Forum Replies Created
KeymasterOK, I got rid of the one in the top admin bar at right. Only those logged in could have seen it, and I didn’t realize logged-in users without admin privileges could see it.
It’s still actually there but I made it hidden with CSS tricks, so you may still see it for awhile thanks to local caching by your browser.
FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder
KeymasterOK, I got rid of the one in the top admin bar at right. Only those logged in could have seen it, and I didn’t realize logged-in users without admin privileges could see it.
It’s still actually there but I made it hidden with CSS tricks, so you may still see it for awhile thanks to local caching by your browser.
FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder
KeymasterAs for features,
I’d like to see the insert photo attachments into message restored and expand the number to seven or eight over the current limit of four. Yeah, I know that you can click on the thumbnail(s) but isn’t easier the other way around.I’ll see what I can do. I’ve already got a lightbox plugin running that isn’t working, so I need to get back to work on images.
FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder
KeymasterAnother thing, I know that we had a thread for Stefana Sandu, but when I used the search feature it back as “Nothing Found”
Was wondering 1) if that’s happened with any other threads, and 2) should I just go ahead and start a new one?
*Which* search did you use? There are currently two. The magnifying glass in the top-right corner next to your profile menu searches “Home”, aka the top level page of the website. Instead use the search (or advanced search) below the blue Amaz0ns logo on the main page. That specifically searches the forum for posts.
Here is your Stefana Sandu thread:
Search result: search page: are you guys seeing the other search icon? I thought I got rid of all of them and I can’t see it.
FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder
KeymasterFinally came up with some ideas for feature request.
I really hate the inability to delete a post I’ve made or to be able to edit the post indefinitely. Sometimes I mess up on including the inline code or the HTML and my post comes out all messed up. I’d much rather have the ability to delete my post or edit my post until it looks right.OK, I’ve changed settings so that posts can be edited for 15 minutes after posting. The software doesn’t support deleting posts.
I also really liked the member “ranks” we’ve all earned over the years and would love for that to come back. Any ability to link images from social media websites would also be beneficial.
I’ll be adding a profile plugin that supports more interesting identity presentation once I’ve got everything else working well and response time optimized.
FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder
KeymasterSo you’re able to get mail to the new account but not the old account? They’re not the same email address, I guess?
FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder
July 30, 2022 at 3:22 pm in reply to: Official Thread: Just Who is this Muscle Babe? – Part II #153782Lingster
KeymasterI’ll add one too. Who the heck is this babe?
That’s the Canadian Forklift, Jessica Buettner, who has deadlifted 3.5 times her bodyweight in competitions. She is so strong it’s ridiculous.
FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder
KeymasterI couldn’t log back in with my original account. It’s not sending me any e-mail when I try to reset it either. Anyone else seeing this problem?
I just sent you a password reset email. It should be from
FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder
July 29, 2022 at 9:18 am in reply to: Official Thread: Just Who is this Muscle Babe? – Part II #153672Lingster
KeymasterI split this off into a new thread.
FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder
July 28, 2022 at 5:44 am in reply to: What Fictional Female Characters Would You Prefer Femuscularized? #153621Lingster
KeymasterThey did a muscle episode of the old Sabrina show.
FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder