Forum Replies Created
rick powers
ParticipantThanks for the feedback.
I am not all that enamored with violent characters, either. Maybe that’s why I have the ‘good guys’ win out in the end. Plus, that’s my general philosophy on life in the real world – the good guys usually win out over the bad guys. Sort of Pollyannish of me (is that a word?) but that’s my world view.
The whole Nazi thing was just a throwback to my misspent youth (at least as my mother would see it) spending too many summer afternoons reading comic books. Kind of injecting my current fantasies into the old time comics. I included the gory parts (which I usually shy away from) to make the evil even eveler (I keep making up words, soory) and so the response to it even bigger. I suppose that if this were to be a comic book, the Iron Nazi would have kept some of her clothing on, swung the halftrack at the soldiers knocking them unconscious and just severly wounded Major Victory.
(But I have to admit, I thought the snap crackle pop line was a little bit humorous – gallows humor perhaps)Marknew, I really didn’t fundamentally change anything in the second part of the story from what mdvr posted, except like I said, my blunder over the city for the destination of the train at the end.
Thanks again for the input.
rick powers
ParticipantI don’t know what happened. Maybe the story was too long for one posting. That’s too bad. There were some changes I made that I really wanted to get in here. For instance at the end of the story the train pulls into "Bonn" – I have no idea why I put that city into the story originally, it’s actually in Germany! I corrected it in the post last night but it didn’t get in. But thanks mvdr any way for the helping hand in finding the original story and picking up with it.
Thanks also for the comments.
By the way – is it too religious? Too many freferences to God? I was thinking that might have been a turn off for some people. At the same time, Americans in that era really didn’t have a problem refering to God and it was supposed to be sort of a period piece.
rick powers
ParticipantLet me add my thanks for the new tale and congratulations for joining the ranks of the storytellers. A great start to a wonderful story. So many directions to go … what does the future hold? I’m looking forward to the next installment.
One note, though. It looks like you are really trying to be grammatically accurate and that you take the time to check your spelling. Another big thank you for that. It makes reading the story so much easier. However, I believe that when using some quoted words within a sentence, it is proper to have the comma placed before the closing quote.
Excellent set up and I love the theme (By the way, I was hoping to write a story about GHB some day and now you beat me to it! Rats! Cross another story idea off the list!). Keep writing!
-Rick Powers
rick powers
ParticipantI was reminded by Lingsters comments about one of my favorite Wonder Woman episodes. The guests were Sheilds and Yarnell, a couple of minorly famous mimes from the 70’s. The woman took some ‘ant essence’ type formula and got super strong. The transformation was agian accomplished by an already fairly buff woman changing into tighter and skimpier (is that a word?) clothes. But still very effective. Sorry, the name of that particular episode escapes me.
rick powers
ParticipantThanks for the kind words.
Yeah, Axel, imagine that. All that power in such a tiny package. But you know with the laws of physics in comic books these days, that sort of thing happens all the time! At least she did grow a bit more muscular (as well as adding to her other assests).
Good idea, Mark, with the isometrics. But really, it’s a whole lot more fun to write about lifting some big ol’ train engine.
And Gary, as far as my Marvel Universe guide to approximate strength levels, yeah it puts MJ up there in the top category (which was, of course, my intention from the beginning). Not sure if she could hold her own with the Hulk (or even the She-Hulk in the latest books) but still not a whole lot of blokes that could give her a problem now, as we’ll perhaps see in the next part.
By the way, I’ve only been to New York for one day in my life, and certainly never been to Sunnyside Yard. I get most of my images of the City from Marvel comics. How am I doing? Any suggestions for authenticity in the future?
Hopefully, I’ll wrap up the last installment within a week or so.
-Rickrick powers
ParticipantSoon … very soon …
Okay, actaully it’s written, but I’m trying to pace it out so I can finish up part 3 and get it posted in a timely fashion.
This week! I promise.
rick powers
ParticipantThanks for all the nice comments.
I’ll be posting part 2 soon, in which several answers to your questions will be … ummm … answered.
Can you tell I’m going through a minor case of writer’s block? Got to get those creative juices flowing. By the way, part 2 has the cool FMG stuff and unfortunately part 3 just has lots of action stuff, but hopefully you’ll enjoy it for the story line.
And I’ll try to make tmy next stories a little bit easier to read. For some reason known to ML but still a mystery to me, my formatting isn’t totally compatible with She Grew, so I’ll add another return between paragraphs to clean it up a bit.
Still working on the second part of the Necklace as well. When it’s done, I’ll post both parts here.
rick powers
ParticipantThanks for all the nice comments.
I’ll be posting part 2 soon, in which several answers to your questions will be … ummm … answered.
Can you tell I’m going through a minor case of writer’s block? Got to get those creative juices flowing. By the way, part 2 has the cool FMG stuff and unfortunately part 3 just has lots of action stuff, but hopefully you’ll enjoy it for the story line.
And I’ll try to make tmy next stories a little bit easier to read. For some reason known to ML but still a mystery to me, my formatting isn’t totally compatible with She Grew, so I’ll add another return between paragraphs to clean it up a bit.
Still working on the second part of the Necklace as well. When it’s done, I’ll post both parts here.
rick powers
ParticipantI’m glad you folks liked The Librarian series so much.
Zes, I would love to finish The Necklace – as a matter of fact I’ve even got a good start on it – but I left myself in a terrible bind. The necklace has the ability to give the guy ultimate power. And as you know, with great power comes great responsibility. I’m just not sure I’d be responsible enough to come up with a satisfying ending to the tale.
But I mush on. I’m almost done with a Black Cat story that I promised our host, ML, about a year ago. Things like that happen when your laptop goes ka-blooie.
January 14, 2005 at 10:41 pm in reply to: She-Hulk Vol 3 – Issues #8-#12 – "Stronger then ever" – [Topics Merged] #10210rick powers
ParticipantHonest to god, I swear my heart stopped beating for a couple of seconds and I found it rather hard to breathe.
Freak says he read it 6 times? Well, I haven’t gotten around to that yet, but there are a couple of pages that I just seem to keep flipping back to. Some of those images may be permanently burned into my memory. It is truly amazing when you finally get to see a fantasy published by a mainstream comic company.
I don’t know if anyone from Marvel reads this board or not, but I thank heaven everytime I see Paul Pelletier’s artwork that they allowed him to draw this particular part of She-Hulk’s story. Bobillo was okay, but I really don’t think he could have handled the details like Pelletier.
Eric – buy the whole series! Dan Slott’s writing has been great for the whole run.
Now if you don’t mind, I think I need a little more ‘alone’ time…