Forum Replies Created
Participant“Which FBBr(s) sets off your Lust-O-Meter?”
Answer: Yes. ^_^
ParticipantAshlee wrote:
Very sexy maybe you send her to kick the twilight clowns butt!! and remind her….. He’s so deeeeeeeep!
LOL Yeah If only eh?
She would totally trash all of the characters in that sappy teenage wherewolf vampire love triangle all at the same time.
When Umeko muscles up her strength is pretty much infinate. She becomes one of the strongest beings in the multyverse.
ParticipantYeeeeeah…. I took about a year long break from drawing when my scanner busted. It broke then I fixed it then it broke again so I just let it be. I had a lot of other stuff on my plate so I had to put all my pics on pause for a bit. It’s good to be making some art again and I’m glad that I’ve gotten a not so bad responce.
A lot of the people who used to talk with me about art before my break have actually contacted me again. 😆 Thanks guys and gals.
I realy appriciate all the possitive responce and have another pic in the works.
ParticipantSkadi is absolutely amazing! :blink: She’s totally ripped and getting bigger in every new picture I see of her. It also doesn’t hurt that this German muscle goddess is totaly HOT. ^_^ :woohoo:
Participantmistaricsta wrote:
So I finally got the game and while it doesn’t blow me away, it’s still pretty cool. Anyway, the reason I brought this topic up was that after going to the main city(Millennium City) to change some costume related stuff when two other random players said ew(the way the genius typed it) and gross. After that, I was wondering if any other players generally got good or bad responses to their amazon characters in game.
My character, btw:
I get mixed responces for my character but over all its good. Some people are exeptionally rude so I just activate the ignore responce for them. I can handle someone’s opinion but am not willing to accept total rudeness. I have three muscle girl toons and enjoy them all. I also have a few power armor and alien type toons.
It’s funny, you give a four foot guy a bird head wings and feathers and people might call you a wirdo or freak but make a muscle girl and “eeeew”. Anyway the eeew thing has only happened 3 or 4 time over the last 8 months I’ve play so I think thats pretty good. I have many more possative remarks than negative ones.
It all boils down to what people like and how rude they want to be.
Participant(sigh) I know Iris Kyle works very hard, all the women of bodybuilding do, but I don’t think that she is so head and shoulders above the rest that she should win EVERY SINGLE SHOW…
okay on a good note. I have a PC of my own to actually start posting with again. My PC and scanner bed got fried a while back and I have got back on do to how ticked off I was about it. I still don’t have a scanner to post any pics (mumble mumble grumble) but I can at least post again.
Participantwow i haven't been on in a while GREAT FINDS!!! Thank you very much 🙂
ParticipantUh-oh, somebody is getting David Hasselhoffed. I feel that I must stait to Ze Fly that I have fallen off the PC community untill I can get a new PC. I just surf for a bit on my sib's to check up on a few sites so thats why you haven't seen much of me around. My computer got fried a while back and every time I seem to get enough $$$ saved to make a new one something important has to be paid.
Anyway back to the topic at hand. Ze Fly, I really like your posts and apriciate the time you put into them greatly. Sorry that I haven't been around to say it but if you stop posting this site is going to loose a rather good member who commits a lot of time and effort.
Thats just my two cents. If you don't feel fulfilled in your posts then by all means do what you feel is best. I just wanted you to know that you would be missed. :-[
ParticipantIt’s been a long time since I've been able to post anything do to a computer virus eating my PC and I am hoping to get another soon. So here is my first post in a few months.
I honestly don't care one way or the other if roids are illegal I just want there to be a little consistency in how there delt with. Almost all pro sports are juiced but do the pick on the big named sports? (NFL, NBA, MLB) Not too often. The athletes of these sports are seen as heroes and roll models. I see this as absurd. Athletes of the before mentioned sports make more in a single year than most people do in a lifetime and flow from team to team with no loyalty to anything other than their bank account. They can also get away with many illegal actions that I won’t even get into on this thread.
Bodybuilding (especially the women) is seen as an unclean sport with a huge ego. Sports are about appearance and most people fail to remember that. You can’t tell me that the trash talking big leaguers aren’t worried about how people see them as they score a touch down / slam dunk / home run. There is a lot of show boating after any of these things accrue in an event. I could do without some of the trash talk but do I mind, no not really. It adds to the entertainment value of the event.
If you’re going to treat one group of athletes as criminals for using and /or selling steroids treat them all that way not just the sports that aren’t mainstream.
My thoughts… if you don’t agree that’s fine you don’t have to.
ParticipantAs much as I love gymnastics (hey, I even bought some rings off Coach Sommers), that test looked more than a little setup in favor of the gymnasts. (seriously, who can hold a handstand the longest?) I bet the football players would win if they included events like "run through a solid brick wall" or "tear someone's limbs off" 🙂
Anything body weight orriented is going to be in the gymnasts favor. The smaller you are the easier it is to be pound for pound stronger.