- This topic has 18 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 4 months ago by
Arch Dandy.
September 14, 2005 at 5:47 pm #13365
Amazon Lover
ParticipantWhat online games do you like playing? Anything you like to play online, feel free to share. Keep in mind that you don't need to mention your account name if that game has accounts, but if you do want to invite Amaz0ns members to meet up with you, feel perfectly free.
My personal faves:
– Kingdom of Loathing: An online RPG-type game with amazing graphics (All stick figures) and mysterious worlds (Like the Limerick Dungeon and the Haunted Pantry). Also has neat character classes. Warrior? Ninja? Healer? Who needs 'em? You could have one of 6 super-cool classes: Seal Clubber, Turtle Tamer, Pastamancer, Sauceror, Accordion Theif, and Disco Fiend! Seriously, this game is hilarious, free to play, and doesn't take much of an internet connection to play. http://www3.kingdomofloathing.com/login.php
– Second Life – Coolest online game EVER. It's a little like Sims Online, in that you play a humanoid character, live as you like, and interact with the world around you. BUT there are lots of things you WON'T find in Sims that you will find here! You can build stuff – you can build whatever you like here! You want to hold a magic wand? Go ahead! You want to have a Mario-style Raccoon tail? You can build one! You want your own castle? You can make it! (Although that last one requires real-world money, since more advanced accounts let you own land. Basic accounts are free). Also, in The Sims, you can't fly, last I checked. Every character in Second Life can fly to get around, with really easy-to-use controls. Page Up and Page down make you fly up or down, while the arrow keys move you as though you were walking. You can also teleport to different locations. If you've been there before, or have some sorta guide or other text that links to a place, you can teleport yourself there! There's amazing scenery; since Second Life is almost totally made by its inhabitants, just about any place is creatable! Castles, pyramids, ruins, spaceships, office buildings, construction sites, treehouses, Transylvania, Castle Peach, laboratires, and even an upside-down room! The website and all the details are at secondlife.com NOTE: You will need a credit card to sign up, even if you get a free account. If you're between 18-20 years old, you can check out Teen Second Life with a parent's credit card and permission. You'll also need a fast internet connection (Sorry, dial-up users!).
– Neopets – Okay, you can stop laughing, now. Seriously, stop it. Come on, man! Neopets is actually less childish or girly than one might expect. The Flash games are well-made and highly challenging, the items and weapons are unusual (Such as Asparagus nunchucks or the Dung Catapult), and there's seemingly no limit to the many things you can do. You can open a store, play the Neopian stock market, explore strange worlds, play games, go through "choose-your-own-adventures" and special games created by Neopets members, take part in SUPER-hard mysteries and events (Believe me, some mysteries that Neopets has had could only be solved by someone who's a major genius with a computer, as you're often sent looking from one page to another with no links, only clues. And really cryptic ones at that), and more. And there are actually plenty of folks who play Neopets who are over 20 or 30 (And don't live with their parents, thank you very much!). http://www.neopets.com
– Adventure Quest RPG – A great game, but if the server's full, only those with paid accounts can play. When you can play it, it's easy to finish a battle in a short amount of time. It's the RPG you can play on your lunch break!
September 14, 2005 at 9:15 pm #13366flashHEART.EXE
ParticipantNothing wrong with liking Neopets. Its a pretty solid concept that is executed extremely well. Its the type of thing that Gaia (go Gaia?) wishes it was. And a lot of the games are actually FUN on it too.
If I had any type of modeling/programming skill, I would definitely check out Second Life. A friend of mine was telling me about how a guy built a gun that would launch people an in-game mile. He ran around shooting people with it until he got put on probation.
As far as my favorites:
TFC. Sadly, not a whole lotta servers for it now that HL2/Source came out. Team based class specific co-operative frag fests, what's not to love? I have been playing it since about… 2000 I guess.
WoW: What to say? They took the best parts about MMORPGs, weeded out most of the bad parts, and added Capture the Flag. And you can play as THE UNDEAD. Sadly, since my good computer (ie the one I can actually run games on), went kaput, I had to cancel my account.
City of Villains: I have been waiting for this ever since City of Heroes launched. Only… 13 days left. But since my aforementioned good computer is on the fritz, I don't know when I will get to run it.
As far as the single player stuff goes:
Sveerz: How I LOOOOOVE this puzzle game. The music is great and the voices will grow on you. It's kinda like Simon: you have to click the little sveerz in order of color.
Tamale Loco 2: Rumble in the Desert: Just a little side scroller platform game. You play Tamale Loco in your quest to assemble burritos and rescue the senorita. The music is great in this one too.
Camper Strike: Basically a shooting gallery type game using CS (non source ha ha) maps.
September 15, 2005 at 12:01 am #13367sheila_new_shehulk
Participantwell, i cant really say favorite, cuz its the only 1 iv played, but WoW is definitely there. my lil bro plays ( hes 1 of thos plp with liek 4 lvl 60s) n im currently living alone due to university( 🙁 my roomates left me, well i left them but they didnt folow) n i needed sum little thing too pass the time. unfortuantely, i hated the idea of paying to play, BUT i was hit by good forune, in the form of a coupon, and lucky timing. I had a coupon saying "if u buy WoW, get 50% off 60 day game card, and while the coupon was close to expiring, the store had a deal goin on wer its 50% off anyways wen u buy the game, n the coupon didnt say not usuable with other discounts er w/e, it was jus a loop hole so the guy wouldnt budge, but i threw some fancy high school law words n definitions etc. at him n ended up withe 90 free days with purchase of game(if u buy u get 30 days free any ways)
i have 4 char, two under lvl 20 ( pretty pathetic) lvl 26 n 1 lvl 38 (damn i want a tiger) which is pretty pathetic for sum1 goin on 150 days but its a game i defintely recomend.
September 15, 2005 at 4:13 am #13368billy3802
Participantwell, i cant really say favorite, cuz its the only 1 iv played, but WoW is definitely there. my lil bro plays ( hes 1 of thos plp with liek 4 lvl 60s) n im currently living alone due to university( 🙁 my roomates left me, well i left them but they didnt folow) n i needed sum little thing too pass the time. unfortuantely, i hated the idea of paying to play, BUT i was hit by good forune, in the form of a coupon, and lucky timing. I had a coupon saying "if u buy WoW, get 50% off 60 day game card, and while the coupon was close to expiring, the store had a deal goin on wer its 50% off anyways wen u buy the game, n the coupon didnt say not usuable with other discounts er w/e, it was jus a loop hole so the guy wouldnt budge, but i threw some fancy high school law words n definitions etc. at him n ended up withe 90 free days with purchase of game(if u buy u get 30 days free any ways)
i have 4 char, two under lvl 20 ( pretty pathetic) lvl 26 n 1 lvl 38 (damn i want a tiger) which is pretty pathetic for sum1 goin on 150 days but its a game i defintely recomend.
wow is a good game i got a lvl 25 warior a lvl 9 priest and a lvl 10 hunter
September 16, 2005 at 4:59 am #13369BlackKusanagi
ParticipantPSO. Hands down.
September 16, 2005 at 8:15 am #13370pidey
ParticipantAnarchy online.
They have a play for freeuntil Jan 15 free offer right now, you might wanna try it.
September 17, 2005 at 1:44 pm #13371khuddle
ParticipantI think WOW is one of those landmark games that people will be talking about well into the future. It really is Dungeons and Dragons brought to life, only with a PVP element that the old paper and pen roleplaying game could never provide.
I have a lvl 60 Frost Mage on the Dragonblight server — named "Fieros". Come and say hello some time — except if your Horde. If your Horde Ill kick your ass 🙂September 17, 2005 at 3:47 pm #13372mercblue22
ParticipantHello all,
I would have to say my fav game is definitely City of Heroes. I mean, the fact that you can any superhero you ever wished or dreamed of and create them how you see them fit, is awesome! Plus, the gameplay, powers, characters, villains are not that bad -a little repetitive- but overall, its a great game. One other thing, to the guy who posted that City of Villains is in 13 days…that's incorrect. City of Villains launches on Halloween not the end of this month. 😀Fonzie
September 17, 2005 at 4:36 pm #1337300tree
ParticipantHeres my CoH character
September 17, 2005 at 4:55 pm #13374Amazon Lover
ParticipantDang, that's one impressive muscle-girl!
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