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  • in reply to: Corrupting or…? #2277

    Well, AlexG, that is certainly a fair question. I am sincerely flattered that you took the time to ask me. 🙂

    Hey, that’s what the forum’s all about – or at least this portion of it . . . 😉

    (Besides, you’re a nick-famous individual – all right, I’m laying it on a bit thick, but its good to hear it, isn’t it?)

    The answer may be as simple as the fact that I am not truly a member of the FMG or GTS genre in the eyes of many. As you know, some see the genre as a club from which those that are not true believers should be shunned or criticized or expelled.

    I’ve actually been "scolded" many times over the years for not being true to either genre. As a point of information, I’ve also been criticized by many in the BE community because I tend to lose interest there too if breast size becomes ridiculously large.

    Why you heretic . . . how dare you not enjoy Uber-boobs that require a wheelbarrow for support . . . 😉

    I sort of figured it was something like that – reminds me of the ultra-extreme femuscle art. i.e. such as at Diana’s. Personally, I vastly prefer a muscular archetype built-up on the lines of the She-Hulk or Thundra (be it Titaness or Giantess in scale) – which probably comes out of my real-world interest in female bodybuilding and fitness. BTW – I’ve been just as accused in the past (in a good-natured way) of going for a more realistically plausible physique over that of an unbelievably-fantastically huge in character – i.e. dang, she’s so wide and top-heavy that if she bends over her wasp-waist will snap in two.

    An example with which you are familiar — I enjoy but I tend to keep a low profile there.

    As do I – although, I prefer to involve myself with those topics that are (or can be) construed as areas of Amazonian interest when they come up – or as a pun-ful personage with a well-needed dose of humor to lighten-up the situation. Besides, given that the majority over there – or at least it seems that way on the public face of it – aren’t interested, I do my best to proselytize the concept to those who might be unexposed unbelievers, all in the hopes that their interest might be peaked. A sort of – you know, I never gave it any thought, having never been exposed to the concept, but I can see why some of those muscle gals are so attractive to a certain segment of the population.

    Or as Tre Scott has said in the past, (paraphrasing) there are far more interested in them then most might think, but they’ll never say so in public – but in private they will. They’re just afraid of being laughed at by their friends.

    I’ve stopped posting art and stories there because I was criticized a bit too harshly too many times. I’ll never understand people who go out of their way to criticize the creators of things that are essentially "free".

    Same here – although, I don’t think I’ve ever been criticized, (if you don’t count that duel I had with Devoe a few years back) usually ignored without feedback commentary. The amount of free time/effort/labor of love I might put into a collage (or a She-Hulk montage) is better off being poured into a story, which is primarily why I’ve stopped posting any materials over there.

    A well written story, with decent character development can hold my attention almost regardless of the relative sizes and strengths and other characteristics of the characters.

    I’ve always felt that it’s the story itself, with a thoughtful plot line and related character development that can hold your interest is the primary course – while the TF segment (and intercourse scene – if one is used) should be treated as the dessert portion of a well rounded out story. Otherwise, its just like cotton candy – looks great, tastes fine, but in the end it leaves you left unfulfilled – emotionally, as much as intellectually.

    The exception is graphic violence. This is where most authors immediately lose my interest. However, I do not intend to sound critical. A lack of interest for something on my part is not meant to be criticism: to each his own. I do not wish to be injured or killed. I do not want to see others injured or killed. I do not want to read about others being injured or killed. I do not want to see or read about senseless destruction. My experience with the GTS and FMG genres is that most stories and pictures that feature women over 20-feet-or-so tall or women who are able to toss a car, invariably cause mayhem, injury, and death: accidentally or purposefully. In the hands of many authors, those characters are usually simply too big or too strong to interact with others without causing problems. And, IMHO, if they are not interacting with others, then there is really no story anyway. I suppose you could say that it is at that point that I would consider a given author’s character to be "ridiculously large or powerful".

    Descriptive violence to a point with a strong moral clarity of defining good vs evil, selflessness vs selfishness – as within a superheroic / heroine motif is fine by me. Again, I understand where you’re coming from and no disagreement from me about it – we’re very much on the same side of the street about that aspect of a story line. The type of senseless carnage without any sense of right and wrong – wallowing in it out of a base nature of self-indulgent powerlust never has had any attraction for me.

    Some might say that Mega growth would qualtify as the inability to interact with those of normal stature. Usually when I’ve used that concept in the past, it’s set within certain contexts and constraints – usually of a supernatural manner – i.e. Gods and Goddesses.

    Having said all of that, I do hasten to mention that I appreciate many of your works!

    Such blazon adoration will get you – anywhere . . . thank you, very much. 🙂

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    in reply to: Corrupting or…? #2274

    I tend to lose interest in growth scenarios if the female becomes ridiculously large or powerful.

    Hunter, I’m just curious here, but given your interests in FMG and GTS your statement caught my attention. Just what would you exactly define as "ridiculously large or powerful" within this/these genre(s)?

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    in reply to: Corrupting or…? #2271

    I think you’re asking about the classic two-edged sword of transformation.

    One – of absolute power, corrupting absolutely.

    And two – Stan Lee’s statement of with great power comes even greater responsibly.

    Psychologically, it all depends upon the individual whose the recipient of the blessing (or curse) of the transformational change. Some will certainly rise to the occasion and become better individuals, others, perhaps just as good to start out with because of their inherent flaws will be enamored (even possessed) by the more hedonistic / narcissistic elements of their change and become far worse in nature. This is far more likely if the character is “pre-arranged” for such a fall from grace. Nor is it to say that from time to time some of them might not try to redeem themselves, but more often then not it’s not something that you see occurring with much frequency in these types of stories.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    in reply to: Bodybuilding reality show- Body Beautiful #2158

    Well, I wouldn’t be expecting them to turn out any Lesa Lewises or Cory Eversons in only 12 weeks time . . . even so, it’s an interesting twist on the reality show format. 😉

    On a fantasy-fiction level, the concept reminds me of some of the GTS/SW stories that MrG was posting on a regular basis over on the ZZZ forums and/or the SW Matrix forum.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    in reply to: Female GTS writers & Artists? #1919

    The She-Hulk board? Where’s that?

    **Doh** I should have included it :mrgreen:

    It’s part of the Misfit forums –

    Which are linked to the Alvaro boards:

    Lingster also has the link to the SH forum on his Blog site:

    Another(s) worth visiting, if you’re into female muscle artwork, also linked on Lingster’s blog page:

    **whew** hope that helps 😉

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    in reply to: Attention to all : stories are NOT wirtten by me…. #1980

    No, I don’t think its just you GTSKate – I know how I would feel about such a violation; regardless of how well meaning or minor an issue it might seem on the surface to some.

    At a very basic level its just plain wrong, in fact, it goes beyond the pale to tamper with other peoples stories without first making a real attempt at gaining their permission. And if you can’t, then leave it alone and try writing something original of your own by applying the energy of what you had in mind with that story instead.

    As an example, when Hi-Standard continued Whoopie’s "Hiccups" as Whoopie’s Stand-In, he did precisely that – he first got the author’s permission to do so before proceeding.

    Lastly, I will conclude with this thought for everyone’s edification. Writing stories is never easy done – it take time, patience, skill and a degree of talent – and things like this do not encourage people out there to freely supply their works, it has just the opposite effect.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    in reply to: Female GTS writers & Artists? #1917

    Of course you’re remembered and remembered very well, indeed, Milady. 🙂

    Ever since the ZZZ boards dried up I’ve been mostly shuttling my forum time between here, and the She-Hulk board.

    Please, do drop me an email, would like very much to catch up with you for the lost time.

    BTW – l left you a Private Message in your PM Box w/ my contact info.

    Alex Germain

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    in reply to: Female GTS writers & Artists? #1915

    Yes, that one, "A Mother’s Love" has been archived (it seems like forever) on the inactive Nadie8’s website for several years now. You can find the rest of Kate’s works at the website. A couple of people were asking about her last story, "You Just Might Get It", of which she never came back to complete, so I uploaded it to the archive along with the others, including the one you already have found.

    Some of Cashia’s stories (meaning most recent) can also be found at the site – the rest are located on her homepage.

    Faylinn has an elaborate Keltic based website – in a sense, the site itself is a story.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    in reply to: Female GTS writers & Artists? #1913

    Are there any of them out there? And I am curiouse, what makes their work difrent than from there mail counter-parts? And if not, than – why not?

    Not certain if you mean professionally or on-line fan fiction. I’m assuming, of course, for the purposes of this forum that you’re referring to the latter rather then the former.

    Yes, there have been some female writers of GTS in the past, don’t know of any at the moment who are still writing or at least posting their materials in public. Three of those that come most notably to my mind would be Kate (aka JenWalters), Cashia and Faylinn. There have been other female writers, but most of them seem to be more inclined to write SW materials then GTS stories. Interestingly enough, if I had to demark a difference between the majority of male writers and these three females it would be that women seem to have a preference towards creating Gentle GTS stories rather then action adventure / violent stories. Also, they like to focus on conversation / dialog and enjoy in-depth expressions of emotions and feelings between the characters then to dwell upon the physical transformation process itself.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    in reply to: Doing the math #425

    Hi guys, first time poster here.

    This one’s aimed at the fiction writers: how do you calculate a woman’s height and weight in one of your works?

    Personally, I use a formula I’d borrowed from Vitality Magazine weight guidelines: a 5’0" woman’s healthy weight should be 100 lbs., and add 5 lbs. for every inch taller after that.

    Of course, that’s going to go up for body builders; I did something very fast and loose here when I was dieting: you know those 5 pound tube packs of hamburger meat you might see at the supermarket? I imagine that as my "modeling clay, and try to add that much to the woman’s frame as I imagine her and add up the height and weight.

    How do y’all measure your amazons?

    It’s an interesting question; one that doesn’t have any real fast or exact answer since the variables involved depends upon the individual and can span a wide range – even within a female bodybuilding weight class. I.E. two people might have approximately the same physical height and weight, but depending upon how their skeletal-muscular structure (genetics) is put to together one might look far larger then the other.

    On a related topic, at the moment, there is an ongoing project to create a Giantess calculator over at the web site.

    But you asked about Amazons, rather then Giantesses . . . 😉

    Another factor you have to take into account is whether or not the character is going be Human Amazonian or Meta Human Amazonian in height, weight and the degrees of her overall strength. If it’s the former, you could use stats of real life female bodybuilders and a height / weight table comparison chart (use one with a range and median average) as a guide.

    Some of the better female bodybuilding stat sources:

    Although the original site seems to be gone, its been saved on the Internet Wayback Machine site – one of the best height / weight charts I’ve come across – best to print it out.*/

    Click on Nov 28, 1999, then scroll down to the link "Weight Tables Comparison Study" and click on it. The height / weight chart should come up – if not, keep trying with one of the earlier dated saves of the site, the later ones seem to have been blocked off by the original home page server.

    Now, if its a case of the latter and your Amazonian character is going to be on the level of the She-Hulk or Thundra, you can still use the former information as a preliminary starting point, but as a real guide its best to see what others have already worked out on the subject. As an example, the stat info from the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (or conversely the version used by DC for its characters) for height, weight and levels of strength would be a good source since the information is already compiled for you.

    Hope this is of assistance.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

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