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drumsstick master
Participant..Pretty damn out there since, AGAIN, I have never seen any FMA. At all. And you should know because I've told you time and time again the only anime I like at all is Trigun, I haven't watched others and I'm not a fan of others.
what about Dragonball Z? and Sailor Moon? and Medabots? and those are the ones you've told me about. you might have got into it while we weren't talking.
drumsstick master
ParticipantI get that now. sorry, its just you talk about fanart, then have lu mimic the habits of a character from a quite popular anime down to a T… not exactly the most out there connection.
drumsstick master
Participantchibi Lu is cuuuute. and i'm sorry for thinking that it was fanart of some description. the little sparkly gem/star things around lu were what pushed it over the edge into thinking that it might be fanart.
drumsstick master
Participantisn't that what it's meant to be fan art of? and why don't you talk to me on MSN anymore, i miss you.
July 12, 2007 at 1:14 am in reply to: The Touch: part 9! Sorry for the massive delay. really. #14935drumsstick master
Participantok, i'm baaaaack, and better than ever! well, maybe not. anyway, here is the massively delayed continuation to this story…
The two genies stood outside the door to their masters room, Setyla wringing her hands and Fertale chewing her lip."Withdrawl syptoms?" Setyla asked eventually. Fertale nodded
"yes. he's not a genie, his body isn't designed to channel our power. as long as he had it, it was compensating for that, but now its left him…" they turned and walked away to the main lounge "and we can't go and see him because our presence might make it worse. he has to get through this." they sat on the sofa side by side. "but…" fertale said
"but he needs care and attention, which we can't give him." setyla sighed "we can magic up medicine and stuff for him, right?" fertale nodded "but, we can't get close enough to give it to him." she flopped down on the sofa, laying her head and shoulders in fertales lap "its hopeless, we're going to loose master." Fertale began to preen the other genies hair with her fingernails
"if only we could get another human here, they could help him mend up no problem." she carried on preening setyla "and we can't call private care, we need someone we can trust…" setyla pouted a bit, then her eyes widened and she got off of the sofa "where are you going?" the younger genie looked around the room, then picked up her masters jacket. she rifled through the pockets, then brandished a mobile phone aloft.
"his friends! we can ring people up, and ask them to take care of him." the genie started to navigate the menus, while the other one on the sofa bit her lip again "i don't know, it could be risky…"Carla stood in the lift, tapping her handbag with one finger. she had recieved a strange call, saying that stan needed help and she was the only one who could give it to him. she'd know the archeologist for years, even, she blushed, even dating him during their earlier careers, him as a junior on a team, her as an apprentice curator. she ran the new york museum now, and she had been thinking about a break. caring for a friend who had been described as "critically ill" by the woman on the phone seemed like a nice break. she reached the top floor and stepped out into the hall, whistling. stan had obviously done well for himself if he was able to live in this kind of place. she knocked on the big double doors, the only ones in the small area
"Umm, its doctor Goodman here. i'm here about stan."
"Come in." floated a light voice from behind the doors "we're just getting what you need ready." she shrugged and entered, and was shocked to find two absolutely massive women stacking up towels onto a waitress cart, along with various bottles, tubs and jars. she stared at them for a bit, her mouth agape. they turned to her, revealing the two most stunning faces she'd ever seen "oh, hey!" said one of the giantesses, smiling at her "glad you could make it." she got up, towering over Carla "its great we got you to help, we're in a bit of a bind otherwise." she extended a hand for her to shake "i'm setyla." carla looked over her face again, seeing a smoky blue gem set into her forehead, shaking her hand slowly
"uh.. uhm… hey…" she smiled nervously, and paused "who are you two?" she said nervously. the huge woman slapped herself in the head, then let go of carlas hand "i'm sorry, let us introduce ourselves." the other one got up, showing herself to be just as tall and well muscled as the other, and both bowed
"i am Setyla."
"i am Fertale. we are the genies in the service of master stanley. a pleasure to meet you." carla blinked a couple of times, then took a step back
"Genies?" she squeaked out
"yes. now come on, we mustn't waste any time. take this into the masters room" fetale said, patting the top of the cart "and give him two of the blue pills and one of the green injections." they ushered her to one of the doors leading off the lounge. gingerly she opened the door, and saw stan lying weak and thin in a big double bed. she walked over, pushing the cart of supplies. she rifled through the pills, eventually finding the blue ones and slipping two of them between his lips. she then took one of the syringes filled with green liquid and gently slid the point of the needle into his arm. she took a deep breath and pressed down on the plunger. she then got up and walked out to the lounge, where the genies were resting on a sofa, casually flicking through channels on the big TV. she looked at them, and they looked back
"Genies?" she squeaked again.
"yes. sorry we couldnt' give you more, but he needed that treatment as soon as he could get it. now, i suppose you want a full explanation?" the curator nodded slowly."ok, i think i just about get it now." she said "you can't treat him because you being close to him might cause him to get worse than he is." both genies nodded "and thats why you need me."
"you have no idea how close we are to breaking the rules with this." Fertale said
"yeah, this is pretty major for something the master told us not to do." setyla sat on one side of her, fertale on the other. "But we should be ok, as we're preserving his life and he's unable to issue orders." Fertale nodded at this statement
"ok." carla nodded "i don't want to get anyone into trouble.." she eyed both of them up and down nervously
"what is it?"
"come on, you can tell us."
"well… why are you so damn big?" both of the genies giggled at her question "what?"
"master wished us to be this way." fertale announced "he likes it." the museum curator looked up at her
"he… likes this?" she repeated in disbelief
"yes!" setyla said, beaming brightly "he does. and we do whatever we can to please our master." Miss goodman stared dumbfounded
"but… why?" she questioned. the genies shrugged
"it is not for us to question master. besides," setyla giggled a little "its fun being like this." carla raised an eyebrow "what? it is."
"So, what now?"
"now, we need some sleep. you can have the guest bedroom." fertale pointed to a door "we'll just sleep here." carla nodded and got up, then as she was about to open the door, heard a few small giggles. she turned, only to see the genies, resting one on top of another on the sofa, and undoing their tops. her eyes bulged
"Whaaa!" she gasped. they turned to her and smiled
"oh, sorry, we forgot we had company." they redid up their tops "silly sister, you were supposed to remind me!" setyla blushed at fertales mock outburst and rubbed the back of her head
"sisters? so, is that incest?" they shook their heads
"sisters is the best term you have, its a lot more… complex. but its not weird or taboo for us to sleep with each other if you're wondering." setyla lay on her sister, resting her head on those big big boobs of hers. miss goodman shook her head, then entered her room for the night.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'll try to whip up something more exciting and a bit longer for chapter 11, this is just me trying to get back into my writing stride.
drumsstick master
Participanti should probably watch the rest of FMA. i never got past about halfway, it was getting really good too. nice art, i can just see Lu doing that.
drumsstick master
ParticipantWow, very nice work. the shading is good, it gives her a feeling of size.
drumsstick master
ParticipantHmm, we really need some catnip…
drumsstick master
ParticipantI would make a "Thats some good medicine" pun right now, but i'm too tired.
Nice sequence doctor otto.