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  • in reply to: Queen of The Iron Fist #5507

    sweet jebus those are hot! she’s beautiful KTM. Really H.Q. stuff.

    in reply to: Party Girl Sketch *not safe for work* #5564

    yeah, totally gorgeous!!

    thanks a lot!

    ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡

    in reply to: Final Fantasy Armwrestle VII #3237

    yeah, really nice! thanks!

    😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉

    in reply to: Captain Victory #5394

    Man, the Nazi’s weren’t around before more than twice as long as my entire life-span. They hold no real threat anymore and are more of a example, not an active presence. There’s a lot of evil going on in other MGS stories, since when are we a bunch of goody two shoes? Good wins in the end anyways. I think the evil Nazi stuff was hot. You guys have been listening to too many of Bush’s "good vs. evil" speeches. (*wink*)

    in reply to: Captain Victory #5389

    now that it’s all been posted, I have to say, Mr.Powers, that this is one of my favorites o.a.t. and have read it in it’s entirety at least thrice. I’ve never commented on it though, because there it sat in Diana’s Library, and to go back and comment on all the past stories would be tedious. Glad you re-posted it though, to bring it to new light. It’s really one of the best.


    in reply to: Captain Victory #5388

    Overriding the exclusive right of authors to post their own stories; but in the interest of expediency, I bring the rest of the tale from the valkyrie.

    "Those damn Americans!" she cursed as she observed the damage, "It will take

    me months to replicate my results." As she spoke she grabbed a piece of lumber

    from the shattered wall and squeezed it. As the wood splintered in her hand,

    she looked down at her hand and arm. "Then again, why make any more like me?

    Am I not the most powerful human that ever walked the Earth? I could take on

    an entire army of these pathetic Americans! No one will stop the Iron Nazi!!"

    Meanwhile, time had come to a standstill for Mari and Hilda. All of their

    senses seemed to be filled with the incredible light. Then they heard the

    voice again coming from everywhere at once, even from inside their heads, "You

    are My chosen ones." The voice was soft, yet filled with power, calming, yet

    it stirred them to their souls. The voice continued, "To you I give the

    strength and the speed of My lightning bolt. Use your powers wisely and for

    Good. And now, go My daughters … and kick some Nazi butt."

    The two women continued to stare at each other in total shock at what was

    happening as the light around them began to fade. Slowly their eyes adjusted

    to the night surrounding them. Only then did they realize that the lightning

    bolt had vaporized all of their clothes, yet left their bodies unharmed.

    "Oh … my … God," Hilda whispered, barely able to speak.

    "Yes, I AM," came the soft, strong reply inside their heads.

    Suddenly Hilda felt a power rising in her body unlike anything she had ever

    felt in her life. Some magnificently huge power source was feeding her,

    flowing through her, exploding in every fiber of her being. She felt like she

    had just been plugged into the power of the sun! She doubled over, wrapping

    her arms around her torso, as if trying to hold herself together as the forces

    inside her threatened to overwhelm her.

    Mari, too, was feeling strange, as a tingle seemed to run from her heart down

    her legs and out her arms. Then her heart slowed down considerably, pumping

    hard as the muscles in her chest started to expand. She jumped to her feet,

    suddenly aware that she was naked, and ran toward the barracks to find some

    clothes. As she ran she realized that everyone else seemed to be moving in

    slow motion, practically frozen in place. She dashed into the building and

    came upon a guard with his pistol drawn. She pulled up and suddenly the world

    around her seemed to resume its normal pace.

    The guard had drawn his pistol and was carefully searching the barracks for

    any signs of the invaders when suddenly a naked woman appeared in front of

    him. But not like any other woman that he had ever seen. Her black skin was

    pulled taunt over large bulging muscles, larger than he had ever seen on a

    woman, certainly, and even larger than most men. Her hair was cropped short

    and totally white, and her breasts, large round mounds of firm flesh, sat high

    on her powerful chest. More out of fear and instinct he quickly pointed his

    weapon in her direction and fired.

    Mari heard the revolver fire and her heart seemed to leap. But the bullet

    seemed to slow down as it approached her. Finally she realized that she had

    jumped into some sort of super-speed mode. She watched the lead projectile

    spinning toward her. The guard had gotten lucky and had actually aimed

    directly at her heart.

    Mari easily side-stepped the bullet and ran up to the guard whose hand was

    still recoiling from the shot. Again, she slowed herself down so that the

    guard could see her once more. She had moved so quickly that she wasn’t even

    much of a blur. She seemed to be disappearing and appearing in the dim light

    of the hallway. In another blink of an eye, the revolver was totally

    dismantled and laying in pieces on the floor. Then using just a portion of her

    enhanced strength and speed, Mari gave the man a backhand slap. The poor man

    was lifted and spun around from the super fast blow and was unconscious before

    he hit the floor.

    Suddenly, Mari had an idea about how she could help fight the Iron Nazi. But

    first, she thought, I better find some clothes, can’t go around fighting bad

    guys naked! In a flash, she was off and tearing through the enlisted men’s

    quarters looking for something that would cover her and give her enough

    flexibility to fight. The barracks looked like a tornado was ripping through

    it with clothes flying in all directions and doors being torn off lockers and

    cabinets. Finally she found what she was looking for then headed for the mess


    All this super speed stuff was making Mari incredibly hungry. When she arrived

    at the mess hall, she discovered that it was empty. She made her way through

    the mess hall and kitchen eating any kind of high protein and complex

    carbohydrate foods she could find until she was stuffed. Then she paused for

    just a second to examine her reflection in a window.

    She had dressed herself in black long underwear that covered her from her neck

    to her ankles. The warmth didn’t bother her and the material was stretchy to

    accommodate her physique. And what a physique! She ran her hands over the

    large mounds that stretched the front of her shirt, marvelling at her shape

    and firmness of her breasts. Then she noticed sizeable biceps swelling in her

    sleeves. She looked down and was amazed at the sight of her bicep rising up

    from her arm as she flexed it. It surely was a large as any man’s arm that she

    had seen. But still not as big as that muscle demoness out in the compound.

    Holy God, she thought in a sudden panic that once again propelled her into a

    super speed dash, I almost forgot about the Iron Nazi, and that other woman

    that was trying to help me.

    In an instant, Mari was back outside and standing beside Hilda. She had only

    been gone for a few seconds when she reappeared in front of the still growing

    woman, the only difference being that Mari was now completely dressed in

    black. Hilda barely noticed that she had gone, so caught up she was in her

    amazing growth. And her growth had been truly amazing!

    As Mari watched her new partner (did she have much choice in the matter – it

    seemed ordained by God Himself that they were meant to work together), she

    couldn’t believe the mass of feminine muscle that she was exhibiting. Mari had

    been shocked by her own size, but Hilda’s physique was almost beyond

    imagination. Huge beefy arms hung from soccer ball sized shoulders. Even

    unflexed, her upper arms were easily twice the size of Mari’s own incredibly

    developed arms. Thick bulging trapezoid muscles were just the tip of the

    proverbial iceberg that lead down to a back that was nearly a meter wide and

    then tapered dramatically down to a svelte, solid waist.

    In the throes of her muscle explosion, Hilda straightened her torso and

    clenched her fists. Mari saw that her once bounteous bosom looked perfectly

    proportioned to her newly burgeoning physique. But her arms started swelling

    to huge proportions while a thick blue vein rose to the surface of her bulging

    biceps. Mari estimated that her upper arms must be at least 65 cm around.

    Suddenly it struck her that her partner was still totally naked. She had been

    so fascinated by Hilda’s muscle growth that she had forgotten that her friend

    needed clothes also. She looked around for someone who might be the right

    size, but only the dead superhero, Major Victory was even close to her

    physique. In a flash, Mari raced to the still form and removed his clothes at

    super speed and just as quickly began to dress Hilda in the proud colors of

    the fallen American.

    All Hilda saw was a blur of movement in front of her and the next instant she

    was nearly fully dressed in Major Victory’s costume. Suddenly, Mari appeared

    before her holding Major Victory’s mask which she had fashioned with an

    opening in the back to allow for Hilda’s wavy black hair. Hilda hesitated for

    a moment, staring at her hands now covered by Major Victory’s red gloves. Then

    a look of determination came over her face as she accepted the mask from Mari.

    "Get me my shield," she quietly ordered Mari as she slipped the mask over her

    head and took on the mantle of Major Victory.

    Meanwhile, Anna had been preoccupied surveying the damage done to her lab. She

    found the small safe where she had carefully kept all of her notes from the

    last few years of experiments. It had been blown apart by Hilda’s well placed

    plastic explosives. All of her notes were destroyed. In a sudden rage, the

    muscular woman picked up the charred remains of the heavy safe and threw it

    like a baseball through the wall of the lab. Only then did she notice what was

    going on in the compound. At first she thought her eyes were deceiving her.

    Surely that couldn’t be the hated American hero standing again? But as Hilda

    drew the mask over her head and turned towards the lab, Anna clearly saw that

    it was a woman who now wore the costume of the vanquished hero, albeit an

    extremely muscular and powerful looking woman that was now covered in the red,

    white, and blue. Where had this superwoman come from, Anna wondered, another

    one of Helene’s tricks? Judging by the color of her face left uncovered by the

    mask, it certainly wasn’t the negro woman who had foolishly attacked her

    earlier. "No matter," she decided as she stepped through the debris of the

    lab, "I will crush this one just like the last and the rest of the Americans

    as well."

    In another flash, Mari was handing the bent shield to Hilda. "Here you go,"

    she said, "I guess this means you’re the new Major Victory."

    "Captain," Hilda said quietly again, as she began to apply her tremendous

    strength to the task of straightening out the super strong metal. Mari gave

    her a quizzical look. Hilda continued, "Actually I’m a captain … in the

    American OSS. Call me Captain Victory. The name and the legend of Major

    Victory will forever stay with that brave man who gave his life for us…"

    Her sentence was cut short by a sudden burst of gunfire coming from some of

    the German guards. Captain Victory instinctively somersaulted backwards to

    escape the attack while Mari confidently stood her ground. She could see the

    entire trajectory of the bullets as they sped toward the duo and knew that

    they would miss. She turned to her partner, "You take care of Shultz, I’ll

    handle the guards. Just call me Black Lightning." And just like that she was


    Captain Victory could barely track her with her eyes as she dashed toward the

    guard tower, but soon the shooting stopped as abruptly as it had begun.

    Victory turned her attention to the shield which was still refusing to budge

    when suddenly she caught sight of the approaching Nazi superwoman. As she

    turned to face the muscular Aryan, she kept replaying in her mind the moves

    that Major Victory had used to bring her to her knees. Although Captain Hilda

    Rothenburger had been trained in hand to hand combat by the OSS and was pretty

    good at it, Captain Victory knew that it would be very different to fight a

    super powered foe. She had precious little time to reflect on it, though, as

    Anna was quick to the attack.

    Stepping free of the demolished lab, Anna seized a command car parked near the

    building. In one smooth motion she swept the relatively small vehicle

    (compared to the half-track she had lifted earlier) over her head and then

    launched the car towards the nascent super hero like a guided missile. Victory

    caught sight of the oncoming car and had only milliseconds to react. Without

    thinking, she thrust out one hand hoping to somehow deflect the car. The

    German car crumpled as if it had been driven into a solid rock wall and fell

    to earth with a crash. Victory was stunned by how easily she had demolished

    the car and had truly felt little or no effort in doing so.

    With renewed confidence in her titanic strength, Victory again turned her

    attention to the buckled shield. Applying the strength of her massive arms as

    well as her will, she slowly re-shaped the unique weapon to its original form.

    And just in time.

    Anna, surprised by the woman’s ability to shrug off her initial attack,

    decided to take a more personal approach toward tackling her latest

    challenger. She rushed head long toward the hero while she seemed to be

    preoccupied with the dead American’s shield. She slammed into the woman’s back

    and drove her with the force of a freight train a brick wall. The wall

    collapsed onto the new superheroine with a thunderous roar and a cloud of

    dust. Anna stepped back to once more revel in her latest victory, stretching

    her arms out and flexing her huge muscles.

    Suddenly the Iron Nazi felt a brick hit her in the head and bounce

    ineffectually off her toughened skin. And then another and another until she

    was being assailed from seemingly all sides by bricks flying at faster and

    faster speeds. Soon the bricks were coming at her so fast that they were

    exploding on impact against her. Anna could have withstood such a barrage for

    hours, but it was beginning to annoy her.

    Ah, it’s the dark one, she thought to herself, somehow she has found the

    secret to super speed. Anna clapped her hands together as hard as she could

    sending out a shock wave in the direction that Mari was moving. The Nazi had

    estimated the effect of her blow perfectly and Mari ran into the resulting

    wave like she had run into a wall. She bounced off the air like it was solid

    and fell unconscious to the ground.

    "Hmm … we will have to study you little one," Anna smirked as she stood over

    the fallen heroine, "dissect you until we find out how you got your powers."

    Anna was just about to pick up Mari when she heard a rumble behind her. She

    looked back at the pile of bricks that had buried the new American hero.

    Slowly the entire of pile of bricks seemed to move and shift, then rise.

    "Ah, Major Victory," Anna calmly said, again in her heavily accented English,

    as Victory used her super powerful leg muscles to launch herself free of the

    crumbled wall. "I see that I killed you too quickly last time. I shall not

    make that mistake again."

    "You’ll not have another chance, monster," Victory said as she dropped to

    earth and crouched in a fighting position, the newly reshaped shield slung

    upon her left arm. "And by the way, it’s Captain Victory now."

    "And you may call me The Iron Nazi, when you are grovelling at my feet and

    begging for mercy!"

    Anna leapt toward Victory hoping to catch her off guard again, but Captain

    Victory was ready and swiftly brought her shield up under the attacking

    woman’s chin standing her upright and off balance. Victory smashed the bottom

    of her red jack-boot into The Iron Nazi’s exposed mid-section doubling her

    over. Then the American followed with a tremendous upper cut that knocked the

    Nazi back a good ten meters through the air.

    Anna landed with a thud, her head spinning. Never had she been hit like that,

    especially since becoming the invincible Iron Nazi. She staggered back to her

    feet and once more charged at her opponent. Victory once more used the shield

    to deflect her headlong rush and sent the naked muscle woman sprawling in the

    other direction. When Anna picked herself up again, she saw that she was

    standing by the remains of the car that she had thrown earlier. She hoisted

    the car above her head and swung it threateningly at Victory. Once more she

    advanced, this time swinging the destroyed vehicle like a major leaguer

    swinging a baseball bat.

    After several near misses, Anna brought the car down on top of Victory with a

    crushing overhead blow. Victory did her best to absorb the blow with the

    shield, but she was visibly shaken. The Iron Nazi reared back and swung again,

    this time connecting cleanly with her target. The cherished shield was ripped

    from Captain Victory’s arm and flew like a line drive, imbedding into a

    concrete wall on the other end of the compound.

    Without missing a beat, Captain Victory jumped at the Iron Nazi before she

    could swing again. She knocked the woman backwards, dislodging her grip on the

    car and then wrapped her massive arms around the shorter woman’s waist. She

    began to flex her powerful muscles, focused only on one thing – trying to

    squeeze the life out of this monster. Anna was shocked by the sheer power she

    felt in her enemy’s arms. Muscles far larger, harder and certainly stronger

    than hers encircled her iron-hard midsection and relentlessly pressed in. It

    looked to her like Captain Victory’s arms were made up of huge hard boulders

    of rock solid muscle that were as unyielding as a mountain. She noticed that

    the seams in the shoulders of the costume were beginning to stretch under the

    strain of her bulging muscles. She desperately pushed on the larger woman’s

    arms but even with all of her fantastic strength, Anna could barely even dent

    the clenched muscles.

    Running out of air and options, Anna was almost swooning in the pure power

    that Captain Victory possessed. Their breasts mashed together as they were,

    bulged upward, almost to Anna’s chin. The material of the American’s costume

    rubbed roughly against her causing her nipples to grow in excited response.

    Her iron hard nipples, fully engorged, began to tear small holes in the blue

    fabric. As Anna saw this, she thought of how bullets had bounced off her skin

    made iron hard by the dark energies. That gave her an idea. In a desperate

    last ditch effort to free herself, Anna grabbed the back of Captain Victory’s

    head and smashed her iron hard skull against her enemy’s forehead.

    Captain Victory was momentarily stunned by the force of the blow. That was the

    only opening the desperate Nazi needed. She broke free of Victory’s grasp and

    then immediately put everything she had into a double handed roundhouse to the

    stunned heroine’s jaw. The blow, which could have leveled a building, did

    little more than turn Victory’s head to a side. But that was all the opening

    that Anna needed.

    The crazed muscle demonness jumped onto Victory’s back and wrapped her huge

    arm around her throat. Even if she couldn’t break her neck, she thought to

    herself, at least she could cut off her breathing and finally kill her. Biceps

    that could crush a steel beam bore down on the dazed woman.

    With a calmness that belied her few minutes as a superheroine, Captain Victory

    tensed her mighty neck muscles to hold off the constricting arms of her naked

    opponent. Then she calmly reached up and pressed her thumb into a pressure

    point on Anna’s arm, a move she had learned in OSS training. Her super

    powerful grip overcame Anna’s iron hard skin and muscles and began bearing

    down on the sensitive nerve. With her other hand, she grasped Anna’s arm and

    began to pry it away from her throat.

    Anna couldn’t believe the power in Captain Victory’s hands. Struggle as she

    did to maintain her hold, she could not resist the American amazon. Suddenly,

    Victory changed her hold and using a judo move that she had learned, flipped

    the Iron Nazi over her head. But Victory wasn’t accustomed to her new level of

    strength and proceeded to hurl the naked woman like a missile across the

    compound and through the wall of the lab.

    Confident that she had bought herself a few moments respite from the battle,

    Captain Victory ran to the wall that held her shield. She easily pulled the

    weapon free from its cement prison and then turned confidently back to the

    lab. She wasn’t sure how she was going to end this fight with her super

    powerful opponent, but she knew she had to somehow prevail.

    As the American heroine approached, Anna stumbled to her feet among the

    wreckage of her former lab. Even with all of her superhuman strength, she

    wasn’t sure how long she could last against her obviously stronger foe. She

    needed to find some sort of endgame strategy. Suddenly she became aware of a

    slight movement in the shadows and heard a small whimper like someone in pain.

    Perhaps this was her way out of here.

    Captain Victory scanned the exterior of the demolished building as she

    cautiously stepped forward. Suddenly she halted as she saw the Iron Nazi step

    out into the open. She wasn’t alone. She had one arm extended out and held a

    woman in her mighty grasp. Victory immediately recognized the small form of

    Helene Echstein dangling helplessly from the muscular woman’s hand. Victory

    froze in mid-stride, fully aware of what this monster was capable of.

    "That’s far enough, hero," the Iron Nazi spoke in heavily accented English,

    "one more step and I’ll snap her neck. And tell your Negro friend to stay

    where she is …" Victory looked back and saw Black Lightening slowly rising

    from where she had fallen. "Even with her great speed, she would not be able

    to reach me in time to save this Jew."

    "This will gain you nothing, Anna," Captain Victory responded in flawless

    German. "Yes, I know who you really are. Leave Dr. Echstein alone. This is

    between you and me." She took a slow step in the Iron Nazi’s direction.

    Anna tightened her grip on Helene’s throat causing her to squeal softly in

    response. Captain Victory froze again. "You Americans are such fools," the

    German superwoman gloated, "how easily you are controlled. You care more about

    the life of this one useless woman than you do about stopping me!"

    "All life is precious, Anna, even yours. As soon as you decide that one group

    of people is expendable then where do you draw the line? Is it nationality or

    belief that matters? The color of their skin? How do you differentiate between

    the millions of shades of skin color? Is it age? Abilities? If one group is

    expendable then all groups are soon expendable. Even a so called master race."

    "Enough of your close-minded sermonizing!" Anna spat back. "On your knees now

    and drop your weapon or this weakling will be only the first of hundreds to

    die today!"

    Captain Victory hesitatingly obliged. But as she went to set her shield down,

    she seemed lost in thought. Then slowly she turned the shield around with the

    back facing the Iron Nazi. She closed her eyes and placed her hands on

    opposite sides of the shield. Slowly every one of her incredibly huge muscles

    began to flex and expand as if she were pouring all of her strength into the

    shield. A high pitch hum seemed to emanate from the vibrating weapon as

    Victory tensed every muscle in her body. The more she squeezed, the louder the

    hum became.

    Anna momentarily stared at the strange scene, not sure what to make of Captain

    Victory’s actions and also perturbed by the increasingly annoying buzz.

    Suddenly it seemed that the hum went up in both pitch and volume. As the pitch

    and volume continued to rise, it began to coalesce into a visible light.

    The intensity of the light grew as the pitch seemed to go out of the range of

    hearing. But Victory continued to flex her muscles harder and harder.

    Suddenly, a beam of light shot out from the concave side of the shield toward

    the Iron Nazi and her captive. The light was nearly blinding in its

    brightness. Soon both women were engulfed in the light.

    "Blessed may you be O Lord, God of Israel, our Father," Captain Victory

    whispered through gritted teeth. Then her volume rose as she raised her eyes

    to the women bathed in the light, "Yours, O Lord are grandeur and power,

    majesty, splendor, and glory." The ancient words of scripture that she had

    learned as a child on her father’s knee just seemed to flow from her, "All in

    heaven and earth are yours, you are exalted as head over all." Victory’s voice

    continued to raise in volume, "In your hands are power and might; it is yours

    to give grandeur and strength. Therefore, O Lord, we give you thanks, we

    praise the glory of your name!"

    Anna stood frozen in the intense light, unable to move any of her powerful

    muscles. She felt as if someone had reached inside her mind, her very soul.

    Her whole life seemed to lie open before her like a book. Every hateful

    thought, every lustful action, every envious motive flooded over her like a

    torrent. And then she was overcome by an overwhelming feeling of sorrow and

    hopelessness as she became instantly aware of all the repercussions of her

    actions and thoughts. Finally, when she felt as though she might explode from

    grief, a simple cry went up for forgiveness … and mercy.

    Suddenly all the feelings of guilt and grief vanished and all that remained

    was a sense of … compassion and … love. The beam of light from Captain

    Victory’s shield grew dimmer, flickered, and then retreated back to its place

    of origin. Victory relaxed her muscles and slumped momentarily over the

    shield. Anna felt as weak as kitten. Trembling, she released her hold on the

    older woman and sank to her knees.

    Helene barely even realized that Anna had released her. She stood straight up,

    still dazed by the light and feeling an energy deep within her that seemed to

    be rising like bubbles to the surface of a pool of water. She couldn’t stop

    the energy that threatened to overtake her, but strangely to her, she really

    didn’t want to stop it. She felt like embracing the energy, letting it sweep

    through her. And it did.

    Instantly, Helene’s felt the strange energy flow from her heart and down her

    legs. The pain from her injury went away immediately, and her legs felt

    stronger than she could ever remember. Next, she felt a burning sensation

    spread across her back and down her arms. She looked down at her exposed

    forearm and watched as the age spots and wrinkles just disappeared as her arm

    took on a healthy, toned, young look. In fact, her whole body was changing,

    looking younger and younger by the second. Soon her face and figure looked

    like that of a twenty-five year old woman. But the changes didn’t stop there.

    Helene was overwhelmed by a feeling of strength, super strength, coursing

    through every muscle in her body. She looked again at her forearm and was

    amazed to see her formerly non-existent muscles writhing under her skin like

    living steel cables, pulsing and growing with each second. That’s when she

    noticed how much her breasts were filling out the ragged dress she wore. She

    lifted one arm and felt the material of her sleeve strain against the rising

    muscle. Then she turned around, looking for something heavy to lift, to test

    her strength.

    Helene took a few steps away from the rubble of the lab and reached down to

    pull something from the debris. She came up with the remains of Anna’s safe.

    She lifted it up as if to examine it, but she was really marvelling at her new

    strength. She knew that the safe should weigh about 200 Kg, but it seemed to

    weigh only a few grams.

    "How … how is this possible?" Helene asked, dumbfounded.

    "The power that Anna had called upon has been given to you," Captain Victory

    calmly responded. "This was the true purpose for which the shield was

    created." She slid the shield back onto her forearm.

    "But … but wasn’t that power … evil?" Helene asked as she effortlessly

    tossed the heavy safe aside.

    Captain Victory looked at Helene, "Power itself is neither good nor evil, but

    only how it is used by the one who wields it. God knows what is in your heart

    and what a good person you are. He knows that you will use this power only for

    good. You are only about a third as strong as Anna was because she had the

    effects of her formula to enhance her. However, I think that you will find

    that you also have the ability to transform your skin into living steel, much

    like Anna did. You can also transform back to your natural state." Victory

    turned to Black Lightning who was now standing behind her, "Mari, please find

    something for Anna to wear."

    By the time that Victory had turned back to the still kneeling Anna, Black

    Lightning had returned with several articles of clothing. Victory laid a coat

    over Anna’s shoulders and gently lifted her to her feet. "You, too, have been

    given a great gift today, Anna," Captain Victory said as she wiped a tear away

    from Anna cheek, "not only have you experienced God’s loving compassion and

    mercy firsthand, you still carry within your bosom the light of Truth. You

    will be able to use that light to expose all evil and darkness, to bring

    healing to those in despair, to bring joy where only sadness exists. Also,

    because of the changes the formula caused in your body, you are still stronger

    than any normal human, but you must use that strength only for good now."

    An old master sergeant approached the women, "Ummm … sir? I mean …ma’am??

    I mean … Captain Victory, ma’am … we’re going to be crawling with Gerries

    in just few minutes. My men are ready to move when you give the word. We’ve

    got to get to our rendezvous point in less than three hours."

    "But what about the prisoners here, sergeant? We can’t just leave them."

    "I’m sorry ma’am, but that was never part of the mission," retorted the older

    man, obviously annoyed but recognizing Captain Victory’s authority.

    "I am not going to leave them behind!" Captain Victory turned to her partner,

    switching languages effortlessly, "Black Lightning, we don’t have much time

    before German reinforcements arrive. Release all of the women." She turned

    back to the master sergeant,"There is a train on the far side of the camp.

    Have your men organize the women and load them in the boxcars as quickly as

    possible. Also, bring a detail with me and we’ll bury our dead."

    Captain Victory ran the short distance to where the half-track lay on its side

    in the mud. Victory grabbed the undercarriage with one hand and lifted the

    truck like she was lifting a small dumbbell over her head. Anna, remembering

    how she had struggled to lift the monstrous machine, was awed by the

    American’s strength. Victory set the truck down and the sergeant and his men

    removed the dogtags and other personal effects and set about giving their

    fallen comrades a decent burial. Next, Captain Victory brought over the broken

    body of Major Victory and laid it beside the others.

    "Well I’ll be danged," the crusty old sergeant muttered, "That’s Major Nick

    Stone." Stone’s body had reverted to his frail state, not having the effects

    of the serum working on him now. "I never would have thought it!"

    After the soldiers had been buried, Victory and the detail joined the others

    at the train. Black Lightning had broken the locks at super speed and freed

    all of the women. They were naturally cautious about following the American

    soldiers who were leading them to the train. Some of the electricity had been

    restored in portions of the camp and all of the German soldiers, including a

    beaten and bruised Commandant and his naked and confused junior lieutenant,

    had been locked in the barracks.

    Anna, now dressed in civilian clothes, was standing next to the engine talking

    with a German soldier. She was quite pretty, Victory thought to herself, now

    that she wasn’t wearing a permanent scowl and an SS uniform. A strange light

    seemed to emanate from her as she talked to the man. As Captain Victory

    approached he nodded and climbed into the engineer’s compartment.

    "He said he will take us to Switzerland," Anna reported, the glow slowly

    fading from her face. "It was the strangest thing, I thought he would put up

    more of a fight, but he agreed immediately. He said it will take us five hours

    to get there."

    Just then, Helene walked up and joined the women. "The power to convince

    people of the Truth is only part of the gift you received tonight," Victory

    told the beaming Anna. "It will serve you well as you try to get these women

    to safety. I need to accompany the Americans back to England to make a full

    report." She turned to Helene, "I was hoping that you could help, Helene, or

    should I call you Dr. Steel now?"

    Helene was dressed in combat boots and an olive drab tank top and knee-length

    shorts, clothes that Black Lightning must have found in the German barracks.

    The large tank top barely contained her expanded chest and her full breasts

    and the shorts fit loose at the waist and snug around the thighs. She had

    transformed into her steel hard physique and looked ready for action.

    "That would be an appropriate sobriquet, Captain," Helene responded. "I will

    do my best to get this train to Switzerland. We’re undoubtedly going to run

    into some resistance from the German Army, but nothing that the three of us

    can’t handle, I’m sure."

    Just then, Black Lightning appeared next to Dr. Steel and Anna. "We better get

    moving! I just spotted a dozen German troop carriers coming this way, and

    they’re only about a half hour away!"

    "Black Lightning," Captain Victory said as she took her partner aside, "stay

    with the train until everyone is safe and then meet me in Paris. There’s a

    club on the Rue Le Francois. I’ll be there in four days."

    With that the friends parted. The train pulled slowly out of the camp and

    quickly picked up speed as it headed south. The American soldiers with their

    new leader slipped silently into the shadows of the surrounding forest and

    made their way up and over the mountains. Captain Victory was impressed with

    how the war-hardened soldiers took everything in stride as they quickly

    adapted to her leadership and never ceased to work as a well trained unit. She

    knew that she would have many more adventures with these men before this

    madness was over.

    The train did arrive safely in Switzerland. The three heroines took many

    patrols by surprise as they worked together to clear the way. The final

    obstacle was the border guard, but after Black Lightning had hit them, they

    proved to be of little resistance. A loud cheer went up from both the women

    inside the train and the onlookers at the station in Bonn as they arrived, for

    word of their journey had spread just as fast in Switzerland as it had in


    Captain Victory led her troops back to the rendezvous with Gabe Hancock and

    the others right on time. Gabe was saddened by the death of his best friend,

    but he had no ill feelings toward the new Captain Victory and her wearing the

    costume. He’s all business now, Victory thought to herself, but I know he’ll

    need a shoulder to cry on when this is over. She thought of the families and

    friends of the other men that had sacrificed their lives last night as well as

    the poor women that Shultz had destroyed in her lust for power. She closed her

    eyes as she settled in next to Gabe in the cockpit and he pulled the plane

    into the morning sky, and she sent up a silent prayer of thanks to God as well

    as a vow that she would do everything in her power to end this war. And she

    knew that He was listening.

    The End.


    Thanks for this one Hunter! I think you’re consistently one of the best on the scene, and as your story "Compounding Interest" has shown, not limited to talents in drawing. My mouse clicking fingers always perk up at the sight of your name in a board or archive. Cheers!


    Yeah! Great story man. Lingster's right in that there are a lot of other GTS sites out there. is the biggest one, but I hate the fact that there are rules and obligations (the point system annoys me to no end) The growth in this one was pretty good and I urge you to continue writing.

    in reply to: Another old-timer coming out of the wood work #3789

    I second the sentiments. Nice to see some of your work again, it seems like forever since I "rightclicksaveimage(d)" one of your drawings. Thanks!

    in reply to: no growth. but quite a strenght feat. #3747

    Yeah, I second that the guy’s reaction on that second one is pretty classic. I imagine if she put a little more effort into the flex, she could pop him right off. Thanks!

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