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  • in reply to: Champions online Open beta Screenshots #86098

    I am liking HulkKitty for sure!!! :O:O:O

    Incredible costume and great muscle tone there TK, I haven't made it past Canada/Desert yet but I love the fact we can lift cars and other heavy objects with ease. You have captures some jaw dropping pics, gosh, I want to play CO now… 😛

    Thanks for sharing!


    in reply to: Champions online Open beta Screenshots #86094

    Incredible characters posted here everyone, I'm enjoying CO very much as well, especially the muscles you can create on your FMG-goddesses/Supers! 😀

    Now, its my turn…

    I thought it was about time someone finally created a character that I, for one, have always wanted to see Marvel do. Based on Marvel's Colossus, COLOSSA, is a 7'0, muscled goddess of steel and strength. She was once a lady scientist and expert in rare/special metals and one day fell victim to a massive explosion from a tank of growth toxin that merged metal and toxin with her own body)

    So, I give you all the mighty, COLOSSA! 😛

    in reply to: Guess what? She-Hulk… #85155

    oh WOW!
    The great Ze Fly posting links to my stuff!? Someone quick, get a camera, we need a picture of this, LOL!

    Thanks Ze for posting my She-Hulk pics with your links. You have done so much for this forum man, it amazes me at all the gammazon goodness you manage to share with us all. Thanks again for all your effort and dedication with the scans and pics.

    Keep up the good work!


    in reply to: Red She-Hulk #85609

    I don't know,
    But what I do know is I am sick of Marvel killing off the legendary heroines (Ms. Marvel and now SH) and replacing them with these scrubs! I heard that in IH #600, Jen and Doc are left for dead and now this new SH is about to be revealed. I dont like this all new SH, Lyja SH or any other SH they are putting out there. I want my Jen Walters SH, big, muscled and strong. Stop giving us these fillers and trying to change the perception of SH amongst her fans. (I dont like this, end of story!)


    in reply to: Animated Powergirl coming in Sept #85602

    Chloe as the voice of Power Girl huh?! I'm liking this already! (Though I prefer Lois over Chloe. hehe) But, its good to see PG is going to be in an animated movie. Hopefully she crushes some steel or throws some bad guys across the city, muhaha. 😛

    Thanks LF for the info!


    in reply to: Jennifer Walters RIP? (SPOILERS) #85487

    You know,
    Its so sad what Marvel has done to the She-Hulk since her last run in Savage. I am a BIG fan of her Savage era, and I'm sure there are others here too who like seeing Jen grow into a muscular giantess, but, having her transform has nothing to do with fans sexualizing over her. Marvel created that perception of her in Sensational, where she was jump-roping naked in one of the issues. It just baffles me that they would kill her off because they are afraid of how fans seeing Jen SH, when they were trying to bank off that her sexuality. This is why I stopped buying SH comics years ago. (I hated the fact her ability to change was taken away) So, this is why fans out there choose to creat her transforming like the Hulk. (I am starting a Savage SH comic soon using Poser)

    So, Marvel can do what they want, make Lyja the next SH. (anorexic and all) BUT, She-Hulk is a strong, muscular woman and if Marvel wants to call those who enjoy how she is supposed to be (pervs) well, so be it. I like my SH strong, muscular and powerful, and that's how I'm going to protray her, cased closed.


    in reply to: Lurch in the DCU #84856

    I can safely say that I'm probably one of the biggest Rampage/Dr. Kitty Faulkner fans out there. (I hold the only site dedicated to the two!) Now, those who know me well. know how much a fan I am of the two. (probably moreso then She-Hulk, hehe)

    I think its uttermost CRAP what DC has done to Rampage/DKF. I realized she started off as a Brute way back in Superman #7, but quickly became a hero, which is how I like her. My favorite series with Rampage is definitely Starman as they drew her strong, feminine and not manly at all. (I'll sacrifice a heavy muscle for muscular beauty any day) But, its getting ridiculous what they are doing to Rampage/DKF.

    Not even acknowledging her as a 2nd stringer (Yes, she should be) let alone killing her off is garbage. Why she has not gotten her own mini-series, when 3rd stringers like Blue Beetle, Booster Gold and others have, is beyond me. But, I guess DC has room for only one muscular superheroine (Power Girl) and no one else. Yes, Rampage was definitely the She-Hulk of DC, and its a damn shame what they have done to her over the years.

    This is why she will be revived by me in my She-Hulk mini-series. You dont let the great ones fade away, at least I wont. 😀

    Thanks for bringing Rampage up BTX, I dont mind rambling for the 100th time aout how I miss her lots.


    in reply to: Titania & She-Hulk in Fantastic 4 No 22 #84743

    Great She-Hulk/Titania action there BlackKusanagi/Ze! I just love those rock-'em'-sock-'em type stories of old, and She-Hulk/Titania look good doing it! I really like the leotard She-Hulk is wearing in these pics too, really makes her look ever much more sexy and 'curvacious' with all those muscles, lol. 😛

    Thanks guys for these,


    in reply to: Incredible Hulk annual No. 16 #84594

    Hey Ze,
    First off, thanks much for posting these scans for everyone here, your work is much appreciated! 😀 I am a huge SH fan, but I really don't care for her sensational era, to be honest. First off, I enjoyed watching Jen struggle with being the She-Hulk and this era was comical and used the '4th wall' humor;. -shudders- I guess I like my SH serious and angry and SEN was a such a joke to the char, lol. But, I do appreciate the scans, thanks for posting them. 🙂


    in reply to: I release onto the group…War Woman! #84536

    Hey guys,
    Thanks sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for the praise and I'm glad you liked War Woman! 😀 Yea, I have to admit myself, not bad for someone who has been working hard to learn poser during the last 2 weeks. 😛  You can bet you'll see more War Woman and other muscled goddesses in the near future.

    Stay tuned and thanks for your support!


    P.S. Uhhh, about the giantess stuff, I'm a BIG fan, but might be a bit tough to do since I'm new with Poser. 😛

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