So…why muscles??

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    Sorry for the late reply, I’m on vacation. I’ll be officially back on Monday (it’s Saturday today).

    I’d like to say thanks for letting me know this thread was a good idea. A lot of people think I spam even though I know I’m on-topic…I guess they don’t like my ideas or something. Anyway, it’s good to know that others think this was a good idea, for learning or sharing or fellowship or whatever. I’m glad to know that even though I’m a woman who isn’t interested in FMG as a turn-on, that I can still contribute something.

    I looked up Jodi Miller and found two pictures of some buff babes:

    In the second picture, I really want the arms that the chick on the right has. It’s good to see these things as a woman who aspires to be big because it shows me that it’s 100% achievable. Please send the names and/or pictures of all your favorite muscle babes.

    That said, I am left with a question. After reading all of your responses (even if I don’t comment on them, know that I do read them), it seems that most or all of you want a woman who can take hold of a situation, either physically or verbally. If this is the case, what would you think about an overweight, out-of-shape woman who had a very commanding personality?


    thats interesting that you bring that up UberStrawberry

    I have been chatting with a girl whom likes me and I like her and we might date…she happens to be overweight and out of shape but her goal is to become in shape and buff…she used to be a basketball player and weighed near 250 in high school and was 5’10" back then she’s now close to 6 feet tall but shes overweight as she has a condition called pcod…which effects water weight in women and she does not have a normal peroid…retains all the water and she has bad knees and needs cartlige replacement….

    she wants to be a cop so shes going through a series of diets to get her weight down to 300 so she can have surgery on her knees and then from there recooperate and train hard to get a buff body back…in fact we had been talking about training together…i think thats fun to strength train with a girl as a partner…

    anyways i like her as she is but i would of course be happier when she lost weight and gained muscle…however its not about how i feel about her body that matters…its how she feels..and she has told me she hurts alot and wants to change it…i totally support her.


    Gimme that body!

    [url] [url]

    Oooohh! I’d also vote for that body, and especially on a smart, dedicated, beautifull woman such as yourself. I’d definitely pick you up at a bar, not literally of course. 😉

    a b

    i definately prefur women to have some visible muscularity, but it’s not the most important thing to me.

    i am insanely attracted to girls with some good arms, though. about gymnast sized, not usually too much. most bodybuilders just aren’t quite as attractive. i can understand how they would be attractive to people, just not me.

    still, it is not enough for a girl to just be good looking. personality counts for alot. i’m not saying that i’ll go for anybody that’s got a dynamic, forceful attitude, but a less-than healthy body. but i also won’t go for a total hottie with a bad attitude, or no attitude.

    there is alot to say for girls that keep themselves in shape. it shows dedication. maybe some maturity, maybe not. maybe some humility, maybe not. it’s still sexy as hell.


    Just out of curiousity, How tall are you Strawberry, its hard to tell from the pictures. Being a strong woman yourself, do you often wear high heels to enhance another aspect of you persona?


    GOLD: anyways i like her as she is but i would of course be happier when she lost weight and gained muscle…however its not about how i feel about her body that matters…its how she feels..and she has told me she hurts alot and wants to change it…i totally support her.

    That’s good. She sounds like a strong enough woman to do it on her own, but unless this is a new condition, I’m skeptical about her inner strength because she should have taken care of this already. I know some people who were very athletic and in shape and for whatever reason they’re overweight now. They have plans for getting in shape, but they never go through with them. It’s discouraging to see your unhealthy body and know that it’ll take a long time to get back how you used to be. She needs encouragement and a little prodding. If she keeps making excuses, tell her to just do it, that her current weight is making her miserable and that you both know she can achieve what she wants, she just has to get up and keep at it.

    RAT: Sorry, I don’t hang out in bars 😉 Thanks for the compliments 😀

    TYBOR: I’m 5’7. I wear tank tops a lot to show off some of those traps and shoulders, and I wear a double-grommet belt and a Bruce Lee wallet on a chain to add some chunkiness and metal to my look to make me look a little more solid…like a tank or something. I also bought some combat boots, but those are to get my feet used to it (and to get my bones used to the impact so I don’t get a stress fracture in boot camp like a lot of people do), and I guess that helps. I don’t want to look like a man or manly, and I don’t buy this stuff thinking “It’ll make me look buff” or anything. I buy it because I like it…it just has an added appeal I guess. As for high-heels, I stay away from them unless I’m in a dress, but even then I prefer high heeled boots or anything with a thick heel because being that high doesn’t make me feel stable. I have 3” thick platform sandals that are solid, no separate sharp heel or anything, but even those I feel wobbly on. I prefer to feel stable and secure, but combat boots and tennis shoes don’t look good with evening wear (not good enough for people to like anyway…I like it just fine). I mean, I don’t buy uncomfortable shoes or anything, I’m not stupid. I just would rather go without. It’s like a bathing suit. I hate wearing them, but there’s a time and a place and it makes me glad I bought it.

    One thing I do consciously is set my shoulders down. I usually have them a little hunched up, but I try to stand taller now and really stiffen my lats…try to make them flare out as much as possible. I do it because it’s good posture, but I also know it makes my neck stick out more.


    Hm. For me, it’s partially the power and strength, but mostly, I find muscle to just be aesthetically appealing on a person. I think the human body looks amazing pumped to extremes.


    anyways i like her as she is but i would of course be happier when she lost weight and gained muscle…however its not about how i feel about her body that matters…its how she feels..and she has told me she hurts alot and wants to change it…i totally support her.

    Sounds like a nice match. Its nice to have someone to share training and diet with. They can be a source of support, inspiration, or even just someone to rant to and tell them how sick you are of boiled chicken breast (as you eat what must be your millionth piece of chicken!)

    Having definite goals helps too – the surgery, the acadamy, etc. The fact that you are passionate about muscle also should be a nice extra perk! Good luck – I hope it works out!

    strawberryriddick wrote

    As for high-heels, I stay away from them unless I’m in a dress

    – Yeah, me too. 🙂


    well strawberry shes had men abuse her in the past….even within her family when she was younger 🙁

    Everyone from her step dad to past relationships have abused her and even her children in ways that well i cannot really comment about here…you will have to ask her about it…its not for me to say..alot of it happened from her stepdad…

    so she has alot of pain built up inside and i think you know that that kind of pain can get you feeling depressed and take away your self worth….

    shes worth alot…im just hoping she sees that…not easy to overcome the demons of the past..

    also she was told as a teenager that big girls cant have boyfriends…i cant go into to much personal detail about it…but her step down kept on bringing her down…even keeping her away from church forcing her not to go to church….and never supporting her efforts to play basketball and take up other sports…she was really good she says…one of the best in her school..till her step dad came along and messed up her life…so she has alot of things in hear mind and heart that keep her down

    …and it hurts me to see her hurting about it…but with god’s grace and support and hehe yeah some prodding (i want her to prod me too lol) she can attain her goals

    both in the heart and in the body….


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