She-Hulk Vol 4 #1 thoughts

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    The first issue of the relaunched new She-Hulk series is out today.  What are your thoughts?

    The Muffin man

    Just picked it up. And from the first actual appearence of Shulkie to about after the first big fight, you can see she's STILL packing it on quite thickly.

    Continuity is a wonderful thing sometimes 😀


    First thought: I'm going to have to wait 10 days till it gets to Israel (this is one book I'm definetly not going to read off the web)!
    Second: I'm not too excited about this. I loved the last run, I think Dan Slott is an excelent writer and I even came to like Bobbilo's work, but I feel they should have moved on from Quirky Shulkie, try and offset Slott's lighter ton with artwork that has a bit more… well, gravitas.
    Third: what a waste of Frank Cho's talent Shanna was, and how teaming him up with Dan Slott might have produced a truly great comic book!


    I thought Cho's work really slipped from the first issue to the last.  He had trouble keeping up, I suspect.

    Delmo Walters Jr.

    Shanna was a perfect example of excellent art not being to save a bad story. All Star Batman & Robin #2 may be another example.


    I agree with Yatz, there's nothing wrong with the light hearted approach…but the artwork is too "cutesey".  And her muscles look way too much like baby fat. At the very least the artwork should have the touch John Byrne brought to the character…light, but still a (in)credible looking amazon  super heroine.



    I thought Cho's work really slipped from the first issue to the last.  He had trouble keeping up, I suspect.

    True, but at least the covers were consistently good.  🙂

    Just finished reading through Shulkie, and it's got an interesting plot line so far.  Can't wait to see where  Slott goes with this story.

    gimme size

    So… do they even acknowledge the fact that she got ridiculously strong and proportionately muscular in the last series?

    The Muffin man

    So… do they even acknowledge the fact that she got ridiculously strong and proportionately muscular in the last series?

    Acknowledge as in "she's much bigger"? Yes.
    Acknowledge as in outright SAY it? Barely. They do show Jen taking down two larger men without transforming with a few quick attacks which alludes to her training.

    Mr Burroughs

    It's actually pretty hard to tell if She-Hulk has kept her muscles from the last issues, because Bobillo is such an erratic-ass artist. He draws a flashback panel to when she was at her biggest, and in most of her fight scenes in this issue, she looks just as big. But then there'll be a random panel, right after one of the "she's still huge" panels, where she looks skinny again.

    Bobillo's just exasperating. And he needs to learn how to draw womens' legs already.

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