Young Sis goes to College and Grows "BIG"- by fbbfan

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  • #16484

    This topic is nothing new, I have seen various  incarnations of this subject…
    with various stories and artwork alike…

    This is my take on this very appealing concept to me that I have seen throughout the NET.

    Those familiar with my style will see that I like deep dark lines, I use a Black Sharpie
    fine point, and fine line for small little details…I decided to color and use colored pencils.
    And then scanned my drawing. 

    I was fooling around last night drawing, and I actually finished a drawing for once. 😀

    As always…. I kinda dig the cartoony look  :roll:, but I am interested in
    incorporating vascularity, and probably more accurate Muscle structure in the future.

    If anybody has any other advice for different coloring methods(computer programs)
    Or anything else…I am listening now.

    Hope you folks  like my drawing, this is the only website I am posting on so far.

    I plan on HOPEFULLY making another drawing with these characters where the Sister grows even Bigger.
    What are they teaching at this School?  👿  LOL

    Oh…and she is legal age…okay she is about 21 years old…blah, blah..



    Warren Vehec

    Nice work.  Maybe you should do a short comic story about it.  Like what did he do to her before she went to college and now what's going to do to get out of the punishment she has in mind for him.

    Awesome work.  Draw however you feel like drawing.

    Hunter S Creek

    Cool idea and cool sketch!

    Thank you for sharing!


    ze fly

    Good work! Thank you for posting it… 🙂

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