Video Games Featuring Femuscle

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    I've heard of a game called "Geo Strength W", but I wonder if that's only a legend

    I looked it up, apparently it was being thought up by that "Veon Prism" company, that wasn't really a company.
    Now that I think about it, I remember the guy behind Veon Prism when he first showed up at Iczerman's board…
    But anyways, I think it's something that won't happen.


    He stopped by Iczerman's and said he was currently trying to get a book published, and almost had a chance to work at Red Storm entertainment.  I don't think we will be seeing Geo Strength at all in the near future.

    drumsstick master

    in the sims 2 you could get your sims to work out. not much noticable muscle, but it is kind of cool to see a flabby woman suddenly get really buff when she comes off the machine. and they have really nice abs.


    *delurking post*

    You know, I've seen at least two other incarnations of this thread, and I am down right dissapointed that Mrs.arrow of the F-zero series has not been mentioned once.

    Her story is that she races along with her super-hero husband, lucky bastard*, to assist him. Let me just say she is well equipped to do so!

    I don't know about the arcade version but when you select her in the gamecube version she does an awesome pose. ( I used to like confirming and canceling in quick succession, resulting in a hypnotic "dance")

    Also while I can't confirm it (suck at racing games) if you beat the game with her on the hardest setting you get to see her participate in a posing contest. The kicker is she actually gets cheered, so much in fact that her husband gets into a fight with members of the sudience. – a small pic from her ending

    * his actual name is Super Arrow


    Oh man! I forgot about the second most noticabley muscled girls…thanks for reminding me!

    Fzero has some great chicks! and to further testify…

    Artwork of the female pilots of F Zero X! (the N64 game)


    Heh, kinda late to this, but one game u didnt mention was lineage 2. A 3d mmorpg which featured etherally beautiful ppl depopulating the lands of random wildlife, trolls and whatnot.  Basically it was one big painful grind fest from my time with the beta, free of course.

    Well one of the races in the game are the orcs, who are just happen to be ruggedly built, but still look like runway models to boot.
    I wouldn't ahve noticed this if i hadn't allowed my college roomies gf to make a char. on my account.  Besides making a fitness level msucle female, with great definition to boot, there were female npc orcs who were quite buff to.  I woulda made screen caps but the stupid client had issues with my campus network, oye and there tech support sux 🙄

    To make it up to ya guys i also found this artbook that caught my eye cause of the cover during this eyars I-Con at StonyBrook University
    Its called Le Romaine de la Reine a Gertruds

    Any net sleuths wanna go at to see if they can find this series? MOre pics or the game it self would be nice.


    Wel, that looks more like an artbook to me, are you sure it's a game?
    In fact, in the first image, there says "The art of ro something ichi something"
    I still can't remember all the kanas 😛


    To make it up to ya guys i also found this artbook that caught my eye cause of the cover during this eyars I-Con at StonyBrook University
    Its called Le Romaine de la Reine a Gertruds

    Dont really nkow what sorta game it is, doesnt seem like hentai, as theres no naughty bits or tentacles in teh artbook.  THough u seem to run into female denizens of the island bathing alot 😀

    Also all the females seem to have proffesions including: homeless
    But one of them is an amazoness  😎

    Anwyas heres everthing i could dig up in teh artbook including a bio, anyone care to translate?

    Any net sleuths wanna go at to see if they can find this series? MOre pics or the game it self would be nice.

    Is there an ISBN number on the book?  If not, it's probably a Doujin, or fan-made publication.  I searched a bit for "???????" which is the kana that's used at the top of the book, but didn't turn up anything.  I've never seen anything like this at any convention.  Do you remember which dealer was carrying it?


    A game called Y's VI, there is a half human half something else named Jue that is a spirit of fire.  She is sorta Muscular.


    Is there an ISBN number on the book?  If not, it's probably a Doujin, or fan-made publication.  I searched a bit for "???????" which is the kana that's used at the top of the book, but didn't turn up anything.  I've never seen anything like this at any convention.  Do you remember which dealer was carrying it?

    Oops, I had a misspelling.  Found it.  It's a PC simulation game. Here's a link to a place in Japan that sells it:

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