Forum Replies Created
ParticipantIt looks like you got everything back. Great job Lingster. I checked a few threads and while images and attachments appear to have been lost, all of the discussion is still there. For the sake of preservation, that’s a win in my book. — It appears there is no way to hit enter to get a “newline” which feels weird. Curiously, this only applies to new posts. Migrated posts retained much of their formatting. — I tried using bbcode tables to format my signature but it appears the bbcode here doesn’t include table support. I’m less concerned with the bbcode than I am with “newlines”. That would be my one feature request in this new version.
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ParticipantBefore I say anything else, I must start with a heartfelt thank you to Lingster, the steadfast moderators, and the regulars that’ve never skipped a beat.
I’ve come to know so many of you over that period of decades Lingster alluded to. My life like so many others pulled me away from the regular daily participation here, but if Lingster should need to decide to shut this place down, I’m glad for the timing of me returning tonight so I could express my gratitude.
To me, it would almost seem like perfect timing if it was shut down now. A sort of closure. Around a year ago I returned here to share my story of heartbreak as I struggled to get over my relationship with a muscle girl. Honestly I’m still working through it, but am in a much better place. Talking about it here brought me a measure of comfort. I knew I was among friends.
To be clear, I don’t want Amaz0ns to close, but I won’t ask Lingster to continue funding it single handedly out of some sense of obligation. Some good suggestions were already made: Moving to a less expensive host (which apparently means migrating to different software if possible), holding a fundraiser, and having a subscription based model.
I’ll add two contingent suggestions on the chance that it must be shut down: Archive everything into something that can be downloaded, and possibly charge a fee to sell it. Get the Wayback Machine to archive the entire forum as completely as possible with multiple crawl passes to minimize data loss.
I realize the Internet isn’t permanent, but the Wayback Machine is as close as we can get.
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ParticipantI finally got around to looking up the Purple Sentinel. Once my greater question of who the Green Sentinel was finally answered above, wanting to also know who the Purple Sentinel was began slowly nagging at me.
HUGE thanks to smitty and Uzi4You for providing the initial intel. Without it, I couldn’t have ever found either answer. Since the Wikipedia article doesn’t mention that the two Teresas placed 7th and 8th respectively, in the 1995 Ms. Fitness USA, I’m still left wondering how smitty learned of it. He hasn’t replied since providing their names sometime back in 2019. I’m unsure if like Uzi4You, that smitty found the names from the Wikipedia article.
The names of the two Teresas were both added to the Wikipedia article on May 18th, 2018 by an anonymous user. Here is the before and after edit view. I’ve not viewed the edit history of a Wikipedia article in a long time. It was once common practice for mods to insist on citations for new information. No request was made here. I suspect it’s not done anymore.
I’ve been able to verify that the Purple Sentinel WAS Teresa Davis, aka Teresa Davis Summerlin. She has a complete profile including confirmation that she was the Purple Sentinel on a CBD Products website where she has a bunch of (clearly sponsored) “Testimonials”. More video “testimonials (blatant advertisements)” here. I wasn’t able to find any pictures of her in her prime, only fuzzy video and screenshots from video tape of the tv show, so if anyone can find contest or modeling pictures that’d be fantastic.
I initially mistakenly thought I had found the Purple Sentinel in Teresa LaCour Davis. Her history, age, physique (especially her arms) supported it. But Teresa Davis Summerlin’s profile showed I was mistaken.
I’m still including Teresa LaCour Davis’ information both for the interest of her discovery, and to illustrate that even with careful inspection, circumstantial evidence, and deductive reasoning, sometimes you can still be led down the wrong path and it’s always prudent to double check.
Teresa LaCour Davis (Instagram), now in her 50’s is owner of Body by T Fitness, LLC Personal Training (Linked-in) (Website). Between reading her Trainer Profile, her age, and the picture below, I was (wrongly) convinced she was the Purple Sentinel. The picture below is from about 11 years ago. I’m guesstimating based on the apparent age of her son in the photo below compared with a current picture posted 2 weeks ago wishing him a happy 17th birthday.
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ParticipantMalissa Robles
You rock! Thank you so much!
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ParticipantI can’t believe I need to ask this, but I can’t remember the name of the FBB whose face I used in my own logo. I believe her first name was Melissa. I seem to recall once reading a bio about her being a supermarket cashier. I believe her time in the limelight would’ve been somewhere between 2000 – 2012. I remember she had a great photoshoot posing at lifeguard shack straight out of Baywatch.
This is sadly the largest version of my logo I could find blown up 400% and a filter to try making it crisper. I deemphasized all but her head because this was a frankensteined morph/manip. Please, can anyone help identify her?
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phenoms.booru.orgAlso 26, 2021 at 2:50 pm in reply to: Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills #151991phenoms
ParticipantBane is correct to ask for a source. Smitty didn’t cite a source, nor does the Wikipedia article unkn0wnx linked to. However, I was able to find a photo from that time period of Teresa Fahl flexing in a green bikini that I find convincing when I compare physical attributes. The Real Estate agent photo is also her. Just compare her smiling face from now vs the older pic below. Also checkout her pec development in the current pic
As for confirming Teresa Davis, I didn’t find anything, but I’m far less motivated to look. For 27 years I’ve wanted to know who the Green Hottie… I mean Green Sentinel was, and now I finally know. Meeeeerrry Chriiiiissssmaaaasssss!!!!
Attachments:My Deviant Art Page (old stuff):
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phenoms.booru.orgAlso 8, 2021 at 10:24 am in reply to: Need “artist community” website suggestions to host artwork and stories #150271phenoms
Participant(Still NSFW)
Continued from post above…
Here are 4 other Booru websites: for SafeBooru, expect to find mature content at any Booru you visit.
My Deviant Art Page (old stuff):
phenoms.deviantart.comMy Booru Gallery (new stuff):
phenoms.booru.orgAlso 8, 2021 at 10:00 am in reply to: Need “artist community” website suggestions to host artwork and stories #150270phenoms
Participant(NSFW links contained within. You’ve been warned)
Also, allow me to introduce you to the world of Booru’s. If you’re familiar with (Internet) Rule 34 and have visited any Rule 34 website galleries, then you’ve probably already used a Booru without realizing it.
A Booru is simply a type of gallery that is strongly keyword driven which makes it very searchable, assuming the uploader bothered to tag their individual submissions with enough relevant keywords.
Most, but not all Booru’s are an absolute free-for-all of content, meaning that you should expect adult content, altered copyrighted works (by law, once altered, a new copyright is permitted for the new creation by the person that did the alteration), and stolen content.
You can begin by doing a Google search for Rule 34 gallery websites. Because there are so many, and because their content is extremely mature in nature, I won’t link directly to any of them here.
If you somehow don’t know what Rule 34 is, I’ll refer you to the “expert on all things”… the xkcd webcomic.
I have my own free Booru website. It became my solution to the very dilemma that led me to first starting this thread until I find something better. My Booru is linked to in my signature. The homepage where I signed up is: of the hosted Boorus is already dedicated to femuscle: in next post (due to forum restrictions on the maximum number of links that can be shared in a post)…
Attachments:My Deviant Art Page (old stuff):
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phenoms.booru.orgAlso 8, 2021 at 9:31 am in reply to: Need “artist community” website suggestions to host artwork and stories #150269phenoms
ParticipantSince creating this thread, I’ve discovered some new resources and remembered an old resource.
Beginning with “Diana the Valkyrie”, a very old website that’s been around since 1996 and whose design is of the same era. I don’t know if the site is still actively maintained or used, but it’s an absolute treasure trove of femuscle photos, artwork, enhancements, and discussion. Last I recall (no, I’ve not bothered to verify current statuses) DtV was a paid membership website. Free, time-limited memberships were granted to contributors. I was once a contributor. My content is still on the site, but my membership expired decades ago… seriously… decades. For any that haven’t ever heard of DtV, it’s absolutely worth a look. There were a few free galleries as last I recall. For those who remember the site and haven’t visited in ages, maybe take a trip down memory lane. You can either poke around from the top of the site, or go directly to the “Westwing” section to find the galleries. DtV gallery links are in my signature.
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phenoms.deviantart.comMy Booru Gallery (new stuff):
phenoms.booru.orgAlso -