Re: New story I wrote

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    Thanks for all of the feedback.  Somebody asked me if I wrote it all at once or put it together later.  I started to write it all at once but about halfway through I pulled it apart and wrote the storylines separately.  Then I had to put them back together to try to make the timelines sort of work.  I called the first one Year Zero because I plan on making some successive stories at different years.  I don't know how much farther I can take the current characters. Maybe they'll tie back in somewhere. I have a few ideas for different points in a timeline  but have a lot to fill in yet.  Thanks again.


    So… anything new coming?


    I posted another story on The Valkyrie based on the first one (  I'm open to feedback if anyone's read it.

    Mark Newman

    I'm halfway done and enjoying it very much (as I expected I would).  I do enjoy paradigm shift stories and yours are very well done.  I thought the parts with Trish were especially good.

    Thanks so much for posting and giving me and the rest of us so much pleasure.


    I enjoyed the story very much. Both in fact. I like the variety of reactions to the changes including the geeky and not so geeky guys who actually liked some of it. Trish was fun and so was Cindy and her son.

    Erik Von Halle

    I liked it too! I think that this chapter was smoother and beeter than Year Zero. Much less disjointed. I really hope you get a bookshelf of you own  on DTV soon. I've read all your stories there and really enjoyed them. I was hoping for sequels to BOYS WILL BE BOYS and more stories in the Superfem universe started by Puppetman.

    Now I'm really looking forward to Year Two!

    Erik Von Halle
    Golden, Colorado


    Thanks for the feedback so far.  Marknew sent me a revised version of Boys Will Be Boys a while back.  Marknew, if you are interested in posting it I think its really good. If I ever do write a sequel to that story it will most likely be based on the version you wrote.


    Great job Helplesscase, very nicely done. I look forward to more from you.



    Nice stories; I liked year 1 more so.

    Mark Newman

    I will post my version of Boys will be Boys as Helplesscase has asked.  It would be great if he wrote a sequel to it.

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