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  • in reply to: Who is reading? #3483

    Still reading. I confess, my natural habitat is more in the erotic mind control range, but I just tend to like this kind of drawn out story where there’s an ebb and flow to the story – some good people are getting lucky breaks, some nice guys, well, sucks to be you – <G>.

    I’ve enjoyed the Marilyns Email box concept, in part because I’m a frustrated writer myself and the email box gives me a chance to write a short ‘one off’ in your universe without feeling like it has to match anyone else’s skill at writing – after all, if it sucks, I didn’t write it = Pizza Pi did – <G>.


    in reply to: Awesome FMG story at The Overflowing Bra #2815

    Good Story indeed. Purely aside from the fetish, it has good plot and characterization.


    in reply to: Marilyn’s Email Box #3394

    To: Marilyn Knewsome (marknew742@gmail.com)

    From: Pizza Pi

    Two things I need to say.

    One: I have successfully made my brothers life a sufficient hell that he has agreed to counseling with one of the therapists you gave me. He seems to mean it, and is willing to at least consider pressing charges. Talks with the police have been taken seriously, and they are considering what charges to file in the case.

    A note for those girls that think this is a male vs female issue. Both the detective and the DA I’ve talked to are female, and in addition to the rape charge serious consideration is being made for the charge of Assault with a Deadly Weapon, despite the fact that no weapon was used, for the same reason that before the changes if I hit someone without reason it was assault with a deadly weapon after I earned fourth dan – because no one could reasonably expect to stop me from killing if I so chose without deadly force. I think this is a reasonable standard for women, and girls, to be held to vis a vis men today.

    Two: Regarding Guns. Marilyn may never have been situated to appreciate the ease of which someone who feels weak can look at guns as a solution. I have been.

    There are a lot of problems with guns, but they feel very quick and easy, because you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you can kill them before they can hurt you. It’s a godlike power to hold death in your hand on a hair trigger, particularly when you feel defenseless otherwise. If you had godlike omniscience to go along with it, there would be no problem.

    Guns do not forgive mistakes. The gun doesn’t care that the guy thought he was flirting, or that the girl looked like the girl that hurt you. It only cares where the barrel was pointed and where that line ends. If I hadn’t gotten past (Been forced past really) wanting a gun and taken up martial arts, there’s at least one man who did nothing wrong that wouldn’t be alive today. Instead I broke his arm for no good reason.

    The only nice thing about breaking an arm for no reason is that you can say your sorry. That’s an option I had that a gun doesn’t give you. And it wasn’t even the only man I hurt between the period I thought I was back together and the period I was back together – just the one I hurt worst.

    The flip side of which is – I don’t know what options men have open to them now that forgive mistakes. For all the whining about how men were fine with it when they were stronger, the fact of the matter is that it wasn’t something that made women defenseless. A women with training would beat a man without training every time. It took skill, but it was a given.

    If I had no training whatsoever, and a male blackbelt challenged me right now, it wouldn’t be a contest. The strength and weight difference is so extreme that I don’t think skill, leverage, speed, all those things I learned to feel safe, aren’t things that can be done when you can only lift 25 lbs and the opponent can lift 300. There may be some kind of theoretical martial art that can balance this out, but there’s no kind of present day martial art that comes close. Some of the soft disciplines might come close, but I don’t think so.

    I don’t have a solution for anyone here, but I think we need to put real immediate thought into something that lets a man defend himself when he’s scared, and lets a woman survive it when it turns out he was mistaken – Taser, pepper spray, whatever.

    Because right now, if it comes down to letting every man on the planet have a gun so they can feel safe, and risking that women will get killed that way, I’m frankly tempted to give them the guns. Given that I might be the woman killed by mistake, I feel very motivated to coming up with something better though.

    One last thing though Bennett – you’re scared and you’ve found your solution for the moment, but you probably need to check rather than just feeling godlike.

    Can you fire a gun large enough to down a determined women with any accuracy now? I do remember thinking how powerful that beautiful five shot Kasul was in the store, until I’d nearly broke my arm target shooting. I know the policemen are going to a much lighter weapon now, because the 9mm is hard to control.

    You probably need to know.


    in reply to: Marilyn’s Email Box #3387

    To: Marilyn Knewsome

    From: Pizza Pi <an314159@anon.penet.fi>

    Been awhile since I was paranoid enough to use this account, but I have it on good authority it’s still good.

    I need help. This isn’t about me, but I need to give some context.

    Three years ago, before I was in college, I was raped, what was then called date-raped before people around here took it more seriously. The boys family was upper-class and had enough money to make the problem go ‘away’ – before it was over even my parents had pretty much disavowed me. The settlement said I couldn’t even talk to people about it. I had a lot of people turn on me that I trusted.

    My little brother wasn’t one of them – he stood by me through it all, made Dad and Mom get counseling for me by basically making their lives a living hell till they got the couseling together, and mine a hell till I took it. Got me enrolled in self-defense classes – I’m several degrees past a black belt now. Frankly, even the fact that I’m still on speaking terms with my parents is due to him.

    But I’ve been through it, and that’s why I trust my instincts when I look at the changes in his personality in the last three days – even though the changes he was chipper, happy . . . till he went out with a girl he had a crush on two days ago . . . wouldn’t tell me who. But since he came back that night he’s . . . broken inside. he’s faking it well enough, but there’s something wrong. He has bruises where they won’t show easily. Whoever did this knew exactly what they were doing.

    I tried talking to my counselar about it, and she’s blunt – she say’s it’s impossible that a women could rape a man, even now. She flat dismissed the studies that show that before the changes female on male abuse was 40% of cases – almost threw me out of her office for bringing it up. I was shocked as hell.

    He won’t talk to me about it at all either. I don’t know what to do about this. I can’t force him to go to the police, and I honestly don’t expect our parents to be of any help – they didn’t believe me even after the counselors did, I can’t imagine they’ll believe him.

    I’m furious. You couldn’t imagine someone that had this ‘coming’ less than he. I don’t know how to help him, but honest to god, if I find the girl that did this before the police do, I could kill her.

    And if you’re reading this on the list, believe me when I say I could kill you.


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