Video Games Featuring Femuscle

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  • #140750
    Bane Dorrance

    Shadow of the Tomb Raider” – it seems the modelers forgot to add the two “B”s (boobs and butt), but remembered Lara’s biceps:

    [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]

    Are you honestly surprised by this in the world of post-GamerGate
    i.e;She-Ra for example


    GI Joe arcade from 1992. Scarlett has nice arms on one screen, but that is all there is. She looks anorexic in game play.


    GI Joe arcade from 1992. Scarlett has nice arms on one screen, but that is all there is. She looks anorexic in game play.]

    Eh…I wouldn’t say “anorexic”…let’s say that her fat & muscle are in the right place. She was some kind of pre-Lara Croft (and Mara Jade) for many. Endlessly watching a woman run from behind…those were the times.:laugh:

    Nice legs, anyway.

    Are you honestly surprised by this in the world of post-GamerGate i.e;She-Ra for example

    I don’t know about that “Gamergate” thing…but no, I’m not surprised. Anyway, something good should come out for us…and if it comes in the form of fitter chars, so be it. I prefer it to all that border-pedo stuff.

    And don’t get me started about She-Ra…I’ve already seen what we all feared: extremely butched up fanart of the char. :sick:

    Bane Dorrance

    Eh…I wouldn’t say “anorexic”…let’s say that her fat & muscle are in the right place. She was some kind of pre-Lara Croft (and Mara Jade) for many. Endlessly watching a woman run from behind…those were the times.:laugh:

    well Scarlett has never been very big &busty only in the comics
    sooooo being all hips in the 1992 video game isn’t a problem
    i mean the film live-actor is actually skinniest of all

    I don’t know about that “Gamergate” thing…but no, I’m not surprised. Anyway, something good should come out for us…and if it comes in the form of fitter chars, so be it. I prefer it to all that border-pedo stuff.
    Gamergate bros pushed against the feminists so hard that when they “shoved back ” developers are caved in to give us iconic fictional characters sans ample breasts &Butts
    no clue what border-pedo means

    And don’t get me started about She-Ra…I’ve already seen what we all feared: extremely butched up fanart of the char. :sick:

    Holy hell,… the butch fan-art is better than actual product kids are being given


    It’s like Rambo. We are going up against Cobra. Lets send in foot soldiers like Starship Troopers!
    It’s been awhile. Maybe not anorexic, but I was clearly disappointed at lack of muscle when it came out in 90’s.
    Maybe I need to start my syfy muscle women chanel, branch off into video games and all kind of goodness.

    Bane Dorrance

    i don’t know what you are going on about
    but it’s just crazy enough to work


    Lara Croft has some muscle new game shadow of the tomb raider

    Blair dame from fighting layer ex

    In the new assassin’ creed game you can choose between a male and female character. the female character has noticeably buff arms. you can sometimes see a vein running along her bicep


    Blair was the biggest surprise for me, she was never buff before, and even the new model she just looked thick from the front, then out of nowhere super muscular back.


    Always liked Blair. But then again who doesn’t like tough woman in tight leather?
    Look pretty buff right here:


    That was an unused SFV design, one thing you can count on is the SF series having great buff Women. The only thing that makes me sad is she seemed like she would have been the first huge Female character, we haven’t gotten one of those yet.

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