- This topic has 85 replies, 36 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 2 months ago by
August 4, 2005 at 1:50 am #8853
ParticipantI would be that medium, I guess..
I haven't been applauded nor smited 🙄Now, seriously, you don't have to act to like others, just be yourself.
Just be sure not to hurt those you love, talking them just how you would like to be talked
And I'm normal,but trying hard to get fitter, working out a lot at weekends 😎August 4, 2005 at 2:54 am #8854Anonymous
GuestKITSUNE: You are a cool guy, consider yourself applauded!
One funny thing is that ever since I decided to stop being nice and just get to the point (and the point wasn’t mean, either), I have gone from a Karma of 8 to a Karma of -1. I feel I’ve succeeded, because I thought people were just applauding me because I’m a girl 🙂
As for speaking to people how I want to be spoken to, you know what? I already do that. I add sarcasm for a laugh and I am still honest. That’s how I like people talking to me. You laugh so that any pain that comes from the truth (if the truth is a little harsh) is negated. It’s how I talk to my friends, and it’s how they talk to me. Heck, it’s how I make friends. This is why I know that any beef someone has with me isn’t with me, but with his or herself.
Even here, I use over-the-top comments in an effort to sound hilariously upset (big emphasis on the “hilariously”), while still trying to get my point across. In this case, the truth isn’t so nice, but you know what? The truth always needs to be heard. If I get banned for it, well, you know where to find me 🙂You know, Mark, I was going to delete this (I wrote it while you were editing), but then since your “general comment still stands” and you still have the impression that I’m being a dick (even though I get lots of comments from folks like Kitsune that tell me I’m fine, funny, and should stay the way I am), then MY general comment still stands. Because that’s true, I’ll delete the parts where I quoted you and just get down to the point (oh, well, okay, I did have some funny comments so I’ll quote you just to say those). To you, this may justify your point, and to me, your comments justify the point I make here…and have had to make elsewhere…and have had to make elsewhere, etc., etc.. So, this isn’t JUST for you (that would be silly since you aren’t the only one who does this), but your comment here certainly qualifies you as belonging to this group.
If you can realize that you read this incorrectly, then why is it still my fault that you read all the other posts incorrectly? 😉
This is the best post yet! Oh, man, I had a lot of fun with this one, especially since it could very well be my last 🙂
But I won't stand by while you bully others.
No one is being bullied. Like I said, what I said was in response to Kulli. If you weren’t so interested in lecturing me, you would have found this out. And what’s with this sentence anyway? Were you watching an after school special and inspired to write me? That I am a big, mean bully and you are the unlikely hero? You won’t “stand by” while I “bully others.” Ooooh, real noble. Too bad I don’t care because this bully scenario doesn’t even exist.but you are not welcome to hector and belittle us.
So far, everyone who says that has hectored and belittled me. The fun part is that the majority of these lectures are given in these situations: people like you jump to conclusions and actually haven’t even read what I said or why I said it. Oh, the hilarity!And who’s “us?” Kulli didn’t complain. I wasn’t talking to you in the first place. So who is this “us” you speak of? Heh, I bet while you wrote this, you imagined yourself standing in front of the forum members, one arm pulled back to the side as if to shield them from my hectoring.
We will see whether you care to behave.
I guess you forgot that being condescending counts as “belittling.” Ah, some people. 😀 “Hypocrisy” is a word I would love to introduce you to.Again, who is this “we” that you refer to? YOU are the only one giving me this phony baloney ultimatum. Oh, thaaaat’s right, you have all the forum members tucked behind you. I forgot about that. Imaginary scenarios where you get to display your non-existent bravado and machismo tend to slip my mind 🙂
I know you said you don’t care, but since I know you will read this (how else will you find out if I am behaving?), I want to let you know that I figured out your problem, and the problem with the rest of the guys who behave as you do. It’s a combination of these two things (but if you’re number 2 you may not realize number 1 applies, too):
1. You are miserable and are upset that I am having a good time, that even your insults entertain me, and you are jealous so you try to bring me down.
2. I do not fit into your vision of a “fantasy woman,” so you berate me to convince yourself that I’m not worth desiring. It’s better than facing the fact that I am not interested in you sexually. I’m a little less demure and a lot less interested in you than you would like (you Cassanovas, you), so you are mad at me because you need a place to dump all of your inadequacies and insecurities.Do you see why women make fun of guys like you when we get together?
You, and the folks like you, are LOOKING to get offended. You are TRYING to be upset. I know this because not only have I been clear with my words, but I’ve clarified them, and then clarified the clarification. After I’ve explained myself, and even have said things that aren’t offensive unless you aren’t paying attention, and have had my posts continually and purposely misread and parts of them deliberately ignored just so you don’t have to let your pride go, I really stopped caring. Each of these posts puts a smile on my face because I first think, “This is so ridiculous that he can’t possibly be serious,” and then I smile wider because I realize you ARE being serious because of one of the two reasons mentioned above. Sometimes, I even laugh.
I’m not trying to prove anything, but you guys are, and the fact that I don’t care about your make-believe “issues” and “points” upsets you to no end. You’re trying to put me in my place but I don’t care enough to take you seriously (and even if I did, your arguments are so untrue that they wouldn’t bother me), and that upsets you further. Hell, I don’t even take myself seriously most of the time, what makes you think that you have a chance? 🙂 In fact, the only reason I respond to whiners like you who try to show off how manly they are by not reading is to
Guys like Pimp (which is most of the forum), who have been eloquent and don’t fly off the handle, will always have my respect.
Guys like you (and it’s only been a few, but what a relentless few!), who make things up just to get mad at me to validate your irrational feelings, will always have my laughter. You’re just some dude who doesn’t know or care about me and who I don’t know or care about, so why would anything you say make me angry or hurt?This post sounds harsh, I know it does, but as I’ve said before (I’ll repeat myself yet again since it’s painfully obvious that you don’t read anything I write), some things need to be said, and we all know I’m all honest-like. I know full well that this happy little post might get deleted along with my happy little account, and I’m okay with that. I like it here, but those of you who are cool know where to find me, and those of you who are jealous of my joy and angry that I haven’t shown any interest in you can stop feeling emasculated and go to bed with dry eyes.
And if it’s NOT deleted, oh ho ho, I can expect a flurry of responses from more guys like you (and maybe some of the “good guys” will follow in your footsteps because they were only “good guys” for other reasons…“Look, mom! I can hold a conversation with a girl!”), which will be the ultimate proof that none of you read what I say. I mean (since you need it spelled out for you, but that won’t do any good but oh well), if you hate me so much, then why continue to fill my day with smiles and laughter? 😀
And for those of you who just ADORE the emoticons I use “too f*cking frequently”
😀 🙂 🙁 😮 😕 😎 😆 😡 😛 😳 😥 👿 🙄 😉 😐August 4, 2005 at 3:26 am #8855Kitsunekun
One of the best discurses I've heard 'till now :applause:If we all had the same personality, that would be like not having any personality at all 😀
Just because we are all different makes this world funnierAugust 4, 2005 at 3:26 am #8856dravenspirit
ParticipantIm not a frequent visitor, though I rather enjoy the conversation and topics discussed by my fellow forum members… and yet Ive never witnessed a thread crumble like this before. I wont point fingers at anyone, I will only express my sadness in the situation and my hope that it wont ever come to this again. Maybe its best if this thread is locked so we can all move on, seeing as how everyone knows where everyone else stands on the subject. Its really not worth bickering about.
Good day to you all…
August 4, 2005 at 4:26 am #8857Anonymous
One of the best discurses I've heard 'till now :applause:If we all had the same personality, that would be like not having any personality at all 😀
Just because we are all different makes this world funnier😀
DRAVEN: They can lock this or not. It’s not a big deal. Besides, if people really wanted to respond, my PM, email, and LJ are all still open 😀 Thanks for your concern, though.
August 4, 2005 at 5:29 am #8858IronPumpingPanda
August 4, 2005 at 7:00 am #8859Strickalator
Participanti am 60 lbs overweight according to my body mass index
August 4, 2005 at 7:39 am #8860Anonymous
Guesthey im mostly a lurker but i kinda felt like sayin somethin now. it seems like were all free to post whatever we want as we see fit but this hardly seems like the right venue for a long involved discussion on internet ettiquette and manners. not only cause thats not the topic of interest here but because its really only your own business how you all decide to relate to each other. shouldnt personal back and forths be reserved for emails and the like?
August 4, 2005 at 10:22 am #8861TC2
ParticipantYou know, I remember when I first joined the community back in 1999 that people who discussed muscular women were civil fans who were always looking for the next attractive woman to admire and talk about for a few weeks until someone new came along.
I have never in all my years, never seen a flame war this bad. The closest one that could ever come to this, closest being a relative term, would be when John Davis wanted to "bully" his way with the art collaboration threads. Even then however, no one really flew off the handle and wrote excessively long verbose posts to talk about how "wrong" he was for being a bully.
Then things calmed down after that, but this thread has gone out of control and it makes me sad to see the pinnacle of a perfect community suddenly drop down to these petty levels of arguments. I've got to say stuff like this never happened at the Wreck Forums and it's disappointing to see people biting at each other instead of just enjoying the forum as a place to talk about lovely women.
August 4, 2005 at 10:25 am #8862IronPumpingPanda
If you don't fit into someone's vision of a "fantasy woman", which we desire, why would people need convincing that they don't desire you? And if they trying not to desire you, why would be they concerned whether or not your interested? If what you assume was anywhere close to the truth, (which its not) wouldn't you being not interesting serve as a catalyst to further create non-desire?
Lastly, if they don't desire you because you aren't their fantasy woman, it stands to reason that the "fantasy woman", the woman we couldn't have for whatever reason, reasons we would probably assign to our perceived inadequacies, would be the person we would fault due to her inability to accept the average person.They need "convincing" because they are projecting their own self-hatred onto the object of their obsession because they cannot garner her affection for whatever reason. You pretty much tip-toed over this idea in your post in a backwards way, but I don't think you were aware enough to perceive it directly. As it stands, whatever faults you place on the woman they are merely masks to cover your own demons. I think while you were writing that edit you forgot what you were talking about originally, kept writing anyways because you were making a point about "something" and then finished with an "so there" which satisfied you enough to push "post". I think this may be what has been happening all along with many of the posts here but that's just a guess.
Riddik has been a bit rough, yeah, but all of the uproar has been over the fact that most of you people just don't get what she's saying. She's been extremely crystal clear on things that a lot of the more angry people have gotten up in arms over due to a bizarre case of complete misunderstandings.
It’s hard for me to do so, Pimp. Since my words do not usually bring on so much confusion and/or anger, even on the internet
Really, watching from the sidelines I've done a couple of double takes do to the reactions of some of the Mods.
You're a great woman. – average guy
THIS IS A SEXIST COMMENT. Sorry to burst your bubble, Lancelot(Not to be confused with that other poster who talks in a ye-olde accent which is neat).
I feel bad for any woman that comes in here (that isn't an attention whore) and just wants to discuss muscle-topics but instead is attacked by juvenile boys. Take that comment for whatever it's worth.edit: I guess he deleted the post :X it did look a little off. maybe he is just re-editing it.
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