A.D. 3 – Despair (Completed)

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  • #16611

    By Max

    Part 2

    "I'm not 100% sure of it, but today I saw this young girl bullying
    a couple of football players. She laughed as they hit her hard, but
    she show no sign of pain. Then, she hit them and they fell to the
    ground sobbing. When I saw that, my first impulse was to stop
    her" said Chris.

    "Please, tell me you didn't do it" said Alyssa worried.

    "No mom. I didn't do it because of you. If this girl was indeed
    enhanced, she could have discovered that I'm 5 times stronger
    than any boy" sighed Chris.

    "Yes, Since my strength is not a power, it's in my genetic codes
    imprinted. You and your sister have gained great strength due
    that fact. If you show your great strength off, that will be very
    strange. People expect that women develop powers, but a boy
    that is so strong will be very suspicious" said Alyssa.

    "Yes mom. I will never do something to hurt you" said the 7
    years old boy as she hugged at her mother. "So instead of
    stopping the girl, I yelled for help. The girl immediately ran
    away" said Chris.

    "Very good thinking Chris. I'm proud of you" said Alyssa
    carrying at her son in her arms.

    "Mom" he said.

    "Yes" smiled tenderly Alyssa.

    "I'm not a baby, you know?" said Chris raising an eyebrow.

    "I know" said Alyssa hugging at her son. She gave him a kiss in
    his head and put him down on the floor. "But you will be always
    my son. Besides, can you imagine how many women will like to
    carry in their arms at their children even they are adults. That's
    something I can do. You will never be so heavy for me to carry"
    smiled Alyssa.

    Chris shuddered at the idea. "Mom, focus in our discussion. Do
    you think that the girl from the school is enhanced? I think she is,
    otherwise how a 15 years old girl managed to beat at 4 strong 16
    years old boys?"

    "Maybe she is super strong. I will need to check it out" said
    Alyssa as she vanished in the thin air. Chris shook his head and
    went to his room.

    Moments later, she appeared in the kitchen fully dressed in her
    heroin costume. "Chris told me that there is a possible enhanced
    girl giving problems in his school. I will need to find out" Alyssa

    "I go with you" said Sam standing up.

    "No Sam. I don't know if we are dealing with an enhanced girl
    or not. As soon as I know if the girl represents a danger, I will
    call you and together we will take her out for good" said Alyssa.

    "Good luck baby" said Leon kissing at his wife. "And be careful.
    Remember that if she is an enhanced girl, she has more than one

    "I will be very careful" said Alyssa. Then carrying at Katie in her
    arms, she told her. "Now, be a good girl and take care of daddy
    in my absence".

    "Yes mommy" cheered the child.

    "Well, I will be back soon" said Alyssa as she vanished again.

    In Chris school's there was only a person using the gym. "Oh
    yes. Those assholes were useful after all" grinned a girl as he was
    lifting a very heavy dumbbell.

    "I knew I will find you here" said Alyssa as she materialized in
    the gym.

    "Absolute Drainer!!" gasped the girl. "Why are you here?"

    "To talk to you. I 'm looking for a girl that was giving a hard
    time to some boys in the morning. I presume that you are that
    girl" said Alyssa.

    "You presume well" smirked the girl. "And what if I'm the girl
    you are looking for".

    "I will talk to you to know the reasons of your actions" explained

    "All men threat at women as garbage. Well, it's time to give
    them the same treatment" said the girl.

    "You can't do that. That is wrong" said Alyssa.

    "Don't tell me what is wrong or not. From now on, I will do
    what I please. I won't ever be under the shadow of a man
    again!!" yelled angered the girl as she launched the dumbbell
    against Alyssa.

    Alyssa was surprised by the strength the girl has. It was required
    at least the strength of 5 men to launch the heavy dumbbell with
    such force.

    Using only a hand, Alyssa caught the projectile. "Don't
    underestimate me little girl. There is no way you can hurt me"
    said Alyssa as she compressed the dumbbell. The resistant metal
    cried in protest as Alyssa's delicate hands applied an inhuman
    pressure over it until made it a solid metal ball.

    She dropped the ball and it clunked into the ground making a
    deep hole. "Now, let's talk and…" was saying Alyssa before the
    girl launched herself against her.

    "You don't get it, right?. I don't want to hear your sermons" said
    the girl as she hit at Alyssa hard.

    Alyssa's denser skin wasn't even dent by the strong punch of the
    girl. "I told you, you can't…" was saying again Alyssa as the girl
    hit her again. This time, she managed to let at Alyssa felt the hit.

    "What the…?" gasped Alyssa as was stepped back due the force
    of the blow. "You can't be that strong" said Alyssa.

    "Sure, I'm. Normally, I don't use all my strength. But since I'm
    dealing with you, it will be fun not to restrict it" grinned the girl.

    "OK, smart girl. Show me what you have" dared Alyssa.

    The girl didn't hesitate and gave a series of powerful punches
    against Absolute Drainer. Even Alyssa managed to avoid all the
    attacks of the girl, the blows of air generated by the punches
    were shots of compressed air that were devastating the walls of
    the gym.

    Alyssa didn't want to hurt her, but she needed to find a way to
    stop at the girl before the entire gym collapsed over them. The
    structure was getting very unstable very fast.

    The girl stopped her attack to grab one of the gym's machines.
    Her thin arms were capable of ripping off the heavy machine
    from the floor and with it over her head, she ran toward Alyssa.

    "That's enough!!" yelled Alyssa as she fired a plasma ball that
    disintegrated the machine.

    Realizing her defeat, the girl only fell to the ground. "Why are
    you against me?. Women should support each other and show
    men their right place" said the girl.

    "Why would we do that? Men and women should be equals
    individuals" tried to explain Alyssa.

    "We are not equals anymore. Nature choose us to be the
    strongest sex. Otherwise, why women are the only ones with
    powers?" said the girl.

    "Nobody knows why women are the only ones that are
    developing these kind of powers" said Alyssa.

    "I do. It's justice!! Women have being slave of the men for too
    long. They are beasts. They treat us like pieces of meat they can
    use to satisfy their primal instincts. They don't care about our
    feelings or… if we are too young" sobbed the girl.

    "Oh my…" gasped Alyssa as she feared about the girl's past.
    "Please tell me, why do you feel that way toward men?" asked
    Alyssa softly as her mother instincts took over.

    "Because they are all the same. They don't care about you.
    They… they…". The girl looked to floor and cried.

    Alyssa walked to her side and hugged her. "Don't cry sweetie,
    please tell me what is bothering you. Has a man abuse of you?"
    asked Alyssa worried about the answer.

    The girl nodded her head. "I was very young. Before I develop
    my power. I was sexually abused day after day. Now that my
    power appeared, I don't have that problem anymore, but still my
    mother is suffering that horrible fate. I wish I could save her from
    it, but what can I do…" sobbed the girl. "… I can't hit at my own

    To be continued…


    Who saw that coming? Anyone? Anyone? Me neither. 😉


    Indeed. A most interesting twist. And a good explanation for the title.
    But one does not need super powers to deal with a paedophile, molester and/or rapist. All you need is a spool of barbed wire, a sharp knife, a large packet of course salt, a strong stomach and much patience.
    It is a dark Path to thread, but Vengences is never a thing taken lightly.
    I's eagerly look forward to the future installments of this tale.
    The Pimp NeonBlack


    You can use physical torture for a criminal, if you want, but I prefer psycological torture. One of my favorites is binding a person to a chair or otherwise putting them into a situation where they are in a helpless position. Then, with them conscious and paying attention, make it clear that you are going to bring that person within an inch of death. Make them believe it in whatever way possible. Then ask someone near you to go and get a couple of random items, making it sound like they are needed for some diabolical torture. Then leave them alone, thinking about what you are about to do to them. This technique is especially useful for gathering information and getting people to squeal. This is not an idea that I came up with myself, but is one that I found in a book from one of my favorite fantasy writers. Can anyone guess who the writer is or the book?


    An excioting plot twist.
    Why doesn't she attack her own father?  Does he have some preternatural defenses?


    Glad to know that you are enjoying this story my friends and thanks for your comments. I wasn't sure how members will react at the shocking end of this part.

    To say the true, this scene is not the real reason why this story have the name of Despair, but I promise you that it will be clear very soon.

    About why the girl hasn't attack at her own father, well… that is part of another shocking surprise.

    Next Sunday part 3 will be posted and these questions will be answered for sure.



    This is getting too good man. Niceness. ^_^


    Awww man I have to wait a whole week. The suspence is going to kil…..(eyes roll back and slumps to the floor dead).


    Recently, I found myself with more free time that I expected.
    That has allowed me to write more for this story and I think that
    I can post a new part each day instead of each Sunday. Hope
    you enjoy this new part and that some of the doubts will be



    By Max

    Part 3

    "Did your own father rape you?" asked astonished Alyssa.

    The girl nodded ashamed. "He is disgusting. When I'm in the
    house, he doesn't dare to touch at my mother, but when I'm not
    there…" the girl took a moment to clean the tears of her eyes
    "… he abuses of my mother. He trains in a local gym and he
    enjoys using his muscles against her. My mother is a fragile
    women. It tears me apart when I look at the bruises my father
    left her" she cried.

    Alyssa felt her blood boiling. How a man could do such
    horrible things like rapping his own daughter and hitting at his
    wife. The anger building inside Alyssa was very strong.
    Looking into the girls eyes, she softly said "Let's go to your
    home now. I want you to be at your mother side"

    The girl cheered up and holding hands with Absolute Drainer,
    she went out of the gym. When she closed the door of the gym,
    the whole gym rumbled and finally collapsed. "Oops!!" gasped
    the girl.

    "You will have to fix the gym. After all, it was your fault" said
    Alyssa to the girl.

    "I didn't want to do it. I'm sorry. I won't do it again"
    apologized the girl.

    "It's good to hear that. You are not such a bad girl after all.
    Apologizing is the first step. Don't worry, I'm sure that Etheria
    will like to help you to rebuild the gym. She is always looking
    for an excuse to use her powers" giggled Alyssa.

    "Do you think that she will help me?" asked the girl

    "Sure. Even I can give you a hand. With our powers, we can do
    it in a very short time" said the Alyssa.

    "That will be good. Thank you" smiled the girl. "By the way,
    my name is Erin"

    "Nice to meet you Erin. You can call me AD if you want"
    smiled Alyssa.

    As they walked by, people couldn't avoid to stare at the
    impressive heroin as she was walking with a young girl. Some
    of the pedestrian approached at Absolute Drainer and shook
    hands with her. Others didn't hesitate in giving thanks at her
    for keeping the city in peace.

    "You are very popular among people" said Erin.

    "Yes. People recognized when you do good things for them.
    For example instead of using your strength to hit innocent men,
    why not use it to stop at the real bad ones" said Alyssa. "Who
    knows. Maybe you want to be a crime fighter as Etheria and

    "Are you serious?" said Erin with a bright smile.

    Absolute Drainer nodded her head. "When you are old enough,
    you can join us. We can help you to master your power" she

    "I will like that" smiled Erin.

    When they arrived at the Erin's home, a woman in their late
    thirties opened the door. "Absolute Drainer!!" gasped the
    women. "Oh no!! What did you this time young lady" yelled
    the woman to Erin. "I'm sorry Absolute Drainer. I'm assure
    that whatever problem my daughter could cause wasn't her
    fault. Please forgive her" begged the woman.

    "There is nothing to worry about. Your daughter and I had a
    long talk and I will be glad to help you Mrs…" said Alyssa.

    "Please. Call me Dory" said the woman.

    "Nice to meet you Dory" said Alyssa shaking hands. Then,
    looking at Erin, Alyssa said "Where I can find at your father?"

    "He must be now in the gym at 3 blocks from my home.
    Why?" asked Erin.

    "Maybe you can't do something to him, but I definitely can"
    said Absolute Drainer before vanishing. Then, she appeared
    again with a man at her side. "Is this man your father?" asked

    "No, he is older with brown hair, beard and have bigger
    muscles" said Erin.

    "Sorry citizen for interrupted your time at the gym" apologized
    Absolute Drainer.

    "Anytime you want" smiled the man as his eyes were on
    Alyssa's breasts.

    Absolute Drainer vanished and returned again with a man that
    match the profile Erin described. "Is he?" Alyssa asked.

    Dory hid behind her daughter. "Yes, he is" said Dory scared.
    The eyes of Erin were on fire as she tensed her fists. Alyssa
    didn't need to hear more and grabbing at the man by the neck,
    she lifted him from the floor.

    "What is going on?" demanded the man.

    "You crimes against these women end here. It's not in my
    hands to punish you against the horrible damage you have done
    on your daughter, but I can do something to prevent that you
    use your strength against your wife again" said Absolute

    "You are talking bullshits. Put me down freak of nature. I
    haven't see those women in all my life" claimed the man.

    "Don't deny your responsibility" said Alyssa getting angered.

    "Are you deaf? Or all the muscle you have stolen had gotten in
    your ears!!" yelled the man. "Put me down before I call at the
    police" said the man taking out his cell phone.

    "Better let him go Absolute Drainer. He has powerful allies in
    the police" sighed Dory.

    "So that is why you never denounced him" said Alyssa getting
    very angry. She snapped the cell phone from the man's hand
    and crashed it with her bare hand.

    "What have you done psycho!!" yelled the man furious.

    Alyssa was tempted to close her fit and snapped the man's
    neck in two, but her role as heroin didn't let her do it. She
    really wanted to be a model for Erin. "Your lies aren't going to
    save you. After I transferred your muscles to me, you won't be
    able to hurt at other women again" said Alyssa.

    The man couldn't say anything else as Alyssa began to drain
    his strength. Erin showed a bright smile while Dory's fear was
    fading from her face as the man was losing his size and
    strength. Alyssa anger towards the man was so strong that she
    didn't realized how much of his strength she was taking from

    "It's done" said Alyssa as she dropped at the man on the floor.
    He was only skin and bones and a foot shorter. "Maybe I
    drained too much from him" said Alyssa feeling guilty of her
    anger burst.

    "Don't worry Absolute Drainer. You have just put a macho
    man right on his place. At my feet" said Dory as prepared to
    kick at the man. Fortunately Alyssa, stopped her just on time.

    "Please, don't do that. I know that you are angry with him and
    that you want to get revenge for the damage he had caused at
    you and your daughter, but I'm sure that justice will take care
    of him" said Alyssa.

    "How do you feel?" asked Erin.

    "Now that you asked it, pretty good. It had being a long time
    since I absorb the strength of a man" smiled Alyssa as she
    enjoyed her increase in height. The strength of the man was a
    very small addition at her already vast amount to be noticeable.

    "Glad to hear that" said Erin smirking.

    "Yes, me too" said Dory also smirking.

    Alyssa didn't like the sinister grin that Erin and Dory had.
    "What are you looking me like that?" asked Alyssa.

    "It's very simple AD" said Erin. "We never imagine that our
    plan could have being so successful" grinned Erin.

    "Plan? What plan?" asked Alyssa.

    "The plan my daughter and I conceived. Now that we are free,
    we will bring at all the enhanced women together in order to
    impose a new order in this world, Absolute Drainer" said Dory.

    "Well, if you think that by putting at your husband in the hands
    of justice will give you the liberty to do those things, you are
    mistaken. I will put you too in the hands of justice" said

    "You still don't get it, right?" laughed Dory. "The plan wasn't
    to get rid of the pathetic man that is laying on the floor. It was
    to get rid of you".

    "And what better way to use your own moral against you.
    Because, how you are going to stop us if you are carrying in
    your mind the weight of destroying the life of an innocent
    man?" grinned Erin.

    "You mean…" said Alyssa as her eyes got wide opened.

    "Yes AD. That man is not my father. My father died long time
    ago. You have just condemned to a life of weakness at this
    man. Congratulations AD. You are just like us" Erin laughed

    Alyssa fell on her knees. Her eyes filled with tears as she saw
    the terrible damage she inflicted at the poor man. An awful
    pain invaded her stomach. "What have I done??!!" she

    To be continued…


    Those two are quite duplicitous  😮

    Although I fail to see how deceiving Alyssa will make her join their cause.

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