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  • in reply to: How Many of YOU Are Muscular? #8865

    Sorry. I didn't mean to say that you were flamming. What I meant was that maybe the elements you quoted in your previous post could be edited or deleted altogther so that they don't create their own seperate continuation or extraneous explanations.

    Before any restriction of activities for members that may have arose due to posts on the board, a private warning from the moderators or deletion of the entire thread might have been more prudent and might have resolved issues before the flames spread.


    in reply to: How Many of YOU Are Muscular? #8863

    Post was deleted. I suggest, that to stop the flame war from continuing, you could also erase the elements that you've quoted from that posting.

    P.S. Saying "You're a great woman." is not sexist. You also don't have the context of the statement.  lol. I guess If I say to a woman, you're hair looks really nice today, that I'm a male shovenist pig and liable for a lawsuit? lol

    Also, Ironpumping panda. is this strawberry?

    in reply to: Perhaps its time.. #9283

    Come on now. Even I may have been a somewhat forward in a previous post in regards to strawberry, but she's certainly not a loser.

    in reply to: How Many of YOU Are Muscular? #8845

    Wow. I knew you'd respond like that. LOL. You're always on the defensive aren't you? Never fallible or accountable. Hey if it works for you, live with it but you buck reality at times.

    However, obviously, judging by other people's responses to you on the board, you DO say things that warrant a negative response but you fall back to the position  "I didn’t actually do anything to warrant this kind of response" in some form or another. Also, while the thread began with a simple question, which you say you can't be at fault for presenting, (which is true) some of the comments you made following people's responses moved out that position entirely.


    "If I were saying “Hey, fatty fat fat fat, why don’t you lose weight, you tub of lard? I lost it, you should, too,” then I can understand why they would be mad.

    and then…..

    Strawberry Riddick…“Hey, look, you can either be mad at how you look or you can fix it. Working out doesn’t take a year out of your life, it’s only 30 minutes a day…20 if you really are constrained. You can wake up 20 minutes earlier, go to bed 20 minutes later, or do it during your lunch break. You can even do it when you’re trying to unwind. Too tired? You’ll always feel better and more energized after a workout, so don’t give me that excuse. So, it comes down to you either make time, or you stop complaining.” 

    Wow.. thats tactful!! LOL  I don't know about you, but I haven't really heard anyone on here complain about how they looked, they've expressed the DESIRE to look better, but those are different things. You may not say the words fatty fat, but we all know how you've lost weight in your training by following a similar regimen and rephrasing it here, telling people what they can do to lose weight (we all know what we should we do, give us a little more credit) is akin to the "I lost it, you should too" connotation.  lol In the end, it sounds more like a lecture rather then sage advice.

    Another  "But no one stops to think that maybe I’m telling them that because I care about their health." Thanks for you concern, but I, and probably others, didn't ask it for it. There are a lot of people who "care" about our health, but they care so much and remind us so much about it, it becomes annoying after a while. They're called social crusaders.  There comes a point, that comes with greater maturity,(sorry if I keep stressing that, but as someone who was once exactly like you, I know where it came from)  when you learn to just butt out of other people's personal lifestyles unless they are expressely close to you or if they adversely effect you directly.

    Well, anyway, those are my last two cents. I'm sure that you'll cling on to the last and find some way, some sliver of justifying your actions that will once again leave you infallibe and faultless. If you do, beware, "It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you're a fool, then to open it up and prove them right."

    As for you contributing to the board, in some ways (even now) you offer a new perspective and actually help to stimulate discussion of various issues be it art, training, or even threads such as this. Sometimes it's postive, sometimes its negative, but its always interesting.
    You've got a great website, interesting art, and you are an inspiration for many people in many ways.  I respect the fact that you're going to serve your country and safeguard not only it, but all those whom we shield from atrocity.


    in reply to: How Many of YOU Are Muscular? #8840

    If people become self-conscious just because I ask about what they look like, then maybe they should change their body type if a simple question throws them into a self-hating tizzy.

    This is an example of tact where you failed in using it. Instead of coming to a middle ground, you fail to empathize that maybe some people may not have the time or the ability to change their body structures as easily as you. You respond that if YOU ask them a question, maybe THEY should change if something offends them. While useful at times, this is not always the proper attitude to have and you could have a litte bit more empathy for people who may not be as fortunate as you to have your lifestyle due to different demands in their life. This is what I mean by your youth and somewhat of a "cocky" attitude. 

    I think its great that you're on here and that you add a lot to the community. The people here have supported your development and offered tremendous encouragement on your transformation. I think that a little bit more sensitivity to their own needs might be in order.

    Also, thank you for your comments.
    As for everyone else, I agree with the Pimp, you're all beautiful just the way you are.


    in reply to: How Many of YOU Are Muscular? #8833

    Wow, interesting topic. I'm a buff guy. Who like Strawberry, worked immensely to lose extra poundage. If that helps anyone. I work out 4 times a week, work 40 hours 8-5 and am extremely active.

    On another note, the only problem with being totally honest, is that you have to utilize TACT in order to not offend anyone.  Being BRUTALLY honest, and believe me I've been there as I'm sure some of you have witnessed, WILL make your Karma rating go down if it's given too frequently. And yes, it DOES come across as judgemental after a while.  But in the end, you're what, 21? You're an attractive woman, of course, and I'm sure at your age that you still have this feeling of being invulnerable from the outside world as we all once thought at that age. No problem there. I'm sure that your stint in the Marines and in the years following, your openess with being brutally honest will wane as you learn to empathize with some people because you've begun to share similar experiences. You'll learn that the demands of life will make it much much more difficult to simply change things around midstream and the old adage, "easier said then done" and "dont judge a man until you walk a mile in his shoes" will enter your vocabulary.

    Last night I had the pleasure of attending a nice dinner with a young woman who did a stint in the army, 6 months in Iraq after the initial invasion, and returned home after being seriously hit by a roadside bomb. She was still incredibly fit after a long road to recovery and she noted that after her experiences there a lot of the cockiness, (I do think you have a tinge of cockiness there in my opinion Strawberry)  and the brutal honesty and judgements she gave others, derived from youth, had completely changed. In the end, she told me that she finally grew up. Very interesting to meet a woman like that.

    Semper Fi

    in reply to: Power Princess-the growth #7275

    Ok, thanks for your input KtM, but I actually am not a fan of height growth at all, like I said in another section of this forum, being short enhances the fact that they have so much muscle and strength, so I like to keep them short in my stories. As for the age issue, I knew some would have a problem with it, so thats why I put the disclaimer out front of it, because its not for everyone, so if you did read the disclaimer and still read the story and complain later even after reading the disclaimer, then you shouldn’t have read the story, period. Averageguy, just because you feel something is wrong and disgusting, doesn’t make it bad, just read the story thinking the girl is 18+, read the writing of the story without the prejudice because the main character happens to be 14. But now I know, I will keep my other stories above the age limit.

    Read the story up until I saw age 14 and then posted. I personally don’t think they should be written. Thats just my opinion and I’ll express it with the same rights that you have in writing your story. Of course, I’m beginning to wonder about some of the writers who have a fixation concerning younger people, especially when you consider all the stuff floating around the news these days. In the end, I’m glad I don’t have children.

    If people get offended by my point of view, can’t help you. Time to make a stand somewhere. If you don’t like getting ostracized, tough luck.

    in reply to: Great new story on Diana’s site: "Willpower" #6630

    I happen to be a big fan of GBM’s stories, as my group Female Power Stories are usually the first people that are able to read them, I guess the only problem I find with them is making little kids into sort of sex objects, sensualizing them too much, but I am a firm believer that any person of any age could be used in muscle growth, but the writing has to be careful, if the character is under the legal limit, but as far as description and size, none is better than GBM.

    Come on.. most of us are here because we have fetish for muscular women, a fetish is tied to an object of sexual arosal

    , i.e. growth, children shouldn’t be subject to it if they’re underage no matter how carefully its written. We all know what this sight is about, don’t try and kid yourself.

    in reply to: Power Princess-the growth #7273

    Me neither. Quit with the teen crap. Its disgusting.

    in reply to: Great new story on Diana’s site: "Willpower" #6623

    [quote="mvdr"]I agree with Herbert. I started to read this because of some the content of GBM’s past stories. A disturbing trend of his though, has been to make the growth more and more ridiculous, and the girls younger and younger. Honestly, when he announces "six year old sister" shouldn’t we all just hit the back button? I did.

    This was my exact reaction – when I saw 3’6" tall, I skimmed ahead and confirmed my suspiscions at which point I stopped reading. Occasionally I might overlook a girl being underage but 6? Come on.

    Really, these days you honestly don’t want to be writing with children of that age.[/quote]

    I agree, stories like that are disgusting.

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