Wonder Woman trailer

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  • #131199

    Well, here it is. A lot of the fanboys and girls are going wild about it. It’s hard for me to look at this trailer and think that Wonder Woman could get her butt kicked by Taylor Swift. Seriously, for an Amazonian Princess, she looks like she’d be knocked over by a stiff breeze. Also, she walks in to a room with a broadsword visible in the back of her dress in a ROOM FULL OF NAZIS AND NO ONE SEES ANYTHING ODD? I surprised the war lasted that long. That’s my opinion, . If you dare, click below:



    I think Gal Gadot looks slightly more muscular than Taylor Swift (my head hurts just thinking about it). I think it will suck and they will say hey heroines don’t sell as well as heroes. Good thing it won’t come out for a year


    . Also, she walks in to a room with a broadsword visible in the back of her dress in a ROOM FULL OF NAZIS AND NO ONE SEES ANYTHING ODD? I surprised the war lasted that long. That’s my opinion, . If you dare, click below:


    Nazis? In the Great War? I doubt that.


    This Gal Gadot bashing is pathetic, and shows the band-wagoning nature of human beings.
    She was FANTASTIC in Dawn of Justice, from her constume to her martial arts moves to her
    sexy Israeli accent, which gave her the feel of a bona fide Greek amazon. She was born to play
    the role — stop criticizing her and move on. She’s here to stay.


    Those fight scene with soldiers in that trailer look’s awsome


    They say in post production she turns into Linda Carter. :laugh:


    This Gal Gadot bashing is pathetic, and shows the band-wagoning nature of human beings.
    She was FANTASTIC in Dawn of Justice, from her constume to her martial arts moves to her
    sexy Israeli accent, which gave her the feel of a bona fide Greek amazon. She was born to play
    the role — stop criticizing her and move on. She’s here to stay.

    Deal with it, this is an amazon forum.
    I bet if you look hard enough, you can find a superheroine forum where 10 years old fanboy drools over anyone cute whether she has any muscles or not


    They say in post production she turns into Linda Carter. :laugh:

    that would be the coolest moment in the film ,..Gal turned into Linda Carter
    Love to see a Wonder Woman that has curves


    This movie is set in World War I. Those aren’t Nazis. Nazis do not yet exist at that point in time.


    This movie is set in World War I. Those aren’t Nazis. Nazis do not yet exist at that point in time.

    Germans/Nazis vs.tomato/potato at this point

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