Video Games Featuring Femuscle

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  • #141872

    A little off topic here, but wonder why R. Mika isn’t more muscular? Even Chun Li has great legs. Shouldn’t a wrestler have more muscles? Even her trainer seem more muscular than her.

    Bane Dorrance

    A little off topic here, but wonder why R. Mika isn’t more muscular? Even Chun Li has great legs. Shouldn’t a wrestler have more muscles? Even her trainer seem more muscular than her.

    Nah,..I’m absolutely certain this is the right thread .
    As you mentioned in the 2 posts above…R.Mika &Blair Dame should have Muscles
    Granted the unused SFV design for Blair is never going to see the screen thanks to trolls aka gamer culture ,i.e; 4chan/reddit/gamergate,etc.etc.
    basically CHYNA level muscle-bound women isn’t going to happen because of mainstream mentality
    even the gays attempting to become women talk trash bout a fictional character’s physique being manly&what-not
    Thus only ppl on the same wavelength as us are the lesbians,….BUT also millennial dykes just gave us Netflix She-Ra


    Sigh. Don’t remind me that. New She-ra gives me nightmares. It’s like a boy in a wig.
    Yes and she looks lovely (what an ass?).

    Nick Furry

    In the GI joe cartoon. Scarlet, lady j, and Barnoness. All had a very fit woman look. Very solid and athletic look. Heck, barnoness had her own 100% lady army. Inside of the cobra organization.

    You forgot the other side of gamer gate was. That 90+% of all game programmers were men. That got all the left woman really fired up also.

    Anyone got links to lady j, scarlet, and barnoness fan art were they have real muscles?

    [quote=”oriander2000″ post=133694]
    Eh…I wouldn’t say “anorexic”…let’s say that her fat & muscle are in the right place. She was some kind of pre-Lara Croft (and Mara Jade) for many. Endlessly watching a woman run from behind…those were the times.:laugh:

    well Scarlett has never been very big &busty only in the comics
    sooooo being all hips in the 1992 video game isn’t a problem
    i mean the film live-actor is actually skinniest of all

    I don’t know about that “Gamergate” thing…but no, I’m not surprised. Anyway, something good should come out for us…and if it comes in the form of fitter chars, so be it. I prefer it to all that border-pedo stuff.
    Gamergate bros pushed against the feminists so hard that when they “shoved back ” developers are caved in to give us iconic fictional characters sans ample breasts &Butts
    no clue what border-pedo means

    And don’t get me started about She-Ra…I’ve already seen what we all feared: extremely butched up fanart of the char. :sick:

    Holy hell,… the butch fan-art is better than actual product kids are being given

    Bane Dorrance

    In the GI joe cartoon. Scarlet, lady j, and Barnoness. All had a very fit woman look. Very solid and athletic look. Heck, barnoness had her own 100% lady army. Inside of the cobra organization.
    You forgot the other side of gamer gate was. That 90+% of all game programmers were men. That got all the left woman really fired up also.
    Anyone got links to lady j, scarlet, and barnoness fan art were they have real muscles?

    yeah,..I guess they were athletic by standards for the 80s i.e; Jamie lee Curtis in Perfect

    nope I didn’t forget because that isn’t what happened ,..Some Lois Lane wannabe did a blog article about female developers with a feminist Slant because you know ,…something,something..GirlPower….something,something…lndependent
    Gamergate bros did what all trolls do no matter the subject topic =lose their minds
    and then media reported on this like it’s news which made it grow bigger than it should have been

    pretty much all over DA Virtual wellspring of g.i.joe fan fiction art


    For those who missed it ;-), here 2 new teaser of VR -Amazons, game muscle work at it’s best:


    The mobile Dragon Ball game Legends finally added Kale and Caulifa. Kale has her Berserk form, and you can catch a glimpse of her in Caulifa’s info with her regular Super Saiyan form. I actually prefer the latter, sure she’s bigger in Berserk, but all my brain sees is Broly with breasts.


    The mobile Dragon Ball game Legends finally added Kale and Caulifa. Kale has her Berserk form, and you can catch a glimpse of her in Caulifa’s info with her regular Super Saiyan form. I actually prefer the latter, sure she’s bigger in Berserk, but all my brain sees is Broly with breasts.

    They probably took Broly’s image and then change the face and add boobs.

    Bane Dorrance

    [quote=”shinmiroku” post=135447]The mobile Dragon Ball game Legends finally added Kale and Caulifa. Kale has her Berserk form, and you can catch a glimpse of her in Caulifa’s info with her regular Super Saiyan form. I actually prefer the latter, sure she’s bigger in Berserk, but all my brain sees is Broly with breasts.

    They probably took Broly’s image and then change the face and add boobs.[/quote]

    ya’ll hush yo mouths !! Finally give a f— about DragonBall Z again
    I am “Stanning” these two

    Not to be CONFUSED WITH “Shipping ”


    I applaud Akira Toriyama or whoever is doing it now for adding Saiyan women. For too long it’s always men vs men and never any women worth of dirt or any muscles.

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