What would you want to know on "Wednesday"?

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    Mark Newman

    I’m nearly done with the class discussion scenes for "Wednesday" (Still some hot scenes to come for the day.)

    I thought I would invite y’all to submit questions that you or perhaps our dear high school students (Michelle, Theresa, Sandy, Celia, Juliet, Harold, Martin, Cecile, and a few others you haven’t met yet) might want to discuss about the changes that have happened. I will integrate any good ones into the scene.

    Oh, and what do you think President Bush would have to say about what happened?

    Just to give you an idea of progress, Wednesday is now 110 KBs long.



    Definetly it will be great to have that discussion in class. I can already picture at the girls giggling fully knowing what happened. What I will like to see is the true conflict of the change. Maybe some women like to be strong and taller but at the same time they don’t like that men can so short and skinny. Maybe some can mention that they ‘broke’ at some of them during games or intimate encounters.

    Another thing I will like is an internal conflict between the girls. Maybe some of them regret their wishes while other are more than willing to gain more power over men.

    I only hope that the owner of the pendant want to at least improve a bit at her lover and that she can love him.

    Thanks Mark for the soon update.


    Mark Newman

    I think I will cover all that, Max. Thanks for your comments.



    Guys dumb questions

    "Does this mean that the terrorists lose?"

    "Ok so I’m a shrimp give me some reasons I shouldn’t end it all as soon as I get home"

    "Who leads at the prom?"

    "We aren’t going to have co-ed gym classes are we? They’ll KILL US"

    "What does this mean for our armies? Are we now screwed? I mean don’t the Chinese have a better integrated military?"

    "Ok so the girls are absolute masters of our lives, why should I go to school if they’re going to rule the world?"

    Girls Questions

    "Well I’m worried about the boys. What if they keep shrinking… they might DIE"

    "When are WE getting a football team?"

    Thanks for the call for questions Mark. It’s cool of ya to involve your readers 😉


    I love your stories, I for one, do sincerely hope that the men will not improve in it, if they do I hope it is a hard and hopefully futile struggle in the end, not just that one girl improves a man simply by wishing he were superior to other men. I love it when the girls tend to go ‘haha’ of the puny boys. Too bad Clinton ain’t president anymore, would be fun with the secretary (ab)using her position.. 😛 Anyway it would be fun if it were a major scandal, perhaps with Condarella Rice and Bush, or something like that, wich could be discussed in class..

    Mark Newman

    I agree, Rudi. There would have been a lot more potential for fun if Clinton were still President! I just don’t find daughters Jenna and Barbara interesting enough to write about, and Condi, well, I don’t know. But with Clinton, there were so many possibilities with Hillary, Monica, Chelsea, Paul Jones, etc. Oh well. Can’t live in the past. It’s a serious world out there. Gotta get them evildoers!

    Thanks Cowprobe. I like the coed gym classes and the boys shrinking questions. Watch for them.

    Keep them coming.




    Bush would probably see this as some act of god. Then again, he might see this as a terrorist attack and invade Norway or something. 😉

    One thing that the government would probably have to do fast, would be to quickly recruit and train females for the police, military and other important activities that require physical strength. That would probably be something to be announced by the president.

    I just hope you don’t go overboard on this, and completely change the power structure, because we’re not on stone age anymore. Wit and intelligence are the main tools for power in this age.

    About the class discussion, I think Cowprobe gave some good sugestions.

    I’m anxious to read this chapter.

    Mark Newman

    One thing that the government would probably have to do fast, would be to quickly recruit and train females for the police, military and other important activities that require physical strength. That would probably be something to be announced by the president.

    Good point. And no, I don’t plan to change the power structure or make Bush a focus of the story. It’s just a bit of background to show what’s going on beyond the lives of our main characters, like the newspaper references on other days.

    But tell me, since I graduated from high school a (very) long time ago, is wit and intelligence the main tool for power in high school these days? In my day, it was strength and beauty.


    But tell me, since I graduated from high school a (very) long time ago, is wit and intelligence the main tool for power in high school these days? In my day, it was strength and beauty.

    I meant more in terms of society. Highschool is still part of the growth process of a person from child to young adult. So strength counts a lot. But mostly for boys. Girls care more about beauty. But they begin to learn from kindengarden that boys should not hit girls. So in this context, a boys physical power does not "normally" affect girl’s power structure.

    I imagine in a scenario such as yours, there would be a certain confusion regarding roles and behavior. In the long run, the codes boys learn to live by (such as never hit a girl) would be eventually transfered to the girls, and a certain immunity would be confered to the weaker males, such as occurs today with girls. But I imagine there would be this whole adaptation period , where both genders wouldn’t really know how to deal with their power or lack of.

    Of course, a lot of each genders behaviour, lies not on their level of stength, but on hormones. If your females had their growth related to high testosterone levels, they would eventually become agressive as boys are. IMO, it would be much more interesting to see what would it be like to see girls become super strong and muscular, while retaining their normal inherent female behavior.

    Mark Newman

    But they begin to learn from kindengarden that boys should not hit girls. So in this context, a boys physical power does not "normally" affect girl’s power structure.

    Well, that’s what they should do, but it doesn’t always work out that way. One does read about boys using their strength to take advantage of girls, every now and then.

    In the long run, the codes boys learn to live by (such as never hit a girl) would be eventually transfered to the girls, and a certain immunity would be confered to the weaker males, such as occurs today with girls. But I imagine there would be this whole adaptation period , where both genders wouldn’t really know how to deal with their power or lack of.

    It’s that "transition period" I enjoy writing about, when no one knows exactly what the rules are, when suddenly the tables are turned, when demonstrative slaps become knock-out punches. "Oh sorry! Guess I don’t know my own strength, these days, heh-heh."

    IMO, it would be much more interesting to see what would it be like to see girls become super strong and muscular, while retaining their normal inherent female behavior.

    That’s the reason I’ve written the story with a large cast of characters, so that I can portray different reactions to the situation. From what you’ve said, I think you’d be more interested in how Michelle and Cecile react, as opposed to Theresa, Sandy and Celia. But it’s all there.

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