Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI think Dr. Kim did himself and his article a disservice by even mentioning No Child Left Behind. Just like on this board the focus hasn’t been on the fact that kids have less original ideas and instead has become a discussion about a political policy. The small cynical part of me says that maybe this was the purpose from the start. I sure hope not.
The problem is that I tend to agree that kids are less creative, but I don’t think it has a thing to do with NCLB. Personally I think it has more to do with the fact that kids get prepackaged spoonfed entertainment from the earliest of ages. They don’t get a chance to be a kid and do ridiculous things.
ParticipantI saw that set on a newsgroup. Which tells you how long ago that was, but the only name attached to it was Katie. I with I had a last name to go with it..
ParticipantWow this little thread is getting to be a slugfest. You’ve even brought in state and federal statues(which usually causes my head to spin), but in truth what is legal and what is right are rarely the same. We all know that there have been stories with questionable content when it comes to the age of the characters and the way they are depicted in the stories. This topic has come up before and I usually ignore it. I figured that it didn’t apply to the stories that I write and post or to the stories that I read from other writers, but now captr has got me thinking.
Is there a guilt by association if you post stories on a site that host material that you yourself find offensive? I don’t really know the answer to that yet, but the question is floating around in my brain now.demented20
ParticipantThere’s nothing anybody can say in a situation like this to make it better, but try and think about what you have instead of what you’ve lost. I hope the best for you and your city.
ParticipantI’ve probably mentioned my poor cousin before, but when he was a young teen his younger sister(by 2 years) was physically stronger. She was a dancer and track sprinter and he wasn’t. If it envolved sweating he wasn’t into it. He was and is a great bass player and guitar player, but other than a grip he had nothing on his sister.
In this case she did boss him around a bit. They shared a TV and it was on PowerPuff girls more often than it was Jackass if you know what I mean. It rarely got too serious between them, but one day I remember well, I came home and she had her brother in a real head lock and the boy was turning blue. No exaggeration. I never even asked what the argument was about because I had to punish her for trying to choke her older brother to sleep. Might doesn’t make right of course. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean that you should.With my two cousins they grew out of that phase where physical strength was any part of their relationship. They’re both in college now. It is funny for me from a distance to look at things though. She is now the head lifeguard at the YMCA near her school and she told me that she had a save a guy bigger than me and drag him from the pool.
He’s in engineering school and can’t stand a woman with visable muscle. I know because I tease him about it. I normally wouldn’t put his business out like that, but I know for a fact he won’t be on this forum. And she wouldn’t care one way or the other.demented20
ParticipantNot complaining, but did I miss something with the lesbian gifs?
ParticipantI knew she looked small, but now I’m really impressed. I remember benching 265 for the first time when I was about 16, but I weighed 209 pounds at the time. I was into powerlifting a bit years ago and I knew some pretty strong guys, but pound for pound this girl is awesome.
ParticipantThat’s pretty darn impressive. Anybody know what her body weight is?
ParticipantAlexG wrote:
IMHO the augmentation is so over the top it that looks cartoonish, and throws off whatever symmetry she might have had. :dry:
I might agree that those are a tad bit too large, but what’s a cup size between friends?
ParticipantDude you’re the man. I’ve seen stills of her for years, but never a video.