Video Games Featuring Femuscle

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  • #143025

    In the division 2 odessa swayer is a character you meet in one of your first missions. She appears around 26:20 and seems buff. If you want to avoid any spoilers ignore the video.

    I don’t have any pictures or names but it seems like several female NPCs in assassin’s creed odyessy have muscle.

    In mortal combat 11 Sonya seems to have a little muscle now


    I honestly wasn’t going to mention Sonya even if she is voice by Rhonda Rousey now. Then I saw this on serveral video thumbnails and couldn’t tell if it was real or not. I hedged my bets. She has more visible abs in the picture below. This is the only image i could find that we clean.


    Bane Dorrance

    I don’t have any pictures or names but it seems like several female NPCs in assassin’s creed odyessy have muscle.

    someone else has already beat you to it in an earlier thread
    use the search feature


    Beside my first post about Kassandra and the short conversation about that nothing about assassin’s creed odyssey pops up in a search. This was about characters you meet in game. I try not to go into detail for spoiler reason at least beyond what a YouTube thumbnail ad title can spoil. So if I stepped on someone’s toes I apologize.

    Bane Dorrance

    So if I stepped on someone’s toes I apologize.

    you didn’t step on any toes
    merely telling you about it


    I don’t know if anyone is interested in Jump force but you can create your own character. I know it’s much but female characters have a little bit of muscle in there arms. It’s not much but more than i thought from a game like this. I put a video down below and I think picking your “Class” may affect how big you can make a character too.


    I aimed to step on toes!
    Don’t ask me how I find this one. There is a game called Boobs ’em up on steam. It is free to play, it is about naked prostitutes fighting. There is a DLC for a FBB that cost 0.99 called Gladys, probably refer to Gladys Portugues.
    Yeah. What the hell?
    Anyway I have not played it but it cost less than a drink. I might get it just to see what its like. Yeah how can naked prostitute fighting gone wrong?


    Boobs ’em up update. I did not even buy the DLC. After installation I played for around five minutes. It looks good but the game play is crap. I am so glad its free. I uninstalled it.


    Borderlands 3 was officially announced today. It appears the new siren vault hunter is a muscular women with arms and abs on display. Here is the trailer and you see he several time.

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