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ParticipantI also think on some level, I just find buff women hot. Even if I don’t think about how much I like to fight or rough sex or any of that stuff… I always think naturally muscular women are hot. In fact, although I can like people who are stereotypically considered attractive (you know, like what media says is “hot”) like Megan Fox or Jessica Alba, I personally think naturally buff women have the hottest bodies. I don’t really mind if they’re in contest shape or if they’re off-season, I just like them a lot.
I know quite a lot of people in my generation who are cool with me liking buff women. Even if they don’t like buff women, at least many of my friends aren’t disgusted by it or anything. Some still find it a bit odd though.
Does anyone else prefer naturally buff women? I personally dislike steroids, due to the negative effects of them.
Also, to any guys who work out on the boards, do you find that becoming muscular changed your interests in women to liking buff ones? I felt like when younger, I thought muscular women were cool but once I started working out, I thought they were hot. The more I worked out, the more I found muscular women to be hot to the point where though I can find actresses or supermodels hot, I think any woman looks hotter with muscle. Same thing with women who can fight. Anyone else have similar experiences?
ParticipantDon’t call yourself fucked up.
I remember for a while, I hated my sexuality. All of it. I thought “who the hell is into buff women” or “I must be insane for liking fighting so much”, but then I realized I had to accept myself and that my sexuality really isn’t that bad. In fact, I find it awesome now 🙂 But if you refer to yourself as “fucked up” and keep putting yourself down, you won’t be able to accept and enjoy your sexuality!
(For the record, if it wasn’t obvious enough from above; yeah, basically I can sadomasochistically enjoy combat or really rough sex. I’m sort of into muscle worship as well…just not as much as other stuff.)
NOTE: I hope the above was not too explicit, but I haven’t been here in a while and am not familiar with the forum rules. Speaking of, if someone could direct me to them, it would be appreciated.
ParticipantThanks to everyone who replied so far. Sorry for not replying in a bit; life has been somewhat crazy recently.
Also, that is very good advice; Holiday. I can be somewhat klutzy unless I’m focusing; so I needed to hear that.
ParticipantPersonally, I stay motivated by looking at buff women. I really want to both buff and an amazing fighter, but I also want to be in a relationship with a buff fighter woman one day. I don’t know what it is about looking at buff women, but I guess it reminds both of what I find attractive and what I want to be. I guess I could look at buff dudes too, but since I’m not attracted to men it does not give me the same amount of inspiration.
Sadly, I recently fractured some vertebrae and tilted them. They’ll heal but I haven’t been able to work out in the last few weeks, at least not heavily. And I can’t fight either. At least according to my physiotherapist. But it should heal in a couple more weeks, and enough that I can continue with what I want to do. However, to keep myself out of depression over what I can’t do, I think about how I’m going to get back into shape when my back is healed and all the fighting I will continue to do. And to stay “extra motivated”, I look at a picture of a buff babe and I feel good again.
I know it sounds a bit silly, but it works for me and that’s what is important 🙂
After seeing Poison’s new design…I want to play this game even more. The costume, the hair and ESPECIALLY the abs and legs…I really like but I’m still confused on Poison’s gender. I think she’s a woman, but no one seems to agree on her gender. Anyone have any thoughts on the manner?
Regardless of Poison’s gender though… :blush: I think I know someone I’m going to play as.
ParticipantYeah, I agree the rate of obesity is going up sadly. However, I meant that many people want to be what the media shows. Not that they actually do what is require to be what is in the media, or at least not all of them. I live in Canada but I do know a lot of men and women who want to be the “ideals” I talked about, and are bashed for being anything else…but that might be because I’m in college now. However, it is inappropiate to say everyone is like that, but out of the people I know…it is a substantial amount. On the other hand, on further reflection it is probably wrong for me to assume that by my own personal experience I can “categorize” others…so I won’t. I’m only going off of my own personal experiences with others.
I don’t know much about the roid issues and legalities in the US, so I’m not going to comment on that. However, I’ll take your word on the matter.
As for my experiences with people knowing my fetishes, I don’t really advertise them. However, I am far too trusting with some “close” friends and well…yeah. But I do see your point.
As for gender stereotypes, I hope all stereotypes stop. How do they help?
Though I don’t quite get what you mean by women being “bigger, stronger and more athletic”. I mean, I know quite a few big, strong, athletic women…because I work out a lot, so I go to places where they would be. But when I look at all the women I know, not many are that big or strong. I’m not trying to being insulting, I’m just saying most women I know do not work out or play sports passionately. However, I wouldn’t be complaining if they all decided to :blush:
End the wall of text.
July 13, 2011 at 9:45 am in reply to: What Famous Fems would you add some serious muscle to if you could? #101955darkclaw91
ParticipantI never thought I’d say this…but Miley Cyrus’ bicep is kinda hot. In the “enhanced” picture though… :blush: She’s really hot. And Cameron Diaz is smoking hot in “The Curious Case of Cameron Diaz” 🙂
ParticipantThanks for all the help, everyone! And thanks for the links jazztival! 🙂
ParticipantThis…is actually kind of a saddening debate. I mean, I don’t think bodybuilding (male or female) will ever really “die”. I mean, if someone wants to do it, who’s going to stop them? However, I think it is kind of sad how much society does not value fitness…before, like others have said, there was a lot of bodybuilding (male and female) competitions. Now, it feels like a niche. Still, it’s a niche I enjoy and I’m sure many others do too.
(Warning: Rant below, but read the whole thing and I swear it makes sense in relation to the current argument. If you want to just see the conclusion and main points, skip to the last paragraph. And please note, this is all my opinion. So don’t freak out at me for it, please.)
I remember I posted a really cynical topic a while back about this (which I feel bad about, since it was kind of on a bad day for me…hence my uncharacteristic cynicism). However, after reading this topic, I have a new-ish opinion on the matter: North America has screwed up definitions of “masculine” and “feminine”.
I mean, as an egalitarian, I try not to care about what is masculine or feminine…but I’d be lying if I say I “never” do. I like women, who look like what Hollywood says is “beautiful” for a woman. However, as a person who loves fighting and bodybuilding, I like women who can kick a** and have muscle on them. But others I know tell me “Eww…you like women with muscles, they have man arms and man legs, etc.” (This is despite that the men who tell me this have stick-figure arms, nine times out of ten…and women agree with the “man arms/legs/etc.”). Because of the constant teasing I get about liking fbb’s and “the Hollywood ideal”…I feel incredibly awkward about my “interests”. It usually boils down to those mocking me that women should not be strong (or god forbid, muscular)…and I get this from men and women.
So, I guess what I’m saying is, if I can feel so…awkward…due to this, I can see why many other men and women would feel awkward. Some men may not want a woman to be stronger than them (even, or especially if the woman is a bodybuilder/power-lifter/etc. and they never worked out) and some women may worry they will not be attractive to men if they are physically strong and/or muscular.
As for drugs/steroids, they do make women look more “masculine”/have deeper voices/etc. So, yeah, a lot of guys won’t like that. But should people bash the guys who do? Apparently, yes, because you don’t see roided women all the time in the media. In my personal experience, I like women who are buff and tough. But…steroid-using women? It’s awkward for me, because every other guy I know except my trainer disses them. Seriously. I know that most women who work out can’t expect to have 17” inch arms naturally, so I feel conflicted on that point. Plus, I personally would never use drugs myself because I worry about them affecting my fighting performance and overall health…so I would worry about a woman’s health who is using roids too. It’s…REALLY complicated. There is never an easy answer to “Should bodybuilders (male or female) use steroids?” (IMO)
Also… people have different fetishes, interests, etc. So, it all comes to personal preferences…and definitely the preferences of those in charge in media, to say what it is “accepted” and what is not “normal”.
On another related topic; I, personally, think that Hollywood and the media should slowly introduce a variety of body types into media. If it was done all at once, some people may find it…odd, I guess, so that’s why I said “slowly”. But, honestly, I think it is not healthy to have only thin women and somewhat buff or athletic men in media. Why? In high school or college, I have seen people drive themselves insane over trying to be what the media shows. Women diet down to stick figures, while a lot of men complain about not having muscles yet do nothing to gain them or eat a bit more and then are made fun of for having a potbelly…the list goes on. If you do not fit the “mold” the media has, you’re made fun of. End of story. And it’s a sad story because of that.
If people were allowed to see people as varied as them in the media, maybe they would allow themselves to be more varied without judging themselves so badly. Maybe they’d be more open to other bodytypes. I don’t know. But the media should at least try.
As for the media’s definition of “masculine” and “feminine”…I would want them to just abolish those words. It would be a better world (IMO) if we didn’t worry about conforming to gender roles. But we do. For example, when I was younger, I wanted to be like Batman in Batman: The Animated Series. I wanted to kick butt and be buff. Then I watched Justice League. And Wonder Woman was hot to me…but why could she lift more than Bats but had no muscle to speak of (okay, other than that she’s an immortal warrior princess of Amazons infused with godlike powers…but you get my point)? I was…confused. I still am somewhat. But the point is, I wanted to be a “manly man” like Batman. On the other hand, I know women who actually think that magically going to the gym and only doing cardio is going to give them the stick figure of Wonder Woman and they’ll also magically get lots of strength. Uh, no? If you want strength, lift weights, I told a female friend of mine once when we went to the gym (she wanted to lose some weight…even though she was thin…really thin). I even told her she would not bulk up instantly so if she wanted a certain level of musculature, she could control it. She still thought that if she had even a POUND of muscle it was too much, but wanted to be strong. Contradiction, much?
Also, the media REALLY needs to start telling people to be more active. I know FAR too many people who complain about not being fit, strong, fast, whatever…but don’t do anything about it. At all.
(Last paragraph/list below…though if you read my whole rant, you get a cookie…or something, I think that meme is really old…so you get an Oreo, okay? …Which is still a cookie, so yeah.)
So, in conclusion, I personally think we would all be better off if:
A- The media actually had a variety of body types that made sense. If a superhero is lifting 100 tons…they should look it, regardless of gender.
B- The media got rid of gender roles.
C- The media promoted health and fitness…without being anvilicious (as in, they should not be forcing it onto everything and everyone). They can still have all kinds of bodies, and they don’t all need to be skinny or buff or anything. But some (men and women) could be buff, and if they are supposed to be strong, they should be buff then or have some muscles or something.End rant.
ParticipantI cannot describe how awesome that picture is.