Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI was going for the "there’s so much going on that it’s hard to categorize it as just FMG or GTS" reason myself.
I’ll be delving in all sorts of things, since it’s not just the ladies who get the growth. Things like bioethics, religion, the politics of starvation… and the occasional buxom muscle babe. π
Just one question… when does FMG bleed over into GTS territory? I personally draw the arbitrary line at 7 feet 6 inches tall myself.
ParticipantHow does this relate to Monty Banks? Well it might be cool to have him and one of Big Sister’s uber-marms having to work together to survive.
Well, to be honest, I had toyed with that idea where a Bureau officer ("I’m NOT your sister, pal…") finally catches up with and cuffs Monty… and they have to spend a freezing night together because they’re cut off from civilization.
Officer: I wanna haul you in alive. Huddle up, and we’ll conserve body heat.
Monty (snorts): Is that Big Sis jargon for "what’s your sign?"
Officer: Well, if you’d rather freeze…
Reluctantly, he does. And while he’s wishing it was Martissa wrapping her parka around him… she’s not so bad either.
And maybe he’ll see that not every Bureau officer’s a mean, nasty, dominant feminista, while she sees he’s not the greasy, weaselly criminal her chief’s made him out to be.
If there’s a reason to be in Antartcia…
OR you might be able to have this base be one of the centers of resistance hidden from Sis-net sattelites as a result of the hole in the ozone layer. However one of the members is a traitor. The scene of a woman hidden in arctic gear running to a plateau of ice in order to get her Beamed reward and the curves jutting from the fabric, flesh so enhanced the South Pole death winds just roll off her steaming new chassis. The plot may frame around catching this materially enhanced Mati Hari before she can SWIM?! to shore and alert the matriarchy.
One problem… if the backstabber can communicate and tell them where they are and that she’s ready to turn on them… and collect her reward from a satellite scan… wouldn’t she be able to communicate via satellite or back at the base just as well? She wouldn’t have to swim back to tip off the outside world… she’s already done that!
Though I do wonder… how invulnerable does a Zap make someone to the elements? Any clues, Marknew?
Perhaps an undisturbed cache of pre-Beam humans in some cut off military base have gone about the tedious task of trying to survive. This being triple secret structure it has enough advanced undisclosed tech to be relatively self sufficient. These great minds might be able to formulate some way to at least balance the current power structure.
Well… I’m using the pre-Zap cadre plot already in another story. But… how about this. You know all those nuclear submarines? I very much doubt they simply meekly bobbed up to the surface so the crews could say, "OK, we surrender." I think that there maybe a klatch of Navies from the USA, Russia, China, Britain, etc. … all basing outta the South Pole to figure out their next move.
Then one Admiral’s "anchor" doesn’t quite "make it all the way to the ocean floor" anymore, and he decides to threaten the Bureau to set things back to normal, or he starts launching missles. And Monty has to choose between protecting a female-enhanced world, or allowing equal opportunity annihilation.
Don’t discount Antarctica. It’s potential is limited only by the amount of penguins you’re willing to have Monty fry π π
Hey! I happen to like penguins! π‘ I’m seriously considering having one follow Monty home if this happens. π
Seriously, you’re quite the idea man, Cowprobe. Some of your ideas are so cool, even I thought of them first! π π
ParticipantOkay, this part’s mangled back into shape…
Oh, and I may be tipping my hand, but I’m hoping to do a story on each continent. The next one will be in Asia…
And I’ll have something for Africa/the Middle East, Latin America, Europe, and have something wrap up in North America.
Not quite sure how to work in Antarctica… anybody got suggestions?
ParticipantOh, guys, I’d like to say that the majority of the classes are done for the winter term. I went ahead and corrected some typos and errors on this part, and will do so with the other chapters. And try to get them sequenced in chronologial order. And I’d like to remind you… the first chapter in the next Monty Bank story is coming soon.
Gentle reminder, gentlemen… it’s December 31. Do you know where your quantsig is?
ParticipantCurioser and curiouser… please continue. π
ParticipantWell, the truth is, I didn’t feel fine about it when I read it. I hadn’t seen any warnings in front of the story, so when I actually saw the under-age goin’s-on in the original work, it really bothered me. But the sci-fi story around it had put too many good ideas in my mind. And it kept rattling around in my brain, and germinating into a full fledged story. I had to put it into print somewhere or go nuts.
What I really would like to do is see if I could do an MPAA-aprovable Jimmy Dimpled version of marknew’s Transfer Student. A prequel, if you will. Of course, I had to get his OK to do this sequel, and I was still kicking around the Asian story AND bracing for crunch time at the end of the term coming up. It may be a while in coming up, if I get his stamp of approval.
ParticipantNowhere, I’m afraid. I’m currently teaching English in China. I got the info on Briz from a good online friend, and a fellow teacher, and picked up more with a few web searches.
Although… I’d LOVE to visit it one day if I ever get the cash and the time.
First and foremost, I’d like to thank all of you for your comments, suggestions, and praise. You wouldn’t know how good it feels to have impressed a forum first crack out of the box.
I’m especially pleased that Marknew felt that my sequel did his work justice. And I’m thrilled that it actually got Cowprobe’s head wheels a-turnin’.
Buuuuut… may I tell you guys something else, too?
*Martissa brings in a big soap box, hefts Jimmy on*
You might have noticed that there’s a denoted lack of cursing, graphic violence, nudity or its… erm… affiliated activities.
If this thing ever did become a film, I reckon it’d score a PG-13 rating from the MPAA, and only Vicki’s flip-off moment in Chapter 5 would have to be edited out to make it ready for network prime time.
And that’s one thing I aim to do in my writing. I hope to write so that I don’t have to worry about my kids (if I ever am lucky enough to have ’em) stumbling onto it.
While I appreciate the powerful full figured female as much as the next fellow, I think the writer shortchanges his talent and his readers if he simply settles for something that makes the hormones fizz. There are all sorts of directions one can take a writing piece if he thinks of where it can go from here. It’s a little extra work, but well worth it.
And I am most thrilled that while this is a forum where the woman gets the strength, size, and power, a guy can still leave his mark here if he simply stands his ground and doesn’t compromise.
And I think the compliment I like best in all 7 chapters here came from "Great Honking Fleejeebers!" saotomeproject:
"It’s an FMG story with enough plotline and characterization that you could even consider mailing it to a non-FMG-fetishist member of the female half of the species!"
Now of THAT, I’m proud. 8)
Thanks deeply. Everybody. Now if you’ll excuse me, I gotta put Biotopia in the works.
*Martissa helps Jimmy down, they go off to the study*
Participant*looks up from copy of "Comic Book Magic for Dummies"*
Very nice work. You’re definitely no slouch at writing. Lots of fun. Hope we’ll get to see more. And Cowprobe had some pretty good suggestions.
*goes back to book, puts on magician’s top hat, and waves wand*
"Revessoc knab ytnom/lrigrepuz a su evig!"
ParticipantSimple. Not many had heard of it before. I know I sure hadn’t. It dates all the way back to the Clinton Administration, before the web was on all 8 cylinders.
But it’s a great find. Thanks for fishing it up!
Aaaaaand… they also have this little e-comic to check out for the origins:
And this oughta be in the GTS section, but…