Video Games Featuring Femuscle

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    On the subject of MMORPGs, most of the female models in World of Warcraft (except the undead) are  buff.  You can strip your characters down to their skivies and make them pose using the "/strong" emote.  The orcs are probably my fave as they 1) have the nicest proportions, and 2) have one of my favorite poses;  too bad about the face.

    In King of Fighters 2001, when May Lee switches to her "Hero Stance" she gets a superhero physique.  Her winning portrait, unfortunately, does not show her with any type of muscles at all.

    As far as that Geo Strength W game and Veon Prism goes, if it is the same guy I am thinking about, the game will NEVER, EVER get made.  I think his name is Imari, and … damn he is an interesting fellow to say the least.


    Vanessa Lewis is the best muscle woman in video games. It's a bummer she can't flex in the game. 😥


    Well Van is the best of today. Back in the day, Rila and Angela had her beat. ^_^


    Heh, kinda late to this, but one game u didnt mention was lineage 2. A 3d mmorpg which featured etherally beautiful ppl depopulating the lands of random wildlife, trolls and whatnot.  Basically it was one big painful grind fest from my time with the beta, free of course.

    Well one of the races in the game are the orcs, who are just happen to be ruggedly built, but still look like runway models to boot.
    I wouldn't ahve noticed this if i hadn't allowed my college roomies gf to make a char. on my account.  Besides making a fitness level msucle female, with great definition to boot, there were female npc orcs who were quite buff to.  I woulda made screen caps but the stupid client had issues with my campus network, oye and there tech support sux 🙄

    To make it up to ya guys i also found this artbook that caught my eye cause of the cover during this eyars I-Con at StonyBrook University
    Its called Le Romaine de la Reine a Gertruds

    Now that I think about it…the art looks Tenchi' ish…


    So im guessin theres no way to buy a copy of Le Romaine de la Reine a Gertruds if ur outside japan i suppose


    Hello everyone! Sorry it took me so loong to join Transvigor hehe. But to the point. Actually there is game called Lineage 2 which has some nice muscle chicks. Female Orc Fighter is quite ripped and buff.


    Welcome, TigerSan!

    Glad you're back!  😀


    Eric F., EnhanceMan


    Oh WOW!!! What a sexy Orc woman. Hmmm…  :?she has pointy ears. That does add some appeal. 😀


    Hey, Tigersan
    Do you have that game?
    Cause i remember there were some pretty buff female npc orcs in town.

    Care to take a screen grab of those?


    Between current days of work, have been spending time with Zeekman, the keeper of the where I's doth now stay and the one who had to be helped from New Orleans after Katrina's Wrath, and he hast been showing many old games that do contain female muscle.

    Spellcaster 101 is an old DOS game that contains a part with many muscular women, portrayed in static but well rendered imagary.
    Here is a link to the game and a sample that Zeekman did provide to I.
    He says that once the game has start, you are to type in the command "naughty" into the interface for certain pictures to reveal themselves.

    He also showed that Capcom had many muscular women in their old arcade games. These include some enemies from Captain Commando and the Thief character from their 2nd Dungeons & Dragons arcade game.
    I's found a drawing of her many months ago and did not realise whom it was until Zeekman did show I the game.
    Here is the work in question, the Thief character is just as toned in the game.

    There are some more games that Zeekman mentioned but I's shall have to consult with him as to their titles and post back later.

    The Pimp NeonBlack

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