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ParticipantNice "little" ad campaign. A few people were a bit ticked on how they didn’t say what it was in the early ads, except the slogan, and "to be continued," but since I hadn’t seen any of it yet, I wasn’t one of them.
Thing is, being in the People’s Repulblic of China, I can’t seem to get to for whatever reason. I think I may have been Great Walled out. Any chance someone can show me what I’m missing there?
ParticipantNot too shabby. You’ve know your way around the writing block, and I like your style. Just a few questions, though…
In Genesis 3:23-24, it was said that man and woman were driven out due to their sin. And in Romans 3:23, it says that EVERYBODY has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. That would be enough to keep everyone out. Why would Evelyn be given a pass, and not the guides that went with her?
Also, back in the Genesis verses, there were cherubims and a flaming sword blocking the Garden of Eden every which way. Why didn’t Evelyn run into them?
Don’t get me wrong, I like your writing. Just would like a few explanations, though, in the next chapter. 🙂
ParticipantThanks, folks. And to answer a few questions…
There’s more than one entrance, and the clubbers take care not to use the same one twice in a row.
The BGSSTR logo was NOT meant to be oedipal. Honest. 😳
And yes, I picked that Greek myth as my way of saying savvy and cleverness will beat pure physical conditioning. His or hers.
And I had to look up to learn what that was. Very good. Though if I can continue the series, I WILL feature that T-shirt idea if I can work it in.
And GSN’s Russian Roulette was one of the big reasons I ditched my basic cable, and got satellite TV back in the States. (That, and the Adelphia scandal broke out.)
And you call shenanigans? Whatchoo talkin’ ’bout, Ataski?
And as for Mark L. Walberg (if you mean in the story), I assume he got lost in the shuffle when Los Angeles fell to La Guarda Mexicana.
And should give you information on the real Russian Roulette show (no muscle being awarded, just cash. Pity. 🙄 ).
ParticipantSorry… just claiming credit for that last post. I was washing clothes in the apartment, and my log in had timed out between my writing and when I hit "Enter." 😳
ParticipantWell, Lingster, Hunter, as the folks in my little story would say, "Good on ya, mates." Wish I had either of your artistic skills…
Not a criticism, but I noticed that Creek’s muscle ladies tend to be a bit slender in the leg department. Any reason for that?
ParticipantHere’s a little interesting tidbit when I was writing this chapter:
It was early Monday morning, February 2 in Guangzhou, China, and I didn’t have classes to teach, so I wanted to see the Superbowl. So I went to an American expat sports bar to check it out. And I brought my notebook and pencil so that I could scrawl in the dialogue on this story.
I was planning to write during the game, since the main reason I watch the Superbowl was for the high-zoot commercials.
But later, I learned that the Superbowl was being beamed in by ESPN Hong Kong, not CBS. So I got ESPN promos, not cool ads. Bummer. I actually watched the game, and wrote during the breaks.
And it was close. I was enjoying it. Halftime came along. Having stopped giving a freep about current popular music around the year 2000, I tried to tune it out and focus on my writing.
I saw Kid Rock shaking his thang, and doing a pro-USA, get-out-and-vote number… and saw a flash of the student and tank at Tienamen Square. Urk. That was gonna go over like a lead balloon here.
I went back to my notebook. Later on, I heard somebody groan and say, "That’s disgusting!" I thought, yeah, I’m not a big fan of that music either. And I kept writing.
Well, to my disappointment, my Panthers lost by a field goal in the last minute, and I was majorly bummed. Close game, but a disappointment. I decided to head back to the office and check in.
Later I learned I’d missed a meeting with the other teachers, and I apologized. My boss told me he’d been keeping track of the Superbowl himself.
"So how about that halftime show, huh?"
"Yeah," I said. "I was wondering what the Chinese thought when they flashed that student and tank shot of Tienamen Square in Kid Rock’s video."
"Huh? I meant Janet Jackson."
"Say what now?"
"Didn’t you see it?"
"See what?"
Then he took me to the computer and showed the news articles on MSN.
Yep. I had a TV over my head, a wide-screen one off on the left wall… and I missed the whole Janet Jackson/Justin Timberlake "wardrobe malfunction" thing.
And NO. I don’t want any pics to show me what I missed. 😛
ParticipantHey, GreyDeth. Glad to see you on the board. Glad you like.
Oh, and Alex? Not that it’s going to happen, but how would Monty getting some muscle wreck the story?
Strength is a VERY relative thing.
Oh, and the Mexicans are steamrolling south through Latin America, since even Amazonian muscle roasts pretty good in an uncontrolled wildfire (see the news report in Chapter 1: Whammy!)
And the reason for no nukes? El Nino would blow the fallout and radioactivity back in their faces. Does a little something called Chernobyl ring a bell?
Oh, and one question… as I post this, I noticed Chapter 1 got 630 views, Chapter 2 got 282, and Chapter 3 got 376. A big kickoff, then a dip, then a few more… any clue what’s up with that, folks?
ParticipantThat’s how I’m doing it with Power Play. I get a bare bones plot, like you just did. Then I divvy it up into chapters. I think of a neat little scene here, a neat little scene there, and find a way to connect the dots… one thing that helps is to try to imagine it on the movie screen.
I’ve got PP’s plot ready, it’s just a matter of describing it.
I look forward to seeing your finished product. Have fun with it!
ParticipantHave you tried logging in here directly?
ParticipantVery nice. Gen 13 iss goot.
Thanks for sharing.
Does anyone know the title to that particular episode in that series? Or where we can look it up?