Teleportmorphation. (Part 1)

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  • #65551

    bravo ratlaf! great story using a cool concept. i would hope to see a series of stories(using different characters or the same ones)



    i would hope to see a series of stories(using different characters or the same ones)

    Thanks Brian!  I'm all written out at the moment, but this sounds like a perfect opportunity for a bit of FanFic based on this story.  That'd be fine by me…  ;D


    heh. well definitely glad that you think i could actually do it. lol. i've never been much of a writer( and barely and artist whenever time allows) so i'll leave the stories to you. i know they are in good hands



    Simply excellent ! i'm already enjoying the last part to come. I hope it will be as exciting as the others.
    Bravo ! Bravo ! Bravo !


    HEY!!! This story is about me!! Yay!! Heehee i love the final scene, very sexy… Mmmmmm….!!



    Several yrs back on Unzipped’s Savage Impulses forum there was a person by the nick of MrMergers that collected stories like this. One in particular he was interested in was a Star Trek one w/ a transporter accident that created a She-Hulk-like character after two ppl (Human and alien) got blended into one.

    Can’t recall the title, but I doubt it was ever finished.

    Just a passing thought, randomly generated . . . 😉 B)

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    @Trina Hmm out of curiosity, do you know where Ratlaf has gone? I just recalled him simply deactivating his account out of the blue, and well that’s where we are today.

    , hmmm I wonder if anything like that is floating around still.


    @AlexG, hmmm I wonder if anything like that is floating around still.

    Outside of maybe, possibly being saved at DtV under the misc section, I don’t have a clue as where one might even start looking. So many story archive sites, many defunct, have disappeared in the last decade or so. At one time there was the vast Robin Goodfellow archives,, the GTS Shrine, etc . . .

    BTW – Don’t know if Trina will see your question, you might try PMing her with it instead.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

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