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  • in reply to: She-Hulk / Supergirl Cover by Greg Nichols #28340

    Looking at that picture gets my mind to racing – wouldn't it be great if they were on the same scale. A Supergirl post super hulk out towering over the She-Hulk and with the power of a hulked out kryptonian (assuming SG is back to being a Kryptonian – I can't keep up)

    in reply to: Amazon Virus I #22540

    Love to see work done in The Movies – one of my favorite games at the moment for the ability to show women doing some interesting strength scenes (throat lifts, jogging beside a moving vehicle as examples) – but the following is why I'm posting:

    The Movies: Stunts and Effects. This is the expansion set due out this spring it includes, among other things – miniature sets!!!!! Why? Why else – REALLY BIG WOMEN! There are also some "Blue Screen" sets being added – curious if it might be possible to use these blue screen sets to simulate growth (play an animation of shrinking surroundings as a background perhaps?) I'll have to see all the capabilities of Stunts and Effects when it comes out, but I think there is the definite possiblity for growing women style material.


    in reply to: Amazon Flu #18919

    Definitely feel free to keep adding in my absences Prophet – the Lurker is on a bit of a hiatus due to an extreme case of writer's block. I'm currently perusing the boards for something that'll strike up muse but I currently have no plans for the Amazon Flu – though I might go back to an old option or 2 that was left open as we wrote and create some branches.

    The Lurker Unleashed
    Herein known as wjroland

    in reply to: The Game #13260

    Delayed – and not entirely my best work – but here it is:

    The Game
    Written by Avalian

    Standard Disclaimers apply – this is an adult story, if you should not be reading this don't, yada yada yada.

    Part 3: Skull Island

    As Kyra withdrew Dane's sword from the dead Kutu Fish she pondered the oddity of her latest battles.  Sure she was on the beach, but she was not actually in the water. It seemed strange that these blue fish would somehow manage to attack them on land – sometimes swimming through the sand, other times flying above it. And every once in a while, the Kutu Fish would be accompanied by a Kutu Shark – she'd swear she'd learn in her early schooling Kutu Shark's ate Kutu Fish, but they both seemed awfully eager to fight her instead of eating each other – so eager that they actually had followed her into the forest on her last trip in.

    She'd returned to the beach after facing a Bika Bird – which looked much like a Nika bird only it was purple – because for some reason she could not set up a tent inside the forest. Stella had accompanied her the whole way, and never remarked on how odd things were.

    Oddest of all was her new armor – the Bika Bird had somehow carried it, she wasn't sure how. It was  Chain Mail – but hardly a full suit – only enough to cover her upper torso and her waist and legs – the latter with something akin to a skirt. It left her arms, her lower torso and her head completely bare – since it wouldn't fit over her padded armor. Yet, for some reason, since she'd donned it, all her opponents attacks seemed directed specifically at the parts of her body that were armored.

    In the 2 days they'd been ashore, Kyra had fought with Dane's sword often enough it had become like an extension of her – and she noticed that the blade seemed to gleam brighter now than it had before.  Whenever she drew it she felt a surge of energy, and she was certain she gained several inches on Stella whenever her blade was out.

    Stella was speaking now. "You've become quite a warrior Kyra, perhaps even my better. But it's not safe to remain on shore any longer – we should head inland."

    "I agree.", spoke a black robe that suddenly appeared on the beach in a vaguely human form. "But not the girl, only you warrior."

    The robe extended an arm and a gnarled finger. Kyra watched as Stella began to flicker, seeming to blink with a white light,and then to actually fade in and out of visibility before disappearing altogether with an exclamation of "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

    "Ahahahaha.", the robe laughed in it's hoarse voice. "She will do perfectly for my spell."

    Kyra drew Dane's sword and moved to shout a challenge, but the robe responded before she could.

    "No interference from you."

    Kyra slid backward several steps and suddenly a black armored form was in front of her. Then, the robe vanished in the same fashion that Stella had.

    Kyra was locked in combat with the black armored form – a fearsome warrior to be certain. The being was capable of attacks that seemed to defy nature – leaping high into the air and coming crashing down with it's blade – oddly, always on her bosom like all the others but with force enough to hurt. Kyra used several healing herbs in the fight and during it discovered that she too could perform these amazing leaps, her lithe legs propelling her airborne and her blade striking the armor. Though she appeared to do no damage the armor eventually let out a cry and then vanished.

    Kyra made her way into the woods and fought the Bika Birds and Kutu Sharks that attacked her there – her new leaping attack and armor, combined with her added strength from her transformation when Dane's blade was out – she was sure it was happening now – allowed her to dispatch them and make her way to a small hut in the woods.

    With her blade she broke open the door and went in, finding the hut much larger inside than out – with stairs up and down and several rooms. This was obviously a witch's lair.

    And across from her, standing over a fallen woman – an aged and frail woman – was the black robed figure, about to drink from a vial of glowing liquid. She was unprepared for Kyra's arrival. Kyra knew it was important that the witch did not have that drink. Instead, she snatched it from the frail hand and imbibed it herself.

    The witch turned. "You arrogant child." she hissed. "You will pay for that." and then she blinked out.

    Kyra felt energy rush through her, meeting the energy of Dane's sword and seeming to encompass it. Her hand went numb and she dropped the blade, but she did not shrink back as she normally did – instead she grew. Kyra's body grew to 6' in height, her armor amazingly growing with her. Her chest swelled, with muscle and feminine charms, the latter more pronounced than the former. She flexed her arm and saw a tight bicep swell from it, bigger than even Stella's. Kyra felt empowered – the strength of not 1 or 2, but 3 warriors now coursed through her – her own, Dane's and, as she realized with sadness, that of her fallen friend Stella who lay before her, her energy drained.

    Kyra swore vengeance on the witch, seizing up Dane's sword – it's magical nature now seemingly lost into her it was still a good sword. Her long, lithe legs carried her deep into the Witch's lair – battle Bika Birds and Earth Mounds and Carnivorous Slime at every turn, finding locked chests that her powerful muscles easily forced open or her sword broke as needed to free Healing Slaves and Moon Tears – a magical restorative that she saw little use for.

    Finally she stood before the witch, Dane's sword in hand. The witch cackled and swung her hand, Dane's sword skittered across the room. Kyra was not concerned, she could take this frail creature apart with her bare hands.

    Then, the witch cast off her robe, revealing her rotted flesh and muscle – she was an undead, her magic boosting her strength.

    Still, Kyra would not be denied and leaped at the witch, hands raised to grapple the beast.

    in reply to: The Game #13255

    I agree – definitely time to play The Game – so, without further ado – here's Chapter 2 whilst I work on Chapter 3. A little natural growth occurs in this one.

    The Game
    Written by Avalian

    Standard Disclaimers apply – this is an adult story, if you should not be reading this don't, yada yada yada.

    Part 2: Marinda Port

    Kyra was weary and more than a little upset when she arrived at the hedge wall surrounding Marinda. She had fought many battles between her village and here – the first few had gone poorly, since she didn't really know how to fight. Thankfully, the most dangerous beats in this area were Nika Birds, whose flesh could be pierced even by a young woman with a dagger. She had discovered the first night why she needed 2 tents. Oddly, when she awoke in the morning the tent she had used had vanished.

    She had also used much of her healing herbs, but had found that, strangely, Nika Birds often carried the healing herbs in their talons, and someone stashed boxes with single doses of the herb in the strangest places in the forest between her home and Marinda. She had learned much in her journey about how to handle a dagger – 2 days of frequent Nika Bird attacks would do that. She now felt confident that she could deal with any Nika Bird's that came her way – even the pairs or trios that began to be prevalent nearer the town. It had been so convenient to find that one of the herb boxes had instead contained a suit of padded armor perfectly tailored to her body. Strange, but convenient. The armor had made the Nika Bird's talons much less fearsome.

    And now, she was at Marinda Port. The entire city was surrounded by a low hedge – which oddly no one ever bothered to hop over. Everyone always dutifully made their way to the small opennings when coming or going. Not that much coming and going was happening – everyone seemed content to mill about inside the town.

    She went in and was about to great a man near the gate – an elderly man dressed in a robe.

    "Welcome to Marinda, child. Are you a refugee from the Village? We didn't think anyone survived that."

    The man then turned and wandered away. Kyra thought this very rude and went and prodded him. She was astonished when he looked at her and said…

    "Welcome to Marinda, child. Are you a refugee from the Village? We didn't think anyone survived that."

    Kyra moved on from the strange man and began moving through the Port Town looking for someone who could help her get passage aboard a ship. She was nearing the port when she was almost knocked over by someone chasing a cat. And that someone turned out to be a dear friend of hers, Stella.

    Stella was of a different build than Kyra. Stella was training to be a soldier – or had been when last Kyra was in Marinda. Now it looked like Stella was indeed a soldier. A sword at her side, leather jerkin and pants adorning her sinewy 5'7" body. The 19 year old was an odd site chasing after a cat.

    "I can't believe it's you, it's been so long…Oh, the cat?"

    Kyra didn't think she'd asked about the cat, though she was going to…

    "I'm part of the port watch, but so little happens in Marinda, we spend most of our time saving cats from trees. It's really not what I signed up for."

    Kyra was about to ask about the dock.

    "You need passage on a ship?"

    More of those strange responses to unasked questions.

    "Unfortunately, the Port is closed – order of the Koran Navy. No one is supposed to leave. Maybe if you talk to the Mayor he can find a way to get you a ship. I'll come with you."

    Kyra nodded and headed for the Mayor's house, Stella was following right behind her, single file. The 2 travelled in silence until the Mayor's house. Kyra moved to knock, but instead the door openned and she walked straight through. When they were before the Mayor, Stella abruptly stepped out from behind her and stood beside her, speaking to the Mayor.

    "Mayor, this is my friend – she's from the Village and needs passage on a ship."

    The Mayor gave her a very cursory examination.

    "The port is closed.", he replied. Kyra got the idea that if she were alone that would be the end of the matter. But Stella spoke again.

    "Perhaps we can sneak onto one of the Koran ships to leave port."

    "Sneak on? That would not be easy. You'd need disguises. We can sneak you on as slave girls. Go, stay at the inn and I will fetch you when all is ready."

    The Mayor was a really helpful guy.

    Kyra and Stella travelled back to inn and slept till midnight, when the Mayor arrived with his son – a boy of Kyra's age who looked at her in a slightly unsettling way.

    "Put on these slave clothes and we will sneak you onto the ship."

    Kyra and Stella did as asked – and Kyra was shocked to learn they were going to hide their armor and weapons in her small pouch. Even more so when they all fit quite comfortably into it.

    The boarding of the ship went without incident and Kyra and Stella were soon on their way out of Marinda, headed for Calitha – a city on the mainland. Their time on the ship was not easy. Kyra never spoke out, though Stella did once complain to her saying "All this slave work is beneath us, but I guess we have to do it to survive." – that was the end of it.

    Through the long ocean voyage, the hard work began to have an effect on Kyra's slight frame. The slaves were well fed, and so the work served to build muscle onto her body. She noticed that after the first month, her sleeves were a little tighter, especially when she flexed her arm. She also noticed that the soldiers were taking more notice of her legs, which had become shapely with pleasant muscle.

    It was 3 months into their journey when the ship was attacked by Pirates!

    The ship shudderred, waking Kyra and Stella from their rest below.

    "Stay here, I'll go above.", Stella said and went up the stairs. Kyra waited a bit.

    One of the Koran soldiers was knocked down the stairs. A pirate pursued the falling body down.

    Kyra looked from her bed to her pouch. If she was quick she could reach it.

    The pirate's mind was still on his quarry who said, "…"

    Kyra leapt to her pouch and from it drew forth a 4 foot length of steel – Dane's Sword.

    The pirate turned to face the new attacker. "Do not test me girl – you're no match for me."

    Kyra leapt into the fray, her sword arm provind a match for the boastful pirate. She matched his every attack with a skilled and strong parry and soon the pirate began to tire, while Kyra was feeling invigorated by the combat. When finally a blade struck flesh it was Kyra's blade that dug deep into the pirate's arm, causing him to drop his own blade. A second stroke ended the miscreant's life.

    Alive with the energy of combat, Kyra rushed onto deck.

    On deck the fighting was furious – Koran soldiers were engaged with pirate's everywhere. Kyra spotted Stella engaged with 3 opponents of her own – the warrior woman's clothing clinging tightly to her sweat soaked body displayed her shapely muscle to wonderful effect. She was losing ground to her opponents, and Kyra rushed to her side. With the new blade at her side, the battle turned and the 3 pirate's were dispatched.

    "I thought I told you to stay below Kyra.", Stella began. Kyra was going to challenge her – tell her she just saved her life. "But, you did just save my life – your quite skilled with that blade. Perhaps we should stick together."

    The 2 women fought their way across the ship, trying to find the Captain. Little did they know, they were being watched. The pirate captain was observing the 2 women, his lust for battle could hardly sate his lust for women – especially two such comely lasses. Both women fought like wildcats, their long, luxurious hair wave about their heads as their sweat soaked bodies leapt from battle to battle. Their simple blouses clinging to every curve of their forms made them quite a distraction to their opponents, allowing them to often gain an upper hand even against superior opponents. When this battle ended, they would be his.

    Meanwhile, Stella had spotted the Captain of their vessel – he was surrounded by pirates and fighting like a man possessed – but he knew his ship was lost, and he was under strict orders that pirates were to get nothing from his ship. Not a single slave, not a single gold coin, even if it meant destroying it. And he was a loyal soldier of Koran. He shouted out "Light the ship – kill the slaves – break the holds – leave nothing for the Pirates."

    Stella turned to Kyra, "We have no chance here no matter which side wins – quickly, we'll flee to a long boat and make for that nearby island."

    Kyra followed STella to the boat, battling now through both Koran soldiers and Pirates. When they made it to the boat, they cast off into the fog and soon, all signs of the battle that remained was the sound of clashing swords, and then the glare of fire through the fog as the boats sails were lit.

    The 2 women maneuvered their craft to the island nearby.

    Aboard the flaming ship the Pirate Captain smiled an evil smile. He had been denied most of his booty, for certain. Even now he was returning to his own vessel. But, 2 comely and fiery lasses had escaped the destruction and sailed straight to Skull Island – his own home. He'd find them soon enough. If the Witch didn't get them first!

    in reply to: Your Fantasy Muscle-Girl Game! #11042

    Well, I've actually completed the first part – no Muscle Growth yet – but I'll be posting it to the stories section of the forum under the Female Muscle Growth heading. I've tried to inject some humour into it based on the strange things I remember about games like the original Final Fantasy series and Phantasy Star. If you pick up the humor you're a true old school game geek.

    Avalian aka wjroland

    in reply to: Your Fantasy Muscle-Girl Game! #11040

    An RPG where your character grows taller, bustier, and more muscular as you level up. Combat would be handled somewhat like in Final Fantasy X, meaning you select the attack to use and which enemy to attack, and then you see the attack carried out in full motion. Attacking a steel golem while your character is a skinny weakling would result in no visible effect on the monster(other than a single digit damage number) but going back late once your character is an amazonian ubergirl and attacking that same steel golem would result in it graphically shattering to pieces from the impact of your character's fist as its defeated.

    There would be places for your character(s) to workout, expose themselves to various FMG staples such as growth formulas, muscle-rayguns, radiation of various sorts, etc. When leveling up, you could choose to enhance strength(bigger muscles) endurance(muscles get more toned and firm) speed(attack more often in combat) and beauty(bigger tits, better figure, special attacks which allow you to weaken, immobilize, or just plain knock out male enemies)

    There would also be the ability, once your character gets strong enough, to smash through walls and crush large solid objects. Method of destruction would depend on character's strength vs. solidness of material. When your character is only somewhat buff, she'd need to hit a wood wall with both fists to break through, but by the time she reached uberbabe proportions, she could sexily walk through a steel wall tits-first, the metal yielding to her softest flesh.


    While I cannot flesh this out into a video game, this would be something I would be interested in fleshing out into a story. I know I don't post much in the way of stories on this board, but this idea intrigues me – perhaps because of it's allowance for me to incorporate all sorts of different growth factors on the same woman. Hey Jumper – mind if I take this idea for a story? Don't expect anything too soon – but I will actually work on it.

    in reply to: Who would win in a fight? Muscular Girl or Giantess? #9703

    iiri is essentially correct on the weight issue, over 700 lbs. is more accurate than 200 lbs – a doubling of height approximates to an 8 fold increase in mass if density and proportions remain constant – which we're assuming they do int he intiial post.

    Now then, as someone mentioned -too many factors to consider, so, like any good scientist, I'm going to remove all factors except for the one I'm testing. That means, we assume giantess girl and buff girl have the same level of combat training in styles of fighting that are equally advantageous and have no special benefits against the other aside from size and muscle as noted.

    In this case, giantess girl has the advantage of height, reach and leverage, and to a degree strength.

    If the fight goes to the ground, as noted earlier, Giantess Girl would dominate to an even greater degree as the only advantage buff girl has – mobility/agility – is lost in a ground fight.

    I'd have to say clear advantage giantess.

    in reply to: The BEA Addventure #6712

    Hey LF,

    Yeah – I got that invite. Truth be told – I’ve been on the SWM site many times and signed up shortly after it’s inception. I don’t think that I’ve posted anything.

    Of course, you’d never know that, cause, well, I’m under a different name there yet again – me and my various identities. On that board I go by AValian.

    For the most part though, I am, as the first part of my name implies, a Lurker.

    I see there are a few more links in this thread I’m going to have to check out.


    The Lurker Unleashed

    in reply to: The BEA Addventure #6706

    I almost posted this without identifying myself, then realized I use a different name here.

    I am The Lurker Unleashed on the BEAddventure, and while my main goal over there is breast expansion I do like to work in superhuman females when possible.

    I am also the Lurker Unleashed on the Superstories Addventure:


    And I work some FMG and Giantess stuff in there too when I can.

    I didn’t realize anybody really paid attention to my stuff, though I have seen Prophet follow it up once in a while and I’m grateful for that – I don’t like writing consecutive episodes, so I usually don’t go back to a story until someone has sdded to it other than me.

    The Lurker Unleashed

    P.S. – there’s a checkbox at the end of the Create an Episode on the BEAddventure that automatically converts all your line breaks into HTML code – I use it all the time cause I don’t like typing the tags.

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