Prophet Tenebrae

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  • in reply to: Full Length Movie of Breast & Strength Growth #86682
    Prophet Tenebrae

    Ah, this old chestnut… From a purely transformation/process viewpoint – you see the BE in the trailer, there's pretty much no need to see the film.

    As a film itself… it definitely leaves a bad taste in the mouth as regards the squandered potential. The fact it moves quickly from soft porn to cheap horror… eh. I suppose that as the classic story is something that resonates with me, I'm merely holding a film with limited budget and imagination to too high a standard and that I know intellectually that for a smexy female orientated Jekyll/Hyde type story you'd probably need a fairly hefty special effects budget and that would pretty much never happen on a film that would play out in a manner which I cared for.

    in reply to: Jennifer Walters RIP? (SPOILERS) #85520
    Prophet Tenebrae

    Ah, so Marvel is pushing ahead with that oh so wholesome inability to not just spew out tie-ins?

    The Hulk team-up was pretty hilarious… seriously, someone thought Angel and Iceman standing near the Hulk was worth printing? Or Dazzler singing at the Hulk? Are Marvel just trying to push the Hulk brand or something? I mean… we had the big ol' storyline with him getting shot into space, hanging out in space, coming back – gave him two (and possibly 3) kids, one of who has got his own title, another of whom got a mini-series and is now appearing regularly in one of the TWO monthly Hulk titles and now we seem to be randomly getting one shots and the build up to ANOTHER meta-event and of course, we've got the whole Rulk and the appearance of the She-Rulk to look forward to.

    I suppose for obvious reasons, I keep my eye on Hulk titles more than others but the proliferation of a supporting cast of gamma spawn seems to be more than what you'd normally get. I suppose with Cap dead they may just be filling the gap but then, I suppose I don't really pay as much attention to the goings on in Marvel that would be required for me to pass any meaningful comment.

    in reply to: She-Hulk – Disney Plus Series #86513
    Prophet Tenebrae

    As I've heard, the rationale for Disney buying Marvel is to hit the young male demographics which they're striking out with on their saccharine pop kids etc. Generally, the conventional wisdom says – boys relate more to male characters and so, I doubt She-Hulk will be at the front of the line… but honestly, I don't think that this is really going to make a big difference one way or another.

    in reply to: Jennifer Walters RIP? (SPOILERS) #85513
    Prophet Tenebrae

    Because Marvel likes to milk crossover events – there are going to be TWO Word War Hulk events, Alpha and Gamma (like radiation! GET IT?!) Alpha is basically the left hand side called the "Intelligentsia" or something similarly prosaic and basically The Leader gets them together to mess with the gamma gang or some such.

    in reply to: She-Hulk – Disney Plus Series #86500
    Prophet Tenebrae

    Having worked for a Disney-owned company for nine years, I can tell you it's all about the bottom line.

    So… like every non-profit company then?

    Of course, the issue for Disney – which has prompted a drop in its own share price – is that they're taking over a company that has been whoring out its licenses for some time. So, many of the biggest names are all tied up in rights deals – so, this will not be a quick pay off for them. So… While they wait for that to come through, you never know – stranger things have happened.

    in reply to: AMAZONS, really? LOL!!! #86360
    Prophet Tenebrae

    The Daily Mail should stick to vitriolic hatred of the poor, ethnic minorities, immigration and political correctness… the fair weather approach to female appearance "x is too fat, oh, no – now they're too thin" is a bit tame by comparison to the batshit crazy that makes it probably one of the funniest and least credible papers on the planet.

    in reply to: Megan Fox #86404
    Prophet Tenebrae

    Yeah, all that happens now is that "someone" will post a "leak" and then, like sheep – it just goes around the Internet in a few hours and becomes a "fact"… and yes, The Sun is reliably unreliable.

    And Megan Fox would have been a fucking horrible Catwoman (or She-Hulk, for that matter), given that she's made a career based on being the generic hottie that fills time between Baysplosions, rather than an actual talent.

    in reply to: Jessie Wallace Get Built Fast! #86057
    Prophet Tenebrae

    I think people are mostly just getting tired of the media's absolute fickleness. They piss and moan when someone is too fat, then too skinny and apparently too fit – I'd like to see a picture of what this mythical ideal woman the media seems to idolise so.

    in reply to: Red She-Hulk #85638
    Prophet Tenebrae

    As a picture is a thousand words…

    This will be in the interest of brevity.

    Which was pretty much what I was thinking through the whole first issues of Powergirl – at least Superman has glasses. Powergirl… she doesn't even really change her hair or dress down. I swear, someone must have just made people in the DCU miss the bleedin' obvious at the genetic level.

    in reply to: Red She-Hulk #85636
    Prophet Tenebrae

    I think it all comes down to the false assumption that muscle and strength are specifically male traits.

    But like I've said elsewhere, no point acting like things aren't better than they've ever been. I mean, I was reading She-Hulk #38 the other day and even if she isn't quite as buff as she is on the cover, she's pretty damn buff – dare I say, hulking. Not only that, Jazinda is half-naked and that girl had abs of steel and to stick with the green girls… Lyra was certainly depicted as well built (and her aunt too).

    So, I feel that… we've never had it so good and that anyone bemoaning the state of affairs should have a bit of perspective. Yes, things can always get better but while we may have to endure Whedon Waif Syndrome… there's plenty of good stuff out there. They aren't pulling any punches with Powergirl these days. Which makes her secret identity HILARIOUS, as Lingster points out.

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