So…why muscles??

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    Hmm….why do I like tall and big women?

    well for one thing our american society has told women they look ugly if they have muscles and are big or tall….

    think about the past and you will see that women have been trying to shrink themselves and be thinner and smaller all to satisfy what is percieved to be a woman taking on the roll of a man in the household…it wasant until the 60’s when women started working out and started buying clothes and shoes to make them appear taller and bigger …i mean even girls like brooke shields plays up her size instead of playing it down…and she likes it that way

    (shes 6 feet tall the same size as me)

    But the real reason I like tall strong big women is because im one of those men who find them way more alluring than your average girl and i find them to be confident and it really makes me feel confident…when they feel confident…


    Communication is KEY in a relationship


    wow…how uncanny…i just said this to myself the other day outloud…LOL yes i talk to myself

    the very same quote


    Well, I guess I’ll put in my fess-up time:

    Back before I had a computer, I was struggling with weight loss. My dad cut a deal that he’d help me get a computer if I shed some weight. But he was also giving me all sorts of grief with it, and threatened to renege if I didn’t keep up the progress.

    At the time when I was bumming Dad’s iMac and connection, I was part of a play by e-mail role playing game (PBeM RPG) with some new internet friends. We created our own characters for our Alternate Reality Sailor Moon campaign. (Yeah, yeah, I know, you hate Anime. Go bite into some Pocky.)

    One of my created characters was a plant-based Sailor Senshi that got one inch taller every time she transformed from civilian to hero. I had as much fun writing her struggles with everyday life as I did blasting Dark Kingdom youma.

    To help me out, I did some searching around for some more stories to help me keep it real… well, as realistic as giantess/amazon instant growth stories can get.

    Then I stumbled onto marknew742’s works in DtV, and… well, his stories corrupted my brain, and I started writing in this genre.

    As for big girls in general? Well… I’m a pretty heavy-duty guy myself, and when I hug a girl, I want to make sure I don’t break her. And I love daydreaming about cuddling with a plus-sized sweetie.

    But I’ll confess something, while I wholeheartedly say, "you go girl!" to any woman who wants to healthfully, legally make herself bigger and stronger, I don’t want her to do it and sacrifice what makes her female. (translation: I like the old mindset of girly=soft.)

    And while I’m very conservative in tastes, I will admit it… I’ve got a thing for the … erm… amply endowed. 😳

    Also, I find females are more pleasant and sociable than males nine times out of ten.

    But more importantly… it’s not the size of the torso that impresses me as much as the heart that’s underneath. No point in knowing someone with a basketball bodice if her heart’s the size of a golf ball.

    And I’d rather have a skinny Mini that did love, want, need, and respect me than an Uberbabe that didn’t.

    Still, I guess we all know, I love a girl with a big heart, big health, big sweetness, and big confidence. And if her door’s open to me, I’ll gladly come a-knockin’. πŸ™‚


    Oh, that post earlier was supposed to be mine. I’d been juggling many things on the web at once, and this got on the back burner and timed out. πŸ™„


    SUPERBOY: I don’t know if women have been trying to shrink themselves, height-wise. It is obvious with taller women, though, because they tend to slouch. It could be a combination of trying to look submissive as well as not bothering to work out their back muscles, but it happens. I used to slouch because of my chest size. That’s one of the reasons I decided to work out, actually. Anyway, I guess in the slouching way women could be trying to shrink. Being tall also makes you a center of attention sometimes, and like some people, some women are just shy, so if they slouch you will notice them less.

    I remember that one show Brooke Shields was on, I forget what it was, but in the opening credits you’d see her face through the window of an apartment several stories up πŸ˜€ I never liked the show, but I always thought that was pretty funny πŸ˜€

    As for talking to yourself, guess you won’t have a problem with communication!

    JIMMY: Why does everyone think I hate anime, and they always apologize to me for it? Maybe ya’ll should read the description in the devID.

    I don’t know if what your dad did was a good idea. I mean, I’m all for people being healthier, but bribes and ridicule aren’t the way to go. Oh well, I’m not him, I’m not you, so I can’t really say.

    Interesting story as to how you came upon muscles and growth. That’s pretty awesome.

    I’m not sure how you can think that girly = soft, and yet love muscular women. That’ll be pretty hard to find. I mean, she could have soft skin, but with the stuff you guys draw it’ll be really taut, so it won’t be soft in the sense that she’s a little squishy. Maybe it’s because I’m a girl, but I don’t think that soft = female. Whenever my boyfriend comments on how soft my skin is, I just don’t get it. I don’t do anything special, and I don’t see what the big deal is. Like I said, it could be because I’m a girl and I’m not interested in soft skin. Dunno. I find it interesting that the only thing you mentioned was for a woman to be soft, like that’s the only thing to make her feminine. There are rock-hard women out there that are still feminine. They get their nails done, chat with the girls, stuff like that.

    I’m not saying you’re wrong to want a soft woman, don’t get me wrong. I’m just saying good luck finding a buff-but-squishy chick (if squishy is what you meant about being soft).

    You like them ample? Pffft, you and everyone else. You’re an American male, so that kinda goes without saying. πŸ˜‰

    Women do tend to be more sociable and pleasant. The former is because of biology…the average woman is more social and talkative than the average male because we are, in general, more nurting (average…in general…I made sure to use those words to illustrate that not all women are like this and that men can be this way, too). As for being pleasant, I’m not too sure what you’re talking about specifically, but whatever it is, you can thank the culture for that. Women aren’t supposed to fart in public, women aren’t supposed to get catty (lest we be called b*tches…I don’t know about the rules on language in this forum, so I blocked that out…I hope that’s okay, if not, tell me and I’ll edit this), we aren’t supposed to be pushy or rude (lest we be called b*tches), etc., etc.. So, we’re either gross if we burp and fart and sniff our pits in public and sit with our legs open instead of crossed, or we’re a variety of terrible names (ones starting with B’s and C’s come to mind) if we…you know…exercise the right to speak that men do. Now, it’s not MEN that call us those words (well, you guys DO, but not for the same reasons women do. Men usually swear at women if they get denied, like if their advances are unwelcome and/or they’re insulted a lot by a woman), but other women…and as women, we tend to like the company of other women. Even tomboys feel this way…they just like the company of other tomboys. So, basically, we’re society’s version of pleasant because we’d be ignored and/or insulted by other women, which we like to socialize with. There’s also the idea that you ARE a guy, and unless these chicks are total tomboys (you should hear my mouth), they’re going to try to impress you. Even if they aren’t flirting with you, they still want to make a good impression. They don’t want you thinking they’re gross…who wants anyone of the opposite sex thinking they’re gross? Even if you aren’t interested in that person, it’s still not usually nice to hear that they think you’re disgusting.

    "And I’d rather have a skinny Mini that did love, want, need, and respect me than an Uberbabe that didn’t."

    That’s good. πŸ˜€


    I’m not sure how you can think that girly = soft, and yet love muscular women. That’ll be pretty hard to find. I mean, she could have soft skin, but with the stuff you guys draw it’ll be really taut, so it won’t be soft in the sense that she’s a little squishy.

    I’m just speaking personally here, but one example that comes to mind where a woman can show both softness and muscle at the same time are fem bodybuilders who are in off season. I really like this look beacuse (1) it showcases both the muscle and the feminine curves of the athlete, (B) it gives me the impression of being more comfortable for the woman (I know she has not been dieting hard for weeks) and (3) it makes her muscles bigger and fuller πŸ˜‰

    If you have never been there, check out Amanda’s blog and compare her more recent pictures to those from Dec/Jan male) = hard.


    OSQUIP: Ah, the off-season, I forgot all about it!

    Thanks for the link, I shot her an email πŸ™‚

    As for the second part, I was wondering where you were going. I read it and said "Yep, agree, agree, agree…" and then I got to the last second and had a lightbulb jump to the top of my head and smiled and nodded and said "Oooohhh." Now, I think what you were trying to say here (and correct me if I’m wrong, please do πŸ™‚ ) is that men want a soft woman because society tells them that men are hard and thus women should be soft. Is that what you were going for?


    For me, personally, it’s only a fetish. I enjoy reading the stories and such, but I wouldn’t go out looking for a specifically tall or muscular woman. I would go out looking for whoever I click with (and I’m not implying anything about anyone here).

    Of course that would depend on what your relationship preferences are. What do you look for first in your mate? Looks or personality? How flexible is one willing to be on physical appearance when it comes down to love?

    I know society’s definition of beauty, and sure, I dig checking out "hollywood hotties" but even the movie stars I’m attracted to I’m more attracted to because of their personalities that I’ve read about or seen in interviews than their personas.

    There’s the fantasy and the reality. I enjoy both for what they are.


    Now, I think what you were trying to say here (and correct me if I’m wrong, please do πŸ™‚ ) is that men want a soft woman because society tells them that men are hard and thus women should be soft. Is that what you were going for?

    Partly. There are always pressures from one’s own gender and the opposite gender.

    I feel a lot of guys buy into the idea that women should be soft and men should be hard. Some guys view a woman trying to be a hardbody and putting on muscle means she is trying to be like a man (and that if men find her attractive, that is similar to finding a man attractive).

    It also seems that some women accept these ideas as well. Women accept the idea that being hard and muscualr is the same as being masculine. Women will choose to be soft and unmuscular beacuse of pressures from society and concern about how men and other women will view them. (note the use of the term accept – this does not necessairly mean they agree 100% with the idea).

    I hope that does not sound too cynical. This is my impression of many who insist muscle is not attractive on women. There are certanly many who feel differently. And I often will hear female bodybuilders and athletes remark on how the feedback they get from fans and admirers is almost always positive. πŸ˜€


    Of course that would depend on what your relationship preferences are. What do you look for first in your mate? Looks or personality? How flexible is one willing to be on physical appearance when it comes down to love?

    There’s the fantasy and the reality. I enjoy both for what they are.

    Well said. I would always put personality, mind, and heart above what a person looks like.

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