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  • in reply to: So…why muscles?? #5738

    To answer the original post in the thread, I’ve always been attracted to muscular, large-breasted women. I don’t want to be dominated though. I’m a tall, strong guy and I just want someone who is my physical equal, not my superior.

    Now there I have to admit to a completely opposing reaction – the whole point is to find a woman smarter, faster, stronger, and better looking than myself – get a little evolution going in the clan with kids that are (hopefully) smarter, faster, stronger, and better looking than either me *or* her – <G>

    Course, since the number of people that score better than myself on IQ tests is fairly small, and the number of people that are better looking fairly large, I’ll be perfectly happy to compromise and help someone better looking than I shore up our weaknesses for the next generation – <G>.


    in reply to: So…why muscles?? #5704

    PUG: You can’t rape the willing!

    I think that YOU would do really well with a dominatrix. There are some S&M clubs that you could check out, and a good S&M club is one where sex isn’t part of the deal (and that’s good to know…you don’t want some other dude’s STDs or something). Call around, ask for a muscular chick, and have her act out this fantasy with you. It’s probably the only place it’ll happen, at least safely, as seducing someone who REALLY doesn’t want it to begin with (as you described) either doesn’t happen or only happens under the influence of alcohol or (more common) drugs. Not a good plan.

    Probably not – I’m afraid that the fantasy of being seduced "against my will" by a beautiful woman is just that – a fantasy reaction to the fact that I’m not attractive.

    The reality is that I’m

    A) too egotistical to be willing to pay for sex. If I’m not attractive, then so be it. I’ll be damned if I’m going to be broke (by paying for sex. Worse, the illusion of sex), depressed (By having to pay for it), and still be unattractive.

    B) too stubborn for my fantasy. Domination fantasy is a fine way to enjoy myself, but the reality is I’m a militant moderate and rabid egalitarian. While it would be healthy fo whoever I might eventually get involved with to have a healthy dose of confidence and stubborness (‘cuz otherwise, I’ll roll right over her), any relationship with someone that’s trying to control me is going to be pretty doomed – <G>.

    Today’s lesson – Fantasy is fantasy, nothing more, noting less – <G>.


    in reply to: Quality Control? #5526

    As I understand it, we’re talking about a pretty young lady who’s too muscular for Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children.

    If you want to tell her that her stick figures aren’t perfection beyond Michelangelo’s Pieta, well, don’t take this the wrong way, but I think you’re on your own – we who ain’t about to die, salute you – <G>


    in reply to: So…why muscles?? #5698

    For me it’s a pretty simple fantasy that’s gotten out of hand – one of being seduced by someone attractive, rather than getting shot down by an attractive women I’m trying to hit on. Not quite a rape fantasy, but similar.

    Of course, for it to be a seduction, I have to be unwilling at first and converted to willing. I’m a physically large, reasonably strong for my size and reasonably strong willed human being, so to actually get from point a to b, I have to either imagine myself weaker than I am, or imagine that the woman is somehow stronger than I am in one way or another – my subconscious picks the latter as it happens.

    From there of course, I can branch out into all sorts of fetishes – gynoids, amazons, witches, whatever. This just happens to be one that my brain can easily enjoy – <G>.

    Well, if you skip the rather depressing fact that there seem to be very few real-life women interested in seducing me, nevermind good looking witches, amazons, or marksnew characters – <sigh>


    in reply to: Captain Victory #5397

    Don’t over-generalize – we (The FMG fanbase) don’t have a goody two shoes problem – I do. Which is fine – not all stories are written with me as the target audience. However, if someone is writing a story with the thought that "Pug (or DCmatthews) might like this" in mind, it’s worth mentioning that the ‘sociopathic evil’ style of story has avid fans, and we’re not it – <G>. Marknew stretches my appreciation of that style of story just about as far as it’s liable to stretch – <G>.

    Not being sure how many others had that problem, I advanced that as a possible theory as to why what seems to be a well-written story isn’t more popular – the mere fact that a couple people vehemently disagree means another innocent beautiful theory was mugged by a single unforgiving fact – film at ’11 – <G>

    So, by all means – enjoy – <G>

    in reply to: Captain Victory #5391

    Portions of the story were, for my taste, too brutal – my personal power exchange fantasies tend to have women who have power, and some self imposed limits. It wasn’t bad writing by any stretch, but not to my taste.

    Above and beyond that, I have a squick factor in erotica that may or may not be limited to me regarding Nazi’s. I can appreciate stories, Sci-Fi, etcetera in which they’re a factor, but there’s a piece of my brain that flat rejects the concept of Nazi’s and erotica – it doesn’t want anything to do with it when my brain is working on sexual fantasy. It’s not logical or reasonable – My brain is perfectly willing to fantasize about being interrogated by an evil woman in a tight military uniform, but as soon as that particular bit of reality touchstone is added to the mix, my brain rejects it as erotica out of hand.

    I just thought I’d tell you the two things that made it not work for me – neither of these may affect anyone else beside me – <G>


    in reply to: Pedant Changes News reports #3898

    Inquirer Exclusive


    Paul Gugly for the National Inquirer

    Sources inside the pentagon have come forward with the admission that the "Changes" brought about in the last month are the result of interference from the "Greys", a race of space alien that have an outpost on Barnards Star.

    The Aliens have traded technology to the western world for years in exchange for the use of Antartic Ice for refueling and cooling their hydrogen powered star drives, however recent changes by the Bush administration have evidently annoyed them to the point of pushing some changes into the system.

    "The little buggers have been raiding ice for years, but evidently with the temperature going up it’s just not safe in the places their used to going. They traded a mass suggestion transmitter 3000 to Bush in exchange for promises to back global warming off. They’re pretty peeved off about his ‘Blue Skies’ initiative, after backing him as much as they did."

    When asked why they waited so long to do something about it our source replied "Well, he’d have been better off not gloating about it. I guess when he went through South America last year, he had a meeting with ’em. They’re not allowed to do anything harmful to us ‘primitive’, so I guess he basically went ‘Whataya gone do about it?’ to ’em. They said some things about regime change, he threw the mst3k back at ’em, and they said it could be rendered ineffective under the right circumstances. Since tests show that it doesn’t do anything to women or men now, I’m guessing they’ve made their point."

    Surely these changes aren’t permanent? "Who knows. They can make ’em permanent if the Secretary General or three of the five permanent security council members vote for it. If they get a woman in charge of the U.S. that signs the Kyoto accords, the British usually vote the same way we do. That only leaves one vote to trade for it – and I guess the French don’t mind this at all!"

    Paul Gugly, for the National Inquirer

    in reply to: Jimmy Templeton’s Thursday Morning #3955

    Nice interlude!


    in reply to: Who is reading? #3511

    and yea, there was much rejoicing throughout the lands

    in reply to: An idea to discuss #3880

    I wouldn’t mind trying it, but considering how my attempts appear to have killed the ‘marilyns mail Box’ Thread, I’m not all that sure I ought to.


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