in the face/chest/stomach/thighs/ass. It’s the same feeling that a man would have if a woman shrunk the man down or if she grew to gigantic proportions and used him for her pleasure!

    So anyways, I found myself reading this story and siding myself with the female main character as I wished there was something that I personally could do for her. I knew it was just a story, but when I read, I READ! I wanted to be there and protect her from this creep of a boyfriend/husband until suddenly I was aware that she could take care of herself – that really did it for me I think. It was the whole ‘tables have turned’ scenario that got me so thrilled. The way the author described her transformation was outstanding. He made it so long and drawn out with all the descriptions of how her body was reacting to her newly found power until it was apparent that she was now in total control of the situation and that her boyfriend/husband was now going to recieve his punishment. I like to think that the actual punishment for him was the *sight* of what he was witnessing as he found himself becoming the weaker species with every second of her transformation. His pride, ego, and dreams were now being demolished just from what was happening right in front of him. He also, got the feeling of being ‘ashamed’ of being a male as he found himself not able to control his sexual urges, as he found his manhood growing within his pants as his girlfriend/wife’s body was becoming even more sexy than it ever had been before. Now, he would never be able to take from her what he had always thought belonged to him. I’m sure that was the biggest torture for the guy even more so than her using him as a human dildo. The torture for him would never cease as long as he lived, always having the ‘fear of the unknown’ in his mind of what his girlfriend/wife was going to do to him next.

    So, now I (as a male) found myself in his shoes and on his side in a way. I wasn’t happy to be on his side for all the wrong things he had done to her, but since I’m a male I had to suffer right along with him and I now found myself becoming nervous and oddly enough my manhood was growing in my own pants! The leading up to the climax was very suspenseful as her clothes were straining to confine her womanhood and my own prick was beginning to throbe and swell as I read on anticipating the explosive climax. Finally, with one mighty flex of her body her clothes blew apart into millions of tattered pieces filling the room as they feathered down to the floor, revealing to us(the readers) as well as her soon to be doomed boyfriend/husband, her completely transformed body.

    It was one hell of a climax!!!WOW!!! To further the stimulation even more, the author described to us(the readers) how she stood there for a few minutes in triumph, admiring her powerful body as well as how her boyfriend/husband was also admiring her, as if she was a Goddess to him now. It was like in a way he had finally realized that this is what he wanted to happen but never really knew it before this moment. Of course he also reallized he was going to receive a very painful punishment from her, but in a way I think he began to want her to finish him off but he knew he was going to miss being able to see and touch that Goddess like body of hers again after his demise. This way the only thing that he now cared about, and wished there was some way that she would keep him around to be used as her personal bitchboy for all eternity just so he could be in her presence every grueling day.

    All I can say is that this story changed me in some way. It’s sheer torture now knowing that I have this fetish and that so many people don’t or don’t know they have it as well. I was just wondering about you guys/girls? What is it about this *fantasy/fetish" that does it for you? How would you role play this in the bedroom?


    Although this is the GTS stories section. The post you made might have been better placed in the dicussion threads.

    It might also help your points along if you would give the name of the story you are talking about. So we could see for our selves.

    I’m not picking on you ….. just pointing out a few helpful things.


    Although this is the GTS stories section. The post you made might have been better placed in the dicussion threads.

    It might also help your points along if you would give the name of the story you are talking about. So we could see for our selves.

    I’m not picking on you ….. just pointing out a few helpful things.

    Yeah, I screwed up and posted in the wrong forum. Oops! How do I move it to ‘General Topics’? Why did the title of my thread cut off at ‘drives’ when I know ‘drives you wild’ is what I typed into the query? Is there a letter limit of some sort?


    Titles can not be long. It only allows so many letters and spaces.

    You’ll probably have to just copy and paste to the right place unless a mod. will move it.

    Like I said this is more of a discussions piece. That might be where you need to post it.

    Although ……. this is about a story in a way ……… so they might over look it this time and just leave it.

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