Where did… X author go/any future plans?

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  • #100649
    Bob Bebobson

    Here’s to hoping Star Stones is posted soon. It is perhaps the best, most detailed, and most interesting story written in this genre. I have been waiting to see how it ends for years now! All the best to the author.


    Thanks but I think my writing days for posting are most certainly done for now. Sorry folks.

    Bob Bebobson

    Ah well, no one can blame you…there are some shady characters and mores floating around. Still, it would be nice to know how the stories end.


    captr wrote:

    Thanks but I think my writing days for posting are most certainly done for now. Sorry folks.

    That’s a shame because I thought this was one of the very best slow growth, power struggle stories that I have read in at least five years. Very sexy and powerful.

    I know these things are rare, frustrating and time consuming to right and if it’s time to stop then that’s that and thanks for what you’ve put to paper so far but…

    Well there are no butts. Your the writer and if you feel like the whole thing is sucken’ then that’s and we all get some beach time this summer.

    But thanks for taking it as far as you did. It’s quite the novel as it stands in terms of interwebs stories.

    Peace dude


    Thanks. Honestly, I’m still writing them as time allows but I probably won’t be posting them anytime soon per my reservations present in the thread. If I do decide to post them somewhere else (after much writing of course), I’ll let you all know.

    Zespara Alathar

    captr wrote:

    Thanks. Honestly, I’m still writing them as time allows but I probably won’t be posting them anytime soon per my reservations present in the thread. If I do decide to post them somewhere else (after much writing of course), I’ll let you all know.

    I just thought I’d throw my two cents in. 😉

    I think that your writing skills show in your stories which are very well done. My favorite had to be your Ascension story which you pulled. That story had that “it” factor in that it provided a unique twist and excitement which is rare in the FMG genre.

    I hope to eventually see more of your works and never give up on your writings. For every person who offers encouragement, there are many more who don’t but love the work nevertheless. 🙂



    I don’t want to make a new topic, but just having a look around to see if any authors are working on any new projects?

    *waves* Anyone?


    If anyone knows of any story or content sites that they really like – particularly in the layout – let me know. I’m interested in bringing Brawna.org’s interface up to date.


    Hmmm… that’s really tough lol. I really enjoyed your stories Lingster, but I liked almost every stories by the authors listed on my first post for the most part… hm… tough


    Ok, I loved Crzyfck, I missed the whole of his stories when google turned evil on his google docs account :'( I just hope that Crzyfck does post all his stories on brawna or thevalkyre, he is a great author

    Lingster, when are you going to do a Will’s power part 2??? seriously I liked your stories a lot. About the new layout for Brawna, it is ok but I miss the search functionality while not logged on

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