What would you want to know on "Wednesday"?

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    If there is a guy at the high school who has a reputation for trying to take advantage of girls on dates, some of those girls might be looking for a little payback (or want to turn the tables on him to teach him a lesson)

    Another thought – so far several of the girls have been into growing bigger and stronger than the guys; it might be an interesting switch to see a girl who tries to figure out how to get guys even smaller and weaker (or some guy in particular).

    Oh, and I personally love the descriptions of how small the girls’ old clothes are on them – especially as the day progresses!


    It’s amazing the kind of points people are mentioning. Certainly Mark, your stories has that effect.

    It’s obvious that most people like that the female completly dominate the man even to the point of treat him like an object to her dispose. (I’m not against it btw. I’m a big fan of Marknew stories for a long time)

    But there are some people that really likes the gentle amazon giantess. A woman more powerful than a man, but still with love in his heart to treat him as equal.

    What I will like to see in the next chapter is both sides of the coins. The gentle girls and the mad ones. It will be funny is that kind of conflict happens between the girls that made the wishes. An inner fight to correct or do more damage.

    It will be nice to see the relationships of some women and men now. I can’t recall now exactly the name of a female character now (my apologizes) but she was a fat girl than now is deeply in love of a guy. The guy found the situation disgusting at the beginning but later he like the girl (if I’m wrong again my apologizes).

    Even she was rude to him at the beginning, now she is more tender and gentle. I will like to see a few scenes like these in the next chapter. Maybe some girlfriends showing their strength to their boyfriends and they loving them for doing it and even supporting them to get stronger.

    It will be nice to see some of the younger sisters turning their tables against their bully brothers. but it can be also incredible to see a younger sister stepping in the defense of her older brother as a group of kindergarden girls attack him.

    Other nice scene can be a couple talking about the muscular development of the woman. Maybe the woman is embarrased that she had big muscles, she felt to masculine. The man (who doesn’t need to be a FMG fan) confort at his now larger and stronger girlfriend and say that she looks good the way she is now. They can pretend to be in a game to help at themselves to adapt at the new situation.

    So, the girl will like to show off her muscles to her lovers (bodybuilding poses) and both found amusing that both were getting aroused. In a playful way the woman can take at her lover into her arms and make love to him in a gentle way (trying not to bruise him and all that stuff).

    Both found very stimulating that kind of activity and the girl still love at her man, and even more, she continue respecting him.

    Sorry if these post was too long. I have so many ideas.

    Very good luck Mark


    Mark Newman

    Thanks for your ideas, Max and Osquip. I can’t promise to put those specific scenes in the stories, but you will certainly find things like that, both in the earlier chapters and the new ones. Life includes both the tender and the tough and I try to write it that way.

    I do not intend to let the pendant be used for personal vendettas, but you never know what may happen when magical forces are unleashed.


    Life includes both the tender and the tough and I try to write it that way.

    Thank you my friend.


    Hunter S Creek

    Great work, Marknew742!

    Thank you for sharing it!



    Lee Waara

    I hope that my $0.02 be not tossed in late!

    The course of my wish for an extension of an already established plot-line is to see how superior Juliet becomes to Jonathan. I groove on the physical changes, but enjoy her many levels of superiority over Jonathan and would not mind seeing her demonstrate her ascendancy in other ways, particularly intellectually.

    I also look forward to Theresa’s interactions with her brothers.

    Lastly, I would not mind seeing Cindy try to reclaim Joe from a Pamela who has surpassed Cindy’s height and other, er umm 🙄 , attributes.

    Mark Newman

    Those are all good ideas.

    The third won’t happen, for reasons that will become clear as you read through Wednesday.

    The first two won’t happen on Wednesday, because Juliet spent Wednesday with another friend and because Theresa’s brothers needed a little time to heal before she punished them more. But they are just the kind of things that WILL happen as time passes.

    Just wait.


    As Tom Petty so aptly put it " The waiting is the hardest part!"

    Lee Waara

    Lastly, I would not mind seeing Cindy try to reclaim Joe from a Pamela who has surpassed Cindy’s height and other, er umm 🙄 , attributes.

    The third won’t happen, for reasons that will become clear as you read through Wednesday.

    Just wait.

    In that case I hope to read, though it need not be on Wednesday, about other interactions with a Pamela who grows conspicuously tall and perhaps swells proportonately larger up front. 😀



    How is Wednesday coming? Are we going to see it soon? The teaser was great.

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