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Hi All.
I dont know if this will work, but its worth a try.
Its a muscle drain animated thingy that Eegore and I did. I drew it and Eegore made it move. hope you like it.…and yeah there are some muscle-drain drawings in 1 of my older groups ( petesmuscledrawings I think)
peteParticipantYes mate ….its ok by me too…butgive us a mention.
peteParticipantOOOOOOOOH WOWWWWW. I'd temporarily forgotten what a gorgeous lass she is…..Thank-you so much for the reminder Neon.
peteParticipantAs if "Karina" wasnt bad enough. Really sorry to hear that the Zeekmans had to cope with the devastation of a fire too. I'm sure that you proved yourself to be more than a good friend to them tho'
Have an enjoyble as possible time whilst you are over here in my little part of the world…
'Appy bufday too you
Happy Bidet to u
Happpy Birthday, dear Neon
Happy Birth-a-day toooooo youuuuuuuu….for when it occurs
We all look forward to your safe return. Take care
Best wishes
PetepeteParticipantThese, I like …….LOTS.
Muscle shape, skin texture, colour and her cute face are all terrific ….I dont like the ears, but that doesnt stop them being great pieces of art work…..Well done Tigersan.
PetepeteParticipantHere is a before and after picture that I messed with a little while ago.
As usual (from me ) it is [glow=red,2,300] N S F W [/glow]
peteParticipantSadly, there is too much of the violent/domination type muscle lass drawings and images about on the net today….and not enough of the "tender" (if thats the right word) type stuff
Many of you will know that I dont do violent stuff….just sexy ( sometimes too sexy). I will never make a fortune or even a living drawing …partly cos I dont want to and partly because making a living out of art (ANY kind of art) is precarious at the best of times. What I DID do was make a CD of quite a lot of my drawings. In the 3-ish years it has been in existence, I have sold…erm….4.
I enjoy drawing muscular lasses ….VERY much…and I've been doing it for a lotta years. To be paid for doing so would be great, but with payment comes pressure to complete…. and that I dont need. So I shall continue sharing my stuff for nuffink and enjoy doing so ( just so long as "Yeahar" or whatever they're called dont pull the plug on me …again).
I understand that some drawists find doing the same subject time after time after time get to the overload point and ideas run a bit thin. It is the artists equivalent of writer block. It passes, but only if you want it to….glad to see, Yatz , that you havent given up drawing muscle…..Making and selling a CD is just a thort, but if you find a way of making your fortune easily …let me know …Te he.
REALLY great drawing , mate. Well done
Pete -