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Participantstevexyz wrote:
Here’s the link to my latest efforts:
Nice stories – thanks man!
ParticipantYay!!! More Star Stones, More Steve the Z – if we can have Amazon women take over Google so Crazyfck can write and drag Marknew out of his hole life will be Grand!!
Although as an aside, you gotta get Diana to give you an Author Page Steve. You (or maybe JPC900) have to be the most prolific author that for some reason doesn’t have a page for the entire collection.
{G} – Pug
ParticipantI hate to see Star Stones stop – It seemed to be forming up into a ‘slow but massive change’ story, which is my favorite style (My ideal stories are slow enough men are going ‘Am I going crazy or is the entire world changing for the sexier?’ during at least part of it. Gee, Me a Marknew fan?)
That bias aside, the Steve the Z stories are among my favorite ‘shorts’ in the genre – Hope you have good luck finishing some of those up.
ParticipantSadly I haven’t heard from CrzyFck since shortly after the great Google ‘Be Evil’. Mark New was working on some collaboration before Christmas (with Steve the Z IIRC) but I haven’t seen any updates from him on that other than ‘life got busy’.
So I’m, oh what’s the term . . . oh yeah, ‘useless’. Although Brawna does have an updated (and in my opinion much improved) version of “Star Stones” that’s well worth reading.
ParticipantBecause I’m anti-social and generally just check the fiction categories I wasn’t aware of this, but
If it *does* come down to setting up a text repository, I’ve done some experimentation with using a system called Tiddlywiki as an e-book system. The filles I’ve modified this way are on the computer that I’m going to rebuild when my tax refund arrives, but the version I create for my use is stored at tiddlyspot: (requires javascript; Right Column>Tiddlyspot Options> Download to download a copy for personal use. )
(Filled out version for nethack, just as a basic example of wht it can do:
I haven’t played with it for awhile, because
A) That works well enough for my needs and
B) the developer is working on an HTML5 compatible version, which would allow things like fully capable inline SVG images (and other XML) with a built in WYSIWYG et al.But it’s a great way to edit/store stories – as an example I have Marknew’s long stories in individual files with the shorter stories in one main file – I like it better than any other format I’ve stored stories in.
ParticipantAs they say on Slashdot, IANAL “I am not a Lawyer”, and to the extent my opinion *is* worth anything it’s only applicable to the United States (and to a lesser extent British Commonwealth countries)
That said, I’m an educated layman – as nearly as I can tell the lay of the land, items such as that *should* fall under a fair use/transformative work defense – The original basis is the ‘parody’ concept, but it has been expanded considerably.
Wikipedia has a good article:
ParticipantThe annoying thing is Google’s terms of service is explicit that there shouldn’t be a problem with adult writing.
“Content policies listed below play an important role in maintaining a positive experience for everyone using Google products. We need to curb abuses that threaten our ability to provide these services, and we ask that everyone abide by the policies below to help us achieve this goal.
When applying these policies, we may make exceptions based on artistic, educational, documentary, or scientific considerations or where there are other substantial benefits to the public from not taking action on the content. Be sure to check back from time to time, as these policies may change. Please also refer to Google’s Terms of Service for more information.”
Don’t publish sexually explicit images or videos, such as those with nudity or graphic sex acts. Writing about adult topics is permitted as long as they aren’t accompanied by sexually explicit images or videos, or any material that promotes or depicts unlawful or inappropriate sexual acts with children or animals. Additionally, we don’t allow content that drives traffic to commercial pornography.
Considering these policy guidelines are the actual documents the Google TOS violation cites and that I filed a complaint several days ago with no response or acknowledgement, I can’t recommend Google Docs for anyone’s use. They are all too happy to ignore their terms of service.
Sucks – the collaboration features were nice.
ParticipantMy impression is that he hasn’t abandoned the field, just expanded his creativity into broader and more technically demanding venues. Personally I only manip because I can’t write worth a damn and think He, MarkNew, Stewy and Greapos should simply be writing 24/7, but since the airborne team cleared them out of my Island Fortress/Starbucks Franchise I probably won’t be able to arrange that again until after the plastic surgery and the new ID is setup.
But rest assured compatriots . . .
it is coming . . .
Yes fetish writers, there will be no more of this foolish ‘rendering’ then, you *will* write the stories *I* want to read . . .
MUA HAH HAH HAAAAAAAAAAAA. . . damn allergies Pug
ParticipantI don’t know him well, but he’s evidently okay and still writing on occasion, albeit in less volume. I know he’s been doing manips at deviantart though (Only moderately ‘my thing’, though I am considering uploading some stuff since I had to get a membership to see his work. I tend to be more mindcontrol oriented though.), and has evidently been bit by the rendering bug of late.
ParticipantI will happily admit that I’m happy to see Plowjack, even without a mysterious image.
Even amongst your other cool stories, “Magic Ring” is a cool story. Love your writing – Pug