Video Games Featuring Femuscle

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    I dont think anybody mentioned Sheeva from Mortal Kombat 3…

    Also, theres a rare arcade game called Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder, which features both a decent "fitness-looking" centaur, and a ridiculously buff amazon boss. Unfortunately I couldnt find many good images of the game… at least nothing that showcases either character well.


    I dont think anybody mentioned Sheeva from Mortal Kombat 3…

    Oh HELL yeah.

    A lot of folks think I'm a dork for liking such an relatively unpopular character, but…

    Tell me that ain't damn sexy, extra limbs or otherwise.

    …I'm just pissed they killed her off in Kano's Deception backstory…

    Amazon Lover

    Yeah, she's hot, but villainy turns me off…  However, it seems that she's good friends with one of Amaz0ns' hottest muscle-girls:

    Makes ya' wonder if they were college buds at "Cancrush U"… heh heh!


    Holy hell… That's awesome.  I didn't know Dr. Otto ever did anything with Sheeva before.

    I think his coolness-factor just went up a couple dozen points for that.

    ze fly

    Yeah, she's hot, but villainy turns me off…  However, it seems that she's good friends with one of Amaz0ns' hottest muscle-girls:

    I had totally forgotten this one. Geez, that was soooo long ago… Nostalgia, nostalgia 😥


    Oh yeah….who couldnt forget her. lol.


    Yeah, she's hot, but villainy turns me off… 

    She ain't actually a villainess, she was just deceived by Shao Kahn.
    He told her that he would help the race of the Shokan (four-armed giants) against their mortal enemies, the raceof Centaurs.
    Obviously, and as every villiain who is fond to be it, he had no intention of fulfill his promise, and even helped the centaurs.
    Nobody finished the game with her?


    She ain't actually a villainess, she was just deceived by Shao Kahn.
    He told her that he would help the race of the Shokan (four-armed giants) against their mortal enemies, the raceof Centaurs.
    Obviously, and as every villiain who is fond to be it, he had no intention of fulfill his promise, and even helped the centaurs.
    Nobody finished the game with her?

    I did.  Of course.


    Just found this thread so sorry for joining the discussion so late.

    Here are some the video games featuring femuscle that that haven't been mentioned yet.

    1. Tobal No. 1, a 3D fighting game for the PS1, had a 6"2 308 lb Russian Pro-Wrestler named Mary Ivonskaya. She was very thick looking, but feminine and had some great power moves like lifting her opponent up into the air, grabbing them by the ankles and swinging their whole body into the ground faced first. There was also a sequel, called Tobal No. 2 funnily enough, that was never released in the US, which also featured Mary. Interestingly, there's supposed to be a cheat which lets you turn Mary (or any character) into a giantess. Check out this link It's a pity this franchise didn't make it to the PS2 as it would have been great to see a more highly-detailed version of this character. By the way both work great on epsxe if you can find the ROMs anywhere.

    2. There was this arcade arm-wrestling simulator around in the early ninties that had a female bodybuilder, who I remember being fairly hot, as the first contestant. I think it was called Arm Champs II.

    3. Golden Axe 2 isn't just worth checking out for the Amazon boss, but there is also a female centaur to choose as one of the characters. The human part is quite muscular and she does a bicep flex in the selection screen. Again, there are emulators available to let you give it a try if you can track down the ROM.

    Sadly, this all I can think of because quite frankly there isn't that much femuscle in the gaming area. What I think is going to have to happen is for us to get hold of a decent customisable game engine and write our own damn female muscle game.


    Good news for Sheeva fans, like me…

    MK: Armageddon, the seventh Mortal Kombat game, and last one for the current run of consoles, will have ALL of the previous fighters from the games – a total run of over 60 characters, plus will have a Create-a-Kombatant mode where you can design your own fighter, all using the same 3-d fighting engine from Deadly Alliance and Deception…

    In the words of Shao Kahn…

    [glow=red,2,300]FLAWLESS VICTORY![/glow]

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