Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThis is a superb christmas presant for your fans.. π
I love this new flavour universe you've created, keep up the good spirit.Rudi
ParticipantSo, how is it going? π
I'm checking your site every third or fourth day, to see if it gets updated.. π
I've seen you've started a few other prjects, like the youtube page.. I hope you won't forget about this one, since it's a really awesome story. πRudi
ParticipantOh.. wow.. I just discovered this thread 8 hours ago.. π Now I've read everything on the site.. π
Amazingly awesome work, can't wait for the next installment.. Also interesting that Nicholas Tesla interview wich inspired you.. πRudi
ParticipantI probably haven't been good enough to give feedback on others work, I've tried to give in a contribution myself, every once in a while but I have no skill in drawing or writing.
Sometimes when reading my local newspaper I've seen it feature a female athlete in the sport section and tought to myself; this gal should the people at Amaz0n have seen.
A quick check on the webedition of the newspaper, and I've found a contribution for the female athletes section. πThe most time consuming stuff I've tried, were the time I spent about a half a day, rigging up a camera, filming, and compressing, and uploading a 11-minute ingame movie from a game in the video-games section since there were only some images from the characther editor there.
Didn't get a any indication that anyone looked at it tough, so I just figured I wouldn't bother to do the same again in next years edition of the game.I've never really thought about that all the great artists or writers wich do original stuff by themselves here might start feeling that they do not get enough feedback, since it seemed like most people get good feedback here allready, but offcourse they deserves some encouragement in work they do here.
I'm not sure if deleting the the people with less than X messages is the right way to get the lurkers to become aspiring artists, writers or contributors, it might just make them create new accounts in addition to feel unwelcome.
I would not feel comfortable breaking up a story, with a small 'thanks-message', or saying the same thing as the person writing a message above mine said just a minute ago to get a message.
And I would also not like to read part 1 of a story, and browse through two pages with 'thanks' before getting to part 2.The best way of solving this problem, in my opinion, is to make anothe child-board, called: Stories => Commentaries
And when a writer posted his story (i.e. Pendant Changes – Friday), he could add another another message right after the story, something along the lines:
Please have in mind that the only pay the author of this story receives, is your praise.
So if you liked this story, and would like to encourage the author to write another installment, or a new story.
It would be very usefull if you could drop a comment to him/her, weather you wish to discuss parts of the story, have any suggestions of what might happen next, or a simple 'thank you' on:Pendant Changes – Friday comentary-thread.That would be a way I would be far more comfortable to give feedback, even if the same words were said in the message above, and it would be very nice to be able to give comments on especially on older stories, without making people think that there is a new installment coming along.
Strangely enough I do not have this problem with art, I think this is because, it's much easier to see the difference on the thumbnails/pictures and the text.
Anyway, I do believe a good forum is a orderly forum, also see the humble aproach, trying to give the reader a bad conscience by the payment-thingy.
Pretty devious..Anyway, that's my tought.. π
is probably one of the best free ones, the models there are mostly comercial poser 3D-models, but it's still good if you have a giantess/amazon-fetish.
It is a extremely good website too, if you're into muscular women, and handdrawn illustrated stories it's definately worth the cost atleast once.
There is a single picture there, wich is worth the money alone. <== Delivers around 3 illustrated stories a month, and a few galleries, and sometimes a few animations..
I usually subscribe to it every once in a while.and DC Mathews website is also great, can't recall his website address, but search for tsetsuko, and click on the signature. I do atleast once a week. π
Eric Stantoon were also a superb artist, and will probably have illustrated and written many stories, no matter what you're into, alot of mixed wrestling, alot of fem vs. fem wrestling, also some strange ladyprincks (I know you probably do not know what the last is, but I'll just leave it untold. Let's just say you're in for a big suprise)..
Alot of his work is located at
He is unfortunately dead, but his daughters are running shop so it should be possible to buy more stories, after you are hooked, but I can't recall the web-adress now.. πRudi
ParticipantHysterically funny in the end. π
Playable demo. π
ParticipantHehe, the sex scene were strange yeah, some tube's connecting the two, too heighten the experience or something like that..
But it's a thirty second clip in a 1,5 hour movie with several really buff ladies, and Sue Price is running around in skimpy outfits, lingerie, or even less, and in general giving bad peoples a beating for over an hour. π
Hehe, no it's not a blockbuster, but I think most people here would like it, even if they don't like the 30-second scene.. πFebruary 25, 2006 at 9:16 am in reply to: Striking Punishers Magazine – Part 13 (Updated 05/24/06) #23195Rudi
ParticipantWhew, hot story..
ParticipantSmackdown vs. Raw 2006, only for PS2 and PSP i think..