Q for Strawberry regarding typical reactions…

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  • #10761
    The Muffin man

    Everyone calls you a bodybuilder, but given your statements about your motivation, you sound more like a strength trainer.

    Do you plan to go into bodybuilding shows?

    She'd lose.

    Don't get me wrong. I'd love to see her win. But she seems to have no drive to just pump herself full of mixes of barely legal drugs to build muscle. This isn't bad, though. It just means she's aiming more for HER goals rather than "Ok the JUDGES want this."

    The only judge strawberry answers to is her Lord and herself. (I say her Lord as I am an athiest. But I won't hold her religion against her 😉 And I capitilized out of respect for her religion in case you're all wondering :P)



    hehe i dont think you can really call yourself an atheist axel….you seem to believe in female muscle


    The Muffin man


    hehe i dont think you can really call yourself an atheist axel….you seem to believe in female muscle


    Look up, Meistro 😛 I'm The Muffin Man.


    HALEY: “inadvertently challenging a few guys who aren't ready emotionally for you.” The way I see it, screw ‘em.

    AXEL: Yeah, I don’t remember if I personally have called myself a bodybuilder, maybe at one point when I really was going for just that, but you’re right, it’s strength.
    But I would love to compete sometime.

    MUFFIN: “But she seems to have no drive to just pump herself full of mixes of barely legal drugs to build muscle.” This is very true. I often underestimate myself, so I thought that if I did enter a contest I could actually win, but only because I wouldn’t enter the contest unless I personally believed that I was incredibly ripped…and it’d take a hell of a lot before I think that.
    Thanks for the capitalization.

    MELON: “you seem to believe in female muscle” I lol’d.


    😼 🙁

    😐  [glow=red,2,300]sorry muffin man…I got confused and called you axel….i am truly sorry…i would not want to insult you[/glow]

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