Which road to take.

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  • #17612

    For those that have read the two stories that I have posted, you may be aware that I have some interesting ideas bouncing around in my skull. Unfortunately, they interfere with the voices in my head, so I need to get them out. 😉

    One of these ideas actually ties into something that I plan on dong in the "real world", not just online. I'm writing a book. Obviously, you have to be an especially good writer in order to have one of your works published, and I'm still have a ways to go before I am at that level. Obviously, I need to write the story so that it is socially acceptable (barely any FMG and very little female muscle shown in a positive light). Obviously, I don't want to do that, so, in addition, I plan doing something else with the story, on this forum. This version, would obviously have more FMG in it. However, I have run into a problem.

    Right now, I have two choices. The first is to write a story that shares a similar concept to the main story that I am writing. The other is that I could write the same story, but in a different way, so that there would be a substantial amount of FMG and female muscle in a positive light. To summarize it, one story would be similar, but different, and the other would be a slightly different version of what I am already working on. Right now, I want to hear what everyone here wants. There is a poll on this topic that will allow you to choose, but additional comments would be appreciated.


    By the way, what sort of story are you writing?  Action novel?  Childrens' storybook?  Science fiction story?

    Why do you assume FMG is socially unnacceptable?  This forum alone has over 100 fans, I believe.  I know personally that I'd buy a story with enormous babes in it if the plot was solid.


    I'm thinking on a grand scale. If I'm to be a professional writer, I need to appeal to the biggest audience that I can. It also makes it easier to publish. While I may not be entirely accurate on this subject, it is what makes logical sense to me. Still, it doesn't mean that it won't be in there, it will just be subtle. Well… kind of subtle. One of the female characters can transform into a hulking monstrosity, so that isn't so subtle, but there will be other things. The hulking mostrosity TF will make sense when you meet the charcter that does the TF.

    On that topic, the story is going to be based on a world that revolves around D&D-like rules. The version that is slightly different from what I'm going to be writing takes place on earth about 2,000 years from now. The other story, the one that is similar, but has a different storyline, is going to take place on another world that resembles earth. It's going to be a action-fantasy combination. I already have the 10 main characters plotted out (5 good, 5 bad). I also have both storylines mapped out. All that's left is to string it together. For now, I'm only going to do one of the storylines. Eventually, I may do the second. It really depends on how much time I can devote to the story. ONe last thing: both stories will have FMG and female muscle. It's just the events that lead up to it that are different.


    Well I'm not a prowriter. I do do writing as a hobby. I'd say just write and not worry about appealing to any one. But I guess this would be your meal ticket. That is pretty much why I'm glad I have not choosen that porfession. That way if I want to write something I don't have to worry if it sells.


    You know what? I forgot to give y'all a summary of the two stories.

    The one with a different storyline takes place on another world in a medieval/fantasy setting. The five good guys are questing to stop the five bad guys, who have basically taken control of the entire region that the story takes place in. The only way to do that is to recover an ancient artifact. At about the same time that the four main characters for the good guys set out to find it, the four main characters for the bad guys set out to stop them. They have some minor clashes throughout the storyline, but there is nothing decisive about them. Finally, both teams find out where this artifact is located. They set out immediately. As the team of the bad guys gets closer, they begin to harbor traitorous feelings. If one of them could gain the artifact, then that person could easily overpower the other three as well as their boss, and become the new leader. They begin to plot against each other. Both teams arrive at the hiding place for the item at the same time, and have a final brawl. Saying any more will ruin the story, so I'll let your imagination take it from here.

    The one that has the same storyline takes place on earth about 2000 years from now, in a post-apocolyptic world. Earth is conquered in the year 3000, just after New Year's by an empire of monstrous creatures. These creatures come from a number of parallel universes that have also been conquered. They tore rifts in the fabric of time and space and came through, slaughtering everyone who got in the way. About 1000 years later, a solid resistance has formed. It consists of humans, obviously, and two main "good races" that came through the rifts soon after the monsters. They are the elves and the dwarves. There are some others, but they are minor and do not have a separate branch of the resistance. There are only three branches, one for each main "good race". The story is about how the four main good guys meet and begin to work together to take down the empire. I can't give too many more details about this one, mostly beacuse it is difficult to say anything that wouldn't give away anything important to the story.

    Since, this is all new information, I'm going to reset the poll so that you can better pick which one you prefer. Please be honest.

    Oh, and in response to minimanmax, the version that is going to be sold is going to have to be written to appeal to the masses, but, to make up for that inconvenience, I am writing another version. One that I like. I suppose that I could publish that too, but it would definitely not sell as well.


    Well… Since so many people care about whoch path I take ( :roll:), I will just have to do both. I will start with the alternative storyline, since that isn't going to be an actual book and will be much shorter. When I have finished that, I will post the individual chapters of my actual story as I write them for my book. I'm not sure which forum I'm going to be putting it on, yet. I should have the first part of the shorter story done by the end of the month (Thanksgiving is going to interfere. Family, and all that).

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