Problem with embedded Youtube videos

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  • #128435
    Daniel Matera

    Hope this is the right section!
    Recently i have had a problem visualizing the youtube videos embedded only in this forum, i have never had this problem before, it used to work fine. Now the posts with the embedded videos are just blank! I have firefox but i have tried also on chrome and explorer and the problem still remains, i have win 10 and all the softwares updated!
    Any advises?



    Since you didn’t mention it, what about Adobe Flash? Is that on your computer?
    (Someone can correct me if I’m in error, but I seem to recall that that’s a requirement for viewing YouTube videos.)

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    Daniel Matera

    Thanks for the answer AlexG!
    I already have Flash and i had installed the last version of Flash but nothing change!
    But i have solved the problem: on the address bar in Firefox on the left side there was the lock with danger sign on it, and when i clicked it a message appeared, saying that the site doesn’t offer information about the identity, so the site is not secure and some things like images and video were disabled.
    I just deactivated the protection and everything is fine again!!

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