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  • in reply to: Poll Four – Preference: Rate of Speed #3847

    Definitely Gradual – my ideal would be so gradual that people aren’t sure of what they’re seeing happen right in front of them, but fast enough that someone observant will notice that something odd is happening, even if they’re not quite sure they’re right until they start checking pictures and stuff.


    in reply to: Poll Three – Preference: Format #3808

    My preference is definitely for women improving, and men staying where they’re at. I don’t want to be weak particularly, I just want to see women get better and better, a little every day – <G>


    in reply to: Marilyn’s Email Box #3411

    From: Geekboy

    Found a strange one, not yet verified, from a physiology list I’m on.

    I feel the need to mention that neither of these two studies is complete, nevermind verified or peer reviewed. This may be a false positive, or an indicator of something else entirely.

    From the I.U. School of Medicine, we have a preliminary study of physiological changes in the male and female body (PDF available from their website). Among the listings of changes in vascular production and stuff is the oddity that an organ called the vomeronasal organ (VMO or Jacobson’s organ), which previously only appeared vestigially in about 25% of adults, ranging from non-existent to pretty well developed, is now fully developed in all men and women.

    It is responsible for the reception and interpretation of pheromones – airborn hormones that affect behavior in animals – staking territories, menstrual cycles, pack behavior, that sort of thing.

    The second is from the french company Louis-Vuitton-Moët-Hennessy, (The produce perfume, thus their interest), which has submitted a treatise to the Association Parfume Internationalle noting that women are now producing pheromones at much larger concentrations than existed previously, including pheromones similar to the pheromones that express alpha-female dominance in bonobo monkeys. It also notes the presence of higher concentrations of ‘appeasement’ pheromones in males – normally found in the beta (or submissive) groups in social animals.

    (For those who are unaware, the bonobo is one of the great apes, along with chimpanzees, and seems to actually be our closest living relative. Unlike most of the ape families, in the bonobo the females are the social leaders and openly use the fact that they don’t go into ‘heat’ and are sexually available whenever they feel like it to manipulate bonobo ‘society’, well, such as it is. Bonobo males are much less aggressive than in other great ape families.)

    Now neither of these studies is complete (I wasn’t even aware of the second one until it got mentioned by a french biochemist when the first was being discussed), but they’re both reputable sources, and there’s every chance that the findings will prove correct upon completion and peer review, so I don’t mind admitting to being a bit weirded out by the implications.

    Heck, I’m not sure what to do if they *are* both true. Start breathing through my mouth? That supposedly brings less air through the VMO, but I feel stupid thinking about it.

    I don’t know – I don’t *feel* like I’m suddenly pliable. I’ll admit – I’d happily kill you all if Shania Twain whispered in my ear, but then, I’m pretty sure I woulda done that before – <G>. On the other hand I do wonder – for a society with cultural standards of beauty as rigid as ours is, guys have adjusted awfully fast. Anybody notice whether or not guys with a head cold haven’t been adjusting as well or anything?

    These are both really really preliminary – the first one isn’t really even about the VNO – it’s just a laundry list of gross physical changes to investigate further, and they’re up to 14,000 distinct physical changes (BTW, evil gynocratic conspirators if you’re out there – Dr. Ordivan of the human genome project is highly ticked off. You are to revert whatever you did at once or face her wrath. Just thought you should know.) The other one is more in the lines of quick corporate study and exchange of information so they can update the product line to compensate.

    So make of these two what you will – be sensible, not paranoid. Pheromones are not mind control, even in lower animals, and normally have very short term effects. On the other hand – be self aware. If you’re reacting in a manner you normally don’t react, you may have neurons firing that weren’t firing two weeks ago.

    I would like to thank whoever did this for making my puberty that extra tad more nervewracking than it already was – just stand on this "X" here, your present will be arriving momentarily. Here’s a traditional Wile E Coyote umbrella to hold over your head . . .

    The grumbling geekboy

    in reply to: Who is reading? #3503

    Female Muscle Growth Stories Forum

    Just look through for Pendant changes (Part I is currently on the third page back.

    Celia’s Notes

    Marilyns Email Box

    Alex’s Lament

    Journal of SFC Jason N. White

    and Bennett Maples Speech are also interrelated since Mark has foolishly invited us to play through

    Did I miss anyone?

    in reply to: Poll: Be a character in a Marknew story #3548

    heh – If I’m in, I’m in as Jay the Ubergeek, a smarter version of me at 17, just as socially inept as I am now. Heck – I’ve been told the girl that placed in a state beauty pageant wanted to date me for awhile – maybe Jay will do better with it than the obliviousness that was me!

    Probably not, but hey, I can hope – <G>


    in reply to: Marilyn’s Email Box #3406

    From: Geekboy

    Subject: Placating Irrational beings

    Well, I just posted it here because this board has gotten a rep for where people post regarding the changes locally. My apologies if I wandered off the topic.

    The stuff from the Global Consciousness project is true, and the chance of it’s being a coincidence are astronomically high. I’m on a number of Quantum Physics lists, and the best consensus is that ‘something’ disturbed the universe pretty hard that Friday, but frankly nobody has a clue as to what did it. But it is scientifically feasible.

    The rest of it? Well, I doubt I’m any more delusional than anyone else that was a 6 foot geek two weeks ago, and is now considerably shorter, and still a geek. I at least have the good fortune to have my ego unhealthily invested in my IQ which has not been affected, as opposed to the trauma of having been a football star two weeks ago that a lot of guys have been dealing with. Yeah, the stuff about vamps and stuff? While that stuff is in fact being run through conspiracy boards, I intended it for comic relief.

    As for placating powerful irrational beings? Sorry, no I’m not dating anyone right now – <G>.


    in reply to: Marilyn’s Email Box #3404

    From: GeekBoy

    Subject: Weirdness from the Fringe

    Some interesting info I’ve come across on the net. There’s a site called the Global Consciousness Project – a bunch of Highbrow nutcases studying a world-wide set of ‘Eggs’, random number generators that have had a better than random chance of doing weird things when something big is about to go down. There’s been a lot of critiqueing on the basis that they don’t always seem to predict anything at all and stuff, and that they reach real hard sometime to make a connection. Before this last week, hey, I’d have agreed with the critics.

    But evidently the eggs did some weird stuff the friday before this stuff started to be noticed – they had four big ‘Z-scores’ between 7:07 and 7:17 GMT from various eggs, and three of them were really weird.

    7:07:32: a Z score of .997 appeared in three North American Eggs

    7:12:35: a much higher Z-score of 5.43 comes up, starting in North America and transiting around the world, like a wave.

    7:14:52: a *pair* of Z-scores, of 7.49 and -7.02 peaked in Norh America on separate eggs, and rippled across the world again,

    7:16:32: Last one for the day – another pair of Z-score spikes at 7.37 and -7.57 rippled across the world – same way, started in North America and rippled outward.

    Then This Thursday Morning they bleeped again

    02:34:12: North America has another set of three eggs run a 1.56

    02:56:30: Four eggs run up a 1.72 Z score

    Now, until now the highest Z-scores ever recorded on the eggs were around three – Very long odds, but possible. Frankly that first score wasn’t all that big a deal. If it weren’t five minutes before the other three, no one would care.

    But the other three are – it’s not the kind of things anyone has ever seen before, and this project has been running for about seven years. Scores over three are getting into the thousands to one range, scores over five are virtually unheard of. Scores of seven are, well, unheard of.

    What the ones on Thursday morning mean? Maybe nothing; they’re not nearly at the level of the first set – just very weird to have more so soon. I haven’t *felt* any different in the last few days.

    Well, anyway, nobody really has a clue as to just what happened. They checked whether or not some kind of a cosmic ray burst affected the eggs (They’re electronic, so can be affected by odd things like that) but none of the detectors that would have gone nuts did. Really weird theories have been kicked around that we somehow ‘skipped the track’ out of our quantum universe into another less probable one where our bodies evolved differently.

    Those are the Mainstream – the fringe is weirder- <G>. Hey girls – you’ve all been replaced by evil 4th level reptilians that are here to enslave us men and drain our life force. Just thought you should know! Or else the Aquarian shift has revitalized your life force and cut we vampiric men from taking your goddess given right to power. Thanks heavens I stocked those jars of life force for the winter last year that I was draining off of the cheerleading team – all the other psychic vampires laughed at me for that, but see who’s laughing now! Mwa-Hah-Hah-Haaaa.

    Scarily enough, I’m not making up either of those two. More scarily than that, I’m not sure whether or not they’re really all that much less likely than the ‘Quantum History’ theory, although at least I can Feynman chart that one, sorta. Theoretically, they say it should be easier to move towards a more likely history, because you’re shifting with entropy rather than against it. Course, two weeks ago the whole thoing would have been laughed out of the symposium, and no one really knows what could cause it, so unless I can find a Gallifreyen with a spare Tardis, it’s not all that likely to make a difference even if it is right – <G>.

    Anyway, this is Uber-Geek signing off. Just thought people might be interested in the science weirdness goin down in the wilds of the ‘net.

    No reptilian psychic aquarian vampire priest(esse)s were harmed in the crafting of this message!


    in reply to: Story by Swingo #3628

    I thought it was pretty good, ‘cept for the part where LesSwingo didn’t put in an email addy – <G>

    Bit extreme for my taste – it’s no fun imagining myself in the resistance to our coming conquerers if I have *no* chance, but that’s a common problem with the genre.


    in reply to: Poll: Be a character in a Marknew story #3544

    Oh, well, if I’m only outnumbered, outgunned, with the author throwing curveballs then count me in. Shoot, I thought it might be dangerous . . .

    <Ackbar>"All Craft Retreat! It’s a Trap."</Ackbar>

    Now might be a good time to run – <G>


    in reply to: Poll: Be a character in a Marknew story #3535

    Only if I get a safeword man – a Marknew Universe might be a fun place to visit, but I wouldn’t wanna live there.


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